Friday, December 16, 2011


It's been few years since the media is been talking about Airport Security control at check points with Total Body Scans as being dangerous posing a threat to human health due to concerns to radiation exposure. And they were right. First of all there was never a measured rational to Scan any human body on any International Airport for security purposes. They never had one to prove that such and such the Country to be under National Threat. The only reason such machines were posted inside the Airports were with the only intent to kill in masses. From reliable sources such Total Body Scanning machines use Radon to kill the human living tissue. With other words it's a WAR Weapon.. First it was thought to be Roentgen but it is not, it is Radon. Radon is an element that once it penetrates the human flesh it kills the living tissues and body cells on contact. After only one exposure in a few years Cancer can be apparent, and it is untreatable. This form of Cancer is called Cancer of the Blood developing as a result of impaired vascular and lymphatic circulation that in time eventually it forms cysts and tumors. The human heart is also under threat, weakening its muscle and contraction. With other words the heart muscle is dying out. And this is what we call Myocardial Infarct. The Airport Security in charge of such machines is laying to the public informing the public that the Scans have Infrared visibility to see inside the human body, when in fact Radon has no visibility and is used mostly in Weapons to kill during War. For every body's understanding the Radon is one of the few elements that kills all living things. It's a WAR WEAPON. It has no radiation properties like Roentgen for instance which irradiates the body for about five years after only one exposure. Radon burns the living tissue on contact. I personally felt the exposure during my last trip to Europe at the Seatack Airport from Washington State. The Scanning machines for British Airway and Air France check points looked grotesquely made of hard metal all the way through back and front that once activated a noise is heard slightly lower then an MRI or a CT-Scan. When the machine is activated it starts to vibrate and shake, and when the emission is activated it penetrates the body causing real physical with muscle, bone, and nerve pain interrupting breathing and consciousness for a moment. Most pain was felt over the chest area. After I exited the machine I felt no physical pain thereafter. Radon kills without knowing it. The Security check point from Seatack made me go through the Scanner twice, due to luggage rules. The second time I went through the Scanner there was some audible vibration from the magnet but no pain or penetration in my human body felt. This made me conclude that the intensity of such x-rays with Radon is monitored and adjusted at the enemy's wish with the aid of hidden cameras to identify as who we are. Basically the Scanning machines from Seatack Airport are magnetic with Radon rays with intent to kill the living tissue on contact. It has no Infrared capabilities. Let me mention the following to the Airport Security from Washington State: If your machine was invented to detect human implants in your paranoia that such implants might be a National Threat, then why didn't you stop me after the Scanning, you Pricks, because I carry in my pelvic cavity a watch similar to a Pacemaker, implanted by my enemies during childbirth twenty years ago? Aaa, that is not considered a National Threat or your machine does not have Infrared visibility? You organized War Criminals with Weapons to kill, mass murderers with secret Weapons...How did you take over the International Airport that is under the control of the Army like all Airports from all over the world. What were you afraid, of Arab Terrorists with bombs in their Guts and under the skin per your say to the American public...? Under who's permission did you take over the International Airport making a point of travel a killing machine? This is War Weapon and not ensuring public's safety. The real enemy does not travel by plane but by water or land, and secretly, and not with a stupid implant to blow up my plane or Country. I rather be blown up by a bomb then be murdered of Cancer with a secret Weapon. Now I leave it up the the public worldwide to decide who the real enemy is, and who is organized in crimes... you fucked up Pricks. Who enters any USA International Airport leaves with Cancer regardless of Nationality, Social Class, Race, Title, Age, Government Employee, or if you served in the Military. My children who are in their early 20's will die of Cancer, young... you fucked up Nazi WAR, occupants with an economy by murder of masses. And let me inform the public and the Army that such Scanning machine is called "The Shish". And the inventor was and still is the Nazi Jew, killing all travelers within the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, and to the Arabic countries. I have a message for the Nazi Jew: If you don't leave the States with your crowed of occupants...I hope they understood how WAR criminals are executed. Historically speaking no one ever won over any Country with Weaponry. One Scanner to be left in any Airport... when I find you, and I will, you will be executed by being dissolved. Such an easy death for the enemy! So, take off...........Nazi Jew full of sheet...worm on the Planet Earth...The more you are, the easier it is to find you, Nazi Jew. I have you all on one UFO, and when it executes, you all gonna die, disappear. Puff... and it's over with the Nazi Jew. How stupid is the Jew, not even now it knows what's ahead of them...! And for your own stupid Jew mind, the UFO is as big as the Planet Earth. We keep you a little bit longer for information. ....Sish! And one more thing, the Atoms have a plan for the Jew too, a big one! They got mad because the Jew Mind took over their State, and so do I. Pricks....THIS IS WAR!