ADJUCATIVE SERVICE UNIT ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.O. BOX 47879 ) BELLEVUE, WA 98006
OLYMPIA, WA 98504 )
) Case nr; M2008-117402
1).In this declaration I want to address the issue with HPV diagnosis and treatment of my daughter XXXXX. Doctor D from GHC carries no fault in treating such condition. It was Harborview’s fault.
2).After long research I learned that my daughter had only what is called yeast infection, that required treatment with antibiotics or a special diet.
3).My mistake was when I took my child to Harborview and followed with their plan, more specifically when they decided to perform a cervical colposcopy to cauterize (burn) a portion of her cervical tissue. Big mistake!
4). She did not have any growth or lesions; she only had a change in color of the cervix.
5).My question is how did Harborview know that such portion of the cervix was HPV, and without performing any biopsy prior? What strands did they remove?
6).During the procedure I was present in the operating room, and observed the entire intervention, expressing some concerns about the staff not performing proper sterilization technique.
7).Again cauterization is performed only when in the presence of a lesion or growth. She had no such thing. More than that how does a doctor know when to remove a lesion or a growth?
8).Another problem I want to address is; how does a pap smear identify the presence of HPV without specifying which strand it is? There are 100 known strands from which 37 cause cervical cancer, and from these only two cause genital warts. More specifically the Pap smear resumes to identifying only few of the strands.
9). A genital wart is apparent during an examination, and she was never found to have a lesion or a growth by GHC. Never the less her pap smear with GHC came back negative for genital warts. In fact I was told by her Nurse Practitioner (employee of GHC at that time) that her flora was found to be changed due to the presence of yeast infection. As a result she was treated with antibiotics.
10).Because my daughter was concerned she might have cervical cancer from HPV, I took her for a second opinion at Harborview. There, the gynecologist decided to burn a portion of her cervix. The gynecologist performed the procedure before having the confirmation with a biopsy. Again she never had a lesion or a growth. She only had a change in color of a portion of the cervix which was pink whitish in color, patchy in appearance. Apparently the doctor was burning the tissue portion infected with yeast infection or a fungus. Take a look at what the encyclopedia had to say: “Warts can sometimes be identified because they show up as white when acetic acid is applied, but this method is not recommended on the vulva because microtrauma and inflammation can also show up as acetowhite”.My question is what was the Harborview doctor doing with the acetic acid on the cervix?
11).In conclusion the medical field is either into trouble or hiding from us valuable information to make us understand what’s going on with our health. My child was a little over 14 years old at that time, and had no sex life.
12). See attached a copy of the article I posted on the Internet on HPV. If the drug companies developed the HPV vaccine with intent to kill the virus with a protein, I might remind them that the protein is also a fungus. When reading about the ingredients of the vaccine Gardasil it is also included “yeast protein”. Big mistake to inject a fungus into a muscle tissue! Instead, the treatment should be done in the gut because that’s where all the digestion takes place. All foods we eat are perfect funguses. Likely she was never vaccinated. She was only anemic. Her immune system was low. She had Endometriosis and Menorrhagia due to being infected with yeast infection.
13).The only thing I can tell to the reputable Merck Pharmaceutical Company and to all, is that they are not allowed to alter nature. And I tell this in confidence. What’s HPV doing with genital warts? This is a sexually transmitted disease, not HPV! The Papilloma virus is either yes or not contagious. Papiloma is a virus with two strands and that’s it. And these are the genital warts. The rest is fungus.
The one hundred strands of the HPV are the mutations of the virus or its matrix! The matrix is its fungus. The truth is we will never be able to treat it because we still have a problem with the fungi, and… nutrition! The cervical muscle is one of the strongest muscles in the human body. It is full with fibers. When they die it is because of untreated prolonged fungal infection, and they appear whitish in color. The H Pillory virus is also a fungal infection, yet the drug companies treats us with antibiotics and not antifungalsPapilloma virus are strictly problems of the skin and not of the internal organs. The skin is a complicated organ because of so many oil glands especially in that area. More or so the lymph nodes...Initially it must’ve been a problem with a virulent bacteria when contracting Papilloma that developed into genital warts. It must have had something to do with the skin matrix or structure of the skin for developing only in that area and with the medium as being humid, in women I mean. For mails I believe they have a totally different skin matrix then that of females. They have a thicker skin. And they are borne with it. Thus this virulent bacteria work best on the matrix of the skin tissue.
The DNA of all bacteria is in fact the actual viruses. A virus cannot exist by itself without a host. How do they feed themselves? The fungi are the medium for all bacteria to grow. What are fungi? They are all over the place on all organic matter. The fungi are in fact the toxins the bacteria produce from their waist products. The waist products are the lactic acid. And the bacteria work on the matrix of the fungus. The staff bacteria are the best example of toxin producers.
Bacteria are the nucleus; The DNA is the virus: And the toxins are the gases. All this combined makes fungi. Fungi cannot exist without a nucleus. Bacteria cannot be seen under a microscope with the naked eye. If seen, is not a bacteria but an organism. It’s too tiny.
The reason we get ill is not because of the bacteria, it is because the fungi has lost its bacteria. This time the fungi function with their own nucleus producing mold that are called yeasts. Mold plays a role in decomposition or inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms. Thus the mold is fungi without the bacteria.
In the world of science the only way to treat problems with fungi is with another fungus; Except we don’t know how to create the perfect fungus. As we say “fungus eats fungus”. However fungi that are infecting us are the yeasts. When we eat we don’t eat the bacteria, we eat the fungus. The bacteria have done its job. I noticed that most of our foods is synthetically produced disturbing our normal flora. And lots of it is produced with yeast. Normally the best food that would restore our health would be to eat and produce food the old fashion way. No antibiotic would treat problems with fungi infections except in emergencies. Best would be to learn what we eat from what is available on the market. Maybe we can improve the production of milk products as a cure to fungus infections.
I don’t know pharmacy but most of the population in now days is on protein medications such as birth control pills or drugs for diabetes. These alter the normal chemistry of the body predisposing them to fungal infections that the body is unable to respond such us developing fever. We have urinary tract infections, yet no signs of fever. We should return to the original form of developing good antibiotics. Have we forgotten that antibiotics are to be given in a capsule form and not as a tablet…? What is that Levaquin? Is it Diflucan? I just want to remind them that antifungal antibiotics are dangerous, as such it slows metabolism and it impairs blood circulation. Big mistake to all drug companies! We want bacteria with a nucleus, and more histamine in all drugs, so we can cope with our social problem! What is that a hormone? Haven’t we gotten enough from the market? The problem is that we have too many fungi working in our bodies, when we should have one… in our gut. Yes the staff bacteria are healthier because they break up the fungus. That’s why we develop fever, to break up the fungus! And one more thing: maybe after all it’s not the laboratory’s fault, but of that of the fungus! They say the bacteria don’t grow any more on blood cultures. Only fungi do. So did HPV. Therefore HPV is a fungus. How do we treat it? With balanced nutrition! Sulfa antibiotic used to be a very good drug to brake off the fungus. Best would be to make it with emanated fumes that passes whole through the got. That’s why I cannot forgive the psychiatry of Navos and their atomic agency for trying to murder me with their Invega shots that was a fungus grown from a protozoa. They did that after they cleaned me out with few capsules, to make sure it lived inside of me, so they can live without me. I killed the bastard after I got my period again. I finally got hold of their chemistry with a simple yeast infection. Out from America with their Haldol, another protozoa drug! They used the protozoa to produce the strongest fungus. And they proclaim to be in business to treat problems of the mind with a fungus or a protein.
15).Enough was said. I am aware that the Biotechnology Companies use the atom to develop around its synthetic antibiotics and drugs. They all are nuclear, because that’s how a fungus is produced. I may add that a fungus is a balloon with a specific matrix of tiny fibers. When we ingest a drug or multiple drugs including antibiotics, we ingest many atoms that form many funguses (balloons) in our body. Our muscles are the most affected.
This is a national epidemic. I am not gonna tell the drug companies how they should make our medications, I was only concerned of protecting my patients as a health care professional, myself, and my family. It’s hard to do medicine when our chemistry turns atomic. And the population is been sicker than ever with this kind of pharmacy, and suffered a lot more. One thing I cannot forgive or let it pass is when the pharmacy developed psychiatric drugs around the atom with hormones and lack of substance. It is this that I cannot forgive: the lack of substance or the intent to make us suffer and turn ugly, in addition to the Invega and the Haldol.
16).To close my argument, it is not the body’s job to synthesize the right chemistry but of the digestive system. That’s why we end up ill since young because we are treated with fungus drugs that hold the plasma. The bacteria are live microorganisms that without them all living things would perish. The fungus is its web. Nutrition as opposed to all drugs is all balanced.
17).And to Harborview: “Big mistake to burn a tissue infected with yeast infection”. Shame on you! One of you to ever touch my family again medically or with your filthy psychiatry…!
18).All this information came from personal research and common knowledge.
19).And one more message to the atomic agencies of the USA. You gentlemen not only destroyed our own chemistry in our groceries and with your pharmacy but you also held our own information. Our chemistry from the market is disastrous, it’s ugly and sterile. It’s full with funguses. From now I’ll put you in the grocery business to revise every single chemical formula of every product there is. More than that, I encourage you to lower the prices on all groceries. It is not the food prices that dictate the economy of our state or the migration, and neither the gasoline prices. It is the job market. The food and gasoline are the treasure of the nation and not privately owned or in competition with other markets. The medicine we have today is under your control as well. It’s criminal. I wrote this just in case you were interested in reading my affidavits addressed to the Department of Health. Somebody seems to stick their nose where is none of their business. This time I make you my own business. I speak in the name of the poor and the ill. You sell us cheap for a big price. I heard that at the Center of Information the robots dressed the economy robot in panties. Is this the robot Harborview was talking about…the one without a head?! Or was it their robot...? Next time please feed the masses as you feed the elite, with the essence and substance.
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