P.O. BOX 47879 ) BELLEVUE, WA 98006
OLYMPIA, WA 98504 )
) Case nr: M2008-117402
1).In the beginning of this statement I would like to introduce few issues with the conclusive argument that the Department is in the possession of a record that has entirely no bases to solely support the allegations against the Respondent. The record was incomplete such as: the progress notes of the nurses are missing, the record with the vital signs is missing, and also a complete medication and treatment records are missing as well. These records have not been evaluated or reviewed by the Department, which is key information to all my symptoms. I must underline that the reason for going voluntarily to Harborview ER was abdominal physical pain. However the admitting staff made it once again psychiatric, copying diagnosis of that of thought disorders from the old inconclusive County record. And that was the diagnosis of the Harborview hospital and of the psychiatrist Croicu.
The records present disorganized, inquorate, and not signed by the mentioned doctors. Before I enter into more details of the record, I want to comment that the entire record was conceived thoughtfully with deceptive statements, records consolidated by two licensed doctors: Daniel Krashin, Carmen Croicu, and by the MHP. If you look at Exhibit D page 1 of 13 Discharge Summary/ Visit Information, the Hospital affirms that the admission date was on 05-11-2010, 5MB and transferred date from 5MB took place on 05-19-2010 to 5WB. This was either an error or a planned lie. According to the two Doctors, I was there for eight days because in reality after I gave a sample of blood and was run a bag of IV of Saline, I was transferred into a secluded room in the ER Psychiatry Department where I was interviewed by a Mental Health Specialist, and then I was transferred directly to 5WB Psychiatry 5th floor. The Mental Health Specialist took notes in hand writing, and gave him very little information, telling him I was in pain, and complained it was three o’clock am. I checked in at the Emergency Room in the evening, and was transferred to 5WB after supper the next day, and not eight days later. If the Physician was Dr Krashin, then how could he evaluate both medical and psychiatric problems?!!! He was not my psychiatrist, and never shared anything with him other than medical symptom, except for overdosing on Neurontin. The only comment I made was to the Mental Health Specialist about being in a state of emergency, who was debating with me whether I should be transferred to Navos or remain at Harborview. This gentleman was John Bibble. I responded, for safety purposes and physiological symptoms, I should remain in the care of a Medical Hospital. I assume Dr Krashin was my attending ER physician, and not the ER psychiatrist. I don’t know the ER physician by his name, I am not in the possession of any medical records or that a medical evaluation took place in the ER, and I don’t believe it exists. I don’t have the records. Apparently there must’ve been some confusion, possibly with another patient. I went to Harborview ER many times, but never to this one. Now few words to the attending ER physician. I never stated to have the desire to be treated for cancer at Swedish hospital because in my purse I always carry my POLST or end life decisions. But I definitely wanted to have my excruciating pain taken care of, which the ER physician neglectfully refused to evaluate further. I just want to add to the Department, that since I was served with the letter of notification of possible suspension of my nursing license from 2009, very dangerous things unleashed affecting my health. I hope you have an understanding on how negative information is perceived, and how it affects the human emotion.
3). In spite of the fact that I am an educated person, psychiatry had only deceptive things to say about me. I say one thing, and they twist the truth, or simply write down their minds
and personal believes. They intentionally quote false statements to diagnosis me with
thought disorder to fit in the budget program of the Medicare and that of the County, record, more than that, to destroy me emotionally and professionally. They knew I was a nurse, yet they described me in the records as a nurse’s aide, and that I have a work history as such. I am aware that such information and documentations of those in whose care I was came from the documented records of the County. Everybody that treats me refers to such record, without getting to know me personally or evaluate me psychologically. Having problems can affect us in many different ways, but it did not destroy my thought processes. It can be overwhelming at times when dealing with so many problems, in my case manifesting with severe stress and depression with anxiety.
4). I have never made statements like: “Atomic Agencies,“ my body is “atomic” or I had a problem with a “robot.” These were their words and problems. Looks like they are experts in this field, and were very preoccupied with such issues. I was preoccupied with my physical health and my response to my problem with my license. My abdomen was much distended. However from reading the records I got the impression that such statements were written by a programmed machine, otherwise the psychiatric staff must have been the experts in atoms and robots. I am not, and never introduced such statements to any of the MHP staff. I never met with such individuals. The records ‘been recorded probably after I was discharged from the hospital. I’d like to know who Molly McNamara is from Exibit 30. I never met her. Plus in a psychiatric unit ER Department all notes are taken in hand writing, not typed. I’d like to see the original records, if there are any. All records are required by law to be taken at the bed side in hand writing while in direct contact with the patient.
Thus I conclude that only a part of the hand written records were presented to the
Department and therefor to me, and none of them support such dangerous descriptions.
What were they thinking, they wanted me to change my specialty….?! Or they wanted to make me become an expert like they are…with an information that has no practical usage or value…! However such dictated records disappointed me a great deal because it was typed with intent to discredit me by means of a disabling diagnosis and more than that professionally. The record is full of malicious lies. This is illegal within the discipline. I may remind all doctors and psychiatrists about the oath they took before practicing.
There was no excuse, regardless of what the causes might have been the hospital should’ve focused on the actual physical pain and its underlying problems in order to get the condition under control. Are there any medical records (not psychiatric) that medically cleared me for this hospitalization…? I strongly recommend the Department to bring this into the consideration as well. If they don’t exist, then the entire case should be re-examined.
Sincerely it’s impossible to remember every detail of my discussion with the doctors, but
it’s easy for me to recognize when something is not coming from me. The Department and all hospitals should know such electronic information is sensitive data, that when referring to it, would only perpetuate the problem. This prevents the medical community to look at the patient or client from a different perspective, or simply to take charge of the new situation without being biased. That angers me and worries me a lot because it’s self-revealing from the way the hospital doctors approaches me every time I go for care. Just look at the chief complaint… it was physical pain, not thought processes problems. And even if there were problems with Schizophrenia, then how in the world the hospital psychiatry department would fix that… or anyone? Schizophrenia is a very serious diagnosis and it is given based on one evaluation and not on many because it’s an incurable condition. A schizophrenic patient does not know how to write, nor is in contact with reality or has any logical connection between words. A… psychosis yes, it is predominant among all ages but it does not make them schizophrenics. Who knows how many cases have been overlooked for medical problems. As a nurse, I don’t evaluate Schizophrenia in my patients, I look for medical problems, and always.
6). I may add that some statements the hospital made, were as a result of the hate they hold against me, personally and professionally. To Harborview I was one of the many cases of medical negligence confirmed as well by so many of my former patients.
Harborview has a long history in medical errors and negligence that I personally know.
7). And now few words to those persons that followed all my medical and psychiatric records. I am fully aware that such people altered and modified my psychiatric records with deceit and lies. The County record (that is pretty much written by the same network of people) is inquorate and malicious. How do they know I was a seamstress in Romania when in fact I told the Americans something else. Where did they get the information I am a Nurse’s aide, when they all knew I was an LPN. Haven’t I went through College while in their care for RN and LPN? When the Psychiatry described me, it was with the intent to discredit my good name and professional credits, more or so to make me look something not worthy, or to fit into the criteria of failure, or that of a typical psychiatric patient.
Haven’t you noticed the ignorance and professional hate they held against me in all
respects? Had any of them had anything to say that was human about me...? All records
were written out of spite.
8). In this paragraph I would like to introduce the following. When I went to Harborviw ER I went voluntarily when I volunteered the information in regards to overdosing on
Neurontin, secondary to uncontrolled physical pain. Prior hospitalization Navos outpatient care put me on 600mg Neurontin three times a day for months. That was a very large dosage. I got the impression that the ER physician was a student, and was inexperienced when he administered me 750ml of IV saline, not even 1000ml. My abdomen was overly distended when he opted not to evaluate. He stated that a basic blood sample was conclusive enough to rule out emergent care. And for this, they charged about 4000.00 dollars per visit. So after no assessment other than a blood draw, he transferred me to the psychiatry emergency unit. There I was evaluated by a MHP, and was told that I will be detained in the psych unit. Now my question is why detained and not voluntarily hospitalized because I never resisted or be opposed to such decision. Why is the psychiatry doing it just to me?! And when I saw with what records the staff came up with, made me conclude that such hospital is indeed a fraud. I have no further comments at this time. You be the judge.
9). Now about Harborview record. This Hospital never weighs the psychiatric patient. When they put me on Zyprexa I already had 154lbs and they knew it’s a hormone that adds excessive weight. I am only 5.6 height and I was above the normal weight. And they put me on a large dosage of Zyprexa, 10 or 15mgs or even more. I don’t know how much weight I gained, I just remember I had to buy new cloths after I left the Hospital. Zyprexa in the past gave me frequent episodes of Hypoglycemia and obesity up to 195lbs. My Hgb A1c was borderline with having Diabetes. This drug relieves some of the pain while on it, but it is potentially a dangerous drug metabolically. Diabetes is a serious illness and very costly, especially when you have to eat more. What’s interesting, the faster you gain the weight, same you lose it, and vice versa. But due to being on psychiatric drugs I can’t lose more than 153lbs, and I barely eat anything. Zyprexa was prescribed by Dr Croicu. This drug is given to us as food, and they know it. It’s a food drug. I currently am on it on it at my choice.
Zyprexa of high milligrams costs about $2000.00 a month supply. Thanks a lot for a misery pension state County. I may introduce to the Department of Health that the state County has intentionally miscalculated my disability pension, so I would end up homeless. The County pays me by about $500.00 less every month, and it controls every medical record to such extend I wouldn’t be properly cared for within the medical community. More specifically, when initially the County Mental Health made me eligible for disability, it was under a diagnosis code of that of a psychiatric diagnosis as such condition to be fully covered by the medical insurance, and none for medical conditions. Four years later this remains true, this time making Medicare pay only 80% of my medical bills part B. Everything above $600.00 had to go for medical bills. I may introduce here that this is the SSI programs, and not the SDI or citizens who had work history. To be qualified under the DSHS coverage I would have to mitt a spend down, where everything above $600.00 would have to go in deductibles for medical bills. That’s how much money the state allowed me to live on, or someone who had work history. Therefor according to the state County Mental Health a psychiatric condition is more important than our physical health, and that is why it is overlooked. However when the psychiatry treats us, it is chemically and not mentally, with other words physically. To be more specific, it treats the body and not the mind.
The psychiatrist Croicu also introduced Depakote 500mg three times a day, and it was given to me by sorted colors by the clock: One was white, other pale green, and another pink reddish. The red ones I knew because I took it in the past, and the ones from Harborview made me sick and weak like before. And one more thing about Depakote: This drug is full with Plutonium after dissolving it in a glass of water. Navos’s Depakote is the same as well. Feel free to take a sample of the 500mg red tablet or short acting that it dissolves between two to four days in a glass of water. The long acting it dissolves in a few minutes. And that’s a fact. And one more fact, the current psychiatric pharmacy that we have in place lacks substance.
When I told the psychiatrist Croicu I felt physically ill, she did not do anything to check for something potentially of concern.
She never gave me an abdominal x-ray but only a chest x-ray. You may ask to view it. I
Remember being in bed in a sitting position when the x-ray technician took a picture of my lungs. When I complained about dark stool and severe constipation no nurse checked it out or see it, and I had to fight with the nurses to give me an enema. It’s amazing how organized the staff are in fabricating records.
Medically specking Dr Croicu has no professional credentials to diagnose or treat medical problems. These are done by physicians and specialists. If I had concerns of black stool than why hasn’t she sent a specimen to the lab. To say that I had somatic delusions and was paranoid about my physical health, that implies nothing, other than turning my medical issues to psychiatry. This is illegal. When they described me in the medical records, they described me as somebody who knows nothing about medicine, and as an indigene. I don’t want to comment anything about how cancer is detected and diagnosed; I was concerned that I could’ve had infection in my blood, and a toxic colon.
10). Here are more facts about the Neurontin. Dr Croicu documents as overdosing on
Neurontin prior to admission, yet she continues with Neurontin 300mg three times daily. The only thing that saved my life during the entire hospital stay was when she administered me about three of 1000ml of NS IV fluids because according to her she wanted to treat my low blood pressure of 70/40, sometimes lower. Another thing that saved my life was drinking plenty of fluids and eating, an intake that was closely monitored by the nursing staff. Except my kidneys weren’t functioning very well, retaining water, and stopped concentrating urine evidenced by being diluted.
Neurontin is not the same drug from many years ago, it is a dangerous drug and very toxic because it deposits in the muscle tissues. It contains lots of cyanide.
This drug cannot be measured in bloods chemistry. My blood pressure was consistent with 70/40, yet, no nurse or doctor ever recorded such reading in my medical record. Dr Croicu was very prompt to inform the Court Judge about being concerned as having a BP of 70/40 at the time of the final hearing. I hope such hearing was recorded. I was so weak that I was eating lying down in bed, I could not walk. During the hospitalization Dr Croicu’s main focus was to diagnose me psychiatrically, and criticize me that I did not participate in her milieu. At the final hearing Dr Croicu proposed the Judge to send me to Western State because I was homeless and indigene, and my blood pressure was consistent with 70/40. I defended myself I would go to see my outpatient physician. My lawyer commented that he noticed in one of the progress notes that the nurse documented that I was Alert and Oriented X 3. Therefore I was in touch with reality, but according to Dr Croicu I had problems with thinking. So the Judge let me go. I may remind you that any diagnosis of cognitive function is always given after a psychological evaluation and not in conjunction with a vague temporary symptom of inability to cope, or based on the personal believes of the psychiatric staff, more or so when the patient is toxic.
I and Dr Croicu and her team had very little interaction, and my main complaint was about physical symptoms and not psychiatric. Our conversations were somehow contradictory, diagnosing me as not only with Schizophrenia but Bipolar too. Probably they interpreted my conflict with the staff as mania, but nothing was said about being depressed. How can you be schizophrenic and have Bipolar too? More than that she mentioned in the record that I refused to see her in her office in order to properly evaluate me. In the end I ask if Harborview ever cleared me medically and how.
11). Another problem was with the record with suicide history. It is inquorate. I have no marks on my wrist. I never overdosed myself on aspirin twice. It was only once in 2006. Why did Dr Croicu run a lab on aspirin overdose. Aspirin cannot be detected in the blood or plasma. You check the pH by measuring the blood gases. It is measured with a needle puncture in the artery. And the Salicylate is never absorbed from the GI tract into the blood stream. I personally forgive her as a person, but professionally no, she is not a good psychiatrist and neither a doctor. In medicine it takes a lot more than just prescribing a drug, you need to have good ethics, knowledge base, be well informed, and keep up with the research and most of all “FIRST DO NO HARM.” As far as Dr Krashin, I don’t know who he is, I never met him or was under his care, unless he was the young, handsome student from the ER that treated me just with an IV saline and refused to “Euthanize” me. It was amazing how all those lab tests they all came back normal, while having a blood pressure of 70/40, and once even lower. And Depakote is a drug that is most toxic as well. With other words the hospital continued further to make me toxic.
12). In conclusion my diagnosis with Harborview was toxicity. The psychiatric pharmacy can confirm that. I was poisoned. I did not have a thought disorder. And by the way, I was the one who first requested the IV fluids. My only mistake was when I volunteered to request Neurontin prescription during my last hospitalization with Navos sometimes in November of 2009. However the Navos psychiatrist documented it was prescribed for Schizophrenia and not for pain as I requested it. How more dangerous can it gets, you end up in the ER toxic and leave with a diagnosis of thought disorders, while the state County criticizes with all its related psychiatric staff the recipient as being noncompliant. Just review my pharmacy record and see how toxic is its chemistry under the psychiatry. In conclusion I ask the Department to look in the record for the objective data. What was my diagnosis?!
13). Overall, Psychiatry had their way with me. I took their toxic drugs under Court orders and without. I conformed with the law, but I paid the price with my emotions and physical health. Harborview Psychiatry knew my psychiatric record was under investigation by the Department of Health, and knew I was a nurse, yet they were giving me thought disorders as diagnosis, and mania because I engaged in conflict with the staff about poor care and lack of knowledge in the medical field from their part.
14). To me, medicine and nursing is my passion. Without passion I would walk away from the entire nursing profession. But psychiatry is not my passion, it is medicine. It was the psychiatry who pushed me away from practicing nursing further. Psychiatry would be working very well if all would be following the law, be honest, and be aware of the current psychiatric pharmacology, which in my own experience is almost, all toxic and poison. This is the biggest problem within the FDA Department. Please take a Depakote sample dissolve it and then smell it, but I don’t recommend to ingest it. And this is the red pink tablet, the short acting that dissolves between two to four days. Why they made Depakote this way, I would like to know. When they measure its blood level, what do they exactly measure in its chemistry?! But what it does to the intestines and the muscles is the biggest of concern, I am not mentioning what it does to the blood. After I dissolved the Depakote in a glass of water I immersed a peace of fresh bloody chicken meet in it. It all turned white but preserved, and the fume smell remained for three months after words, if not indefinitely. No blood was in it, and no bacteria grew at room temperature. And the fuminogen properties had the same potency as when it was initially dissolved. Once, the Depakote dissolved in my stomach and stopped taking it. After that I drank lots of Cola and the fumes from its content remained evidenced with burping even after a month. Maybe we should introduce in our laboratory to detect for Titanium and Plutonium as well. Thus I conclude that the Depakote is not only a chemical but also a drug gas. It has no medicinal properties. That is when I started to develop digestive problems… since I was forced to take the Depakote.
15). I only have five years of chemistry from elementary to high school, and a course in
college of general chemistry. But the internet is so good…. it keeps us smart and well informed of what’s happening in this world. Research is my passion, and I enjoy thinking, but I dislike being the Guiney pig, and being murdered. Initially I wanted to be a research nurse, but it doesn’t matter because if you have the passion for what you do, you can make a difference from every field, if not more. I guess that’s why I retired at only 45.
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