Serios, care-i valoarea Romaniei, si pe cit e viata. A conduce-ti Tara cu o Statie pe Programe? Da oamenii unde ne sint, ma refer la cetatenii Romani? Care-i opinia lor, si care le este problema la nivel de Tara si personala. Toti Inventatorii, si Instalatorii de canalizare in casele Romane cu apa din pamint sa vina sa le scoate si sa le inlocuiasca cu apa din natura, nu cu cea otravita pe o pompa. Apa de bucatarie e plina de sulf, pucioasa si cianida s-au verde de paris, stiu ei mai bine chimia de razboi chimica. Asta-i arma chimica inventatorule om de stiinta de origine straina. Si mai dam si bani pe apa potabila care-i tot din sursa de apa de sub pamint sau fintini. Ne costa apa, si apa de la sate era cea mai pura, proaspata, si cea mai sanatoasa pina ne-au bagat canalizare in casa. Alkalina e cu Clorina nu cu Sulf si Cianida si multe altele. Acum e apa cea mai otravita si imputita. Sub ordinul cui a-ti fost sa "modernizati" Romania? I-mi bag Radarul pe Pamint si tot va gasesc, ucigasilor de mase de oameni! Si Contuarul din casele Romane jos cu ele ca consuma cel mai mult curent electric. Da ca l-ai conectat cu reteaua dupa strada cu cablurile, nu mai vorbesc ca e tot de furt financiar la nivel de Tara. Da la Blocuri cum i-i furi? Tot de retea i-i conectezi strainilor cu Banca Romana? I-ti poti imagina ditamai Voltul sa fie masurat pe un cadran electronic digital!? Pai care-i mai puternic pulsul sau Voltul? Da de unde stii de puls, ce tu l-ai facut omule de stiinta?!! Pulsul e lumina, nu volt sau electric. Cum i-ti masoara lumina voltajul?!!! Nu cumva ai si celular pe Contuar? Ce timpit esti tu hotule si grotesc numai spun! Dar acelea digitale nu mai merg? De ce le-ati scos, nu va ieseau banii in Banca? Nici o problema ca nu sinte-ti singurii hoti, sint in toate tarile ca v-ati unit toti pe aceiasi inventie, si adevarul este ca curentul electric la retea nu poate fi masurat ca consum. Toata reteaua e pe un puls nu alternata, si nu pulsatii cum i-l faci tu la Contuar de inregistrat consumul din casa omului. Din cauza contuarelor reteaua este supra incarcata ca sa masori tu voltajul, creind scurt circuite si descarcari de-mi baga un volt pe cablu de sen-virte contuarul de-ti sta mintea in loc. Si asta ca sa-l masori tu la metru. Si mai e si prostul de televizorul si asta plin de volti cind defapt trebuia sa fie pe fotografica. Alternatorul e la Hidrocentrala, nu pe retea sau in casele noastre. Ce-ati facut ne-ati conectat telefonul rezidential de Contuarul electric? What the hell... V-a bag Radarul pe Pamint pina v-a lua-ti inventia de pe teritoriul Romaniei, si mai stiti voi de unde. What the hell, mi-ai facut casa Centru de Informatii...V-am dat ultimatumul. Afara cu strainii hoti organizati. Ma pis pe ocupatia pe patru roti cu tehnologii hackere cu care ne-ati furat Piata cu munca. Ce timpita e democratia...Ma strainilor ca nationalitate voi va luati dupa Americani? Pai aia sint cei mai timpiti oameni la inventii. Cerul e supraincarcat de electricitate, si ei se bucura ca sint milionari cu banca. Si inca ceva, cita electricitate se pierde pe retea, la asta nu v-ati gindit savigilor? Ce prost e omul de stiinta...
And that's valid for you USA Department of Energy as well. You must act in the best interest of the public, and with truthful science. The electricity can not be measured as public consume in our homes, technicaly speaking. More or so you can not measure the Volt with light. You all, united allover the world in one invention to make the electricity consume from the public sector an expense, drop it because in reality it should be free because it doesn't consume anything, so all drop it. The Energy Consumption is the biggest Bank in all Countries, money that no one takes credit for publically speaking. No, the Department of Energy is not in the private sector with a privilage to a Bank Account in business to make a profit. These money bellong to the Treajury to raise the standard of living for the working class, and not to suport the cable man with a salary. They are paid from a different account. My question is where all this money go? You must be having a problem understanding what the Treajury means. It's a Bank with unlimited funds. I wrote this to emphasise worldwide that the public electrical consume can not be measured by means of technology.There is an Alternator at the Central Station which is a modulator sending electricity over one pulse over all electrical cables in the entire City. And you lie to the consumer that light from a digital screen registeres by measuring the volt?! This is the most grotesc hacker technology ever invented, and is equiped with cellular watches too. Not to mention how much electricity is lost through the electrical cables...griddy as you are. How many bulb lights do we need to burn to keep up an electrical network?! Did you make the Energy Industry the source to the Center of Information...etc... Do you have a Central Watch for all the Energy Consuption? I think is called a Bank Account that no one knows where it goes. These are billion of dollars I am talking about, anually. This account is not to support you as a business to read my pannel watch, but to raise the standard of living of the working class, and of the unemployed. Electricity does not consume, it's free, and when my electrical wire gets broken in my home, you the electrical man charge me a fee to fix it. Roads and bridges don't come from bills paid by the working class. The working class works to secure a living, present and future for themselves, not anyone's Business. Are you out of your mind Americans and all alike?! Bills, Bills, Bills, monthly and anually. What a joker is Democracy in Capitalism. A system of secured multimilionair thiefs. That's right, it's you man with technology invention. And how is the technology, that's how dumb is your head in science. Progress meant you to be millionairs. How the crazy is the electrical company with watches...Hey science man, the electrical wires are overloaded with electricity because you give it measured. The crazy is the electrical company with watches, and the TV sets run on volts.Tell me how much does a Hospital pay you for electricity, how much is the electrical bill? Sacks now Junky Science electrical man with all the working class who work for a pension not higher then $2500.00 a month.
How much more do we have to pay on an Electrical Network? One for the cable TV, one for the Computer, One for the residental Telephone, one for the cellular, and one big one to the Electrical Company... and now we have to pay for the water too! Any more in businesses, any new inventions for a monthly bill? Shame on all of you! The pulse that you measure is the light pulse not the volt or the electricity.
Posted by Jenelia Radacina International Reporter
And that's valid for you USA Department of Energy as well. You must act in the best interest of the public, and with truthful science. The electricity can not be measured as public consume in our homes, technicaly speaking. More or so you can not measure the Volt with light. You all, united allover the world in one invention to make the electricity consume from the public sector an expense, drop it because in reality it should be free because it doesn't consume anything, so all drop it. The Energy Consumption is the biggest Bank in all Countries, money that no one takes credit for publically speaking. No, the Department of Energy is not in the private sector with a privilage to a Bank Account in business to make a profit. These money bellong to the Treajury to raise the standard of living for the working class, and not to suport the cable man with a salary. They are paid from a different account. My question is where all this money go? You must be having a problem understanding what the Treajury means. It's a Bank with unlimited funds. I wrote this to emphasise worldwide that the public electrical consume can not be measured by means of technology.There is an Alternator at the Central Station which is a modulator sending electricity over one pulse over all electrical cables in the entire City. And you lie to the consumer that light from a digital screen registeres by measuring the volt?! This is the most grotesc hacker technology ever invented, and is equiped with cellular watches too. Not to mention how much electricity is lost through the electrical cables...griddy as you are. How many bulb lights do we need to burn to keep up an electrical network?! Did you make the Energy Industry the source to the Center of Information...etc... Do you have a Central Watch for all the Energy Consuption? I think is called a Bank Account that no one knows where it goes. These are billion of dollars I am talking about, anually. This account is not to support you as a business to read my pannel watch, but to raise the standard of living of the working class, and of the unemployed. Electricity does not consume, it's free, and when my electrical wire gets broken in my home, you the electrical man charge me a fee to fix it. Roads and bridges don't come from bills paid by the working class. The working class works to secure a living, present and future for themselves, not anyone's Business. Are you out of your mind Americans and all alike?! Bills, Bills, Bills, monthly and anually. What a joker is Democracy in Capitalism. A system of secured multimilionair thiefs. That's right, it's you man with technology invention. And how is the technology, that's how dumb is your head in science. Progress meant you to be millionairs. How the crazy is the electrical company with watches...Hey science man, the electrical wires are overloaded with electricity because you give it measured. The crazy is the electrical company with watches, and the TV sets run on volts.Tell me how much does a Hospital pay you for electricity, how much is the electrical bill? Sacks now Junky Science electrical man with all the working class who work for a pension not higher then $2500.00 a month.
How much more do we have to pay on an Electrical Network? One for the cable TV, one for the Computer, One for the residental Telephone, one for the cellular, and one big one to the Electrical Company... and now we have to pay for the water too! Any more in businesses, any new inventions for a monthly bill? Shame on all of you! The pulse that you measure is the light pulse not the volt or the electricity.
Posted by Jenelia Radacina International Reporter
Mai bine va faceati banca cu bani si ieseati din ocupatie. Ma prostilor cum sa masurati voi electricitatea care este electronul? Ma tu masori electronul ca volt? Sa vedeti cita purecii are televizorul... cit gindacii de mari. Ni s-a ridicat tensiunea cu atita voltaj pe retea. I-ti dai seama ce inseamna un contuar? Scurgere de retea in casele noastre... da cite sa mai tinem aprinse! Ma voi sinteti Centrul de Informatie astia cu contuarele? Sa schimbati tot la comanda. Ce-i cu debandada asta pe politica? Si ai dracului se mai si filmeaza de la Rusi pe Translator in limba Romana. Du-te dracului cu guvernul vostru ca sinteti toti niste pureci, si paduchii sintem noi. Sa ne scoateti dupa contuare la comanda, si platile lunare cu abonamente la TV, Computere, telefoane, etc...ce vi le mai platim cind platim la contuare Compania Electrica. May bine lor decit lor pe contuare. Alerta Internationala! Al dracu televizor are doua cabluri la prize: unul cu electricitatea sa se aprinda, si un cablu care cica e antena dar care e conectat tot de reteaua electrica cu 60 de Amperi pe ea, cica. O fi cu telefonul conectata. Cadranul electronic al contuarului functioneaza pe o baterie de contact. Problema este ca pulsul pe retea este intotdeauna constant, iar casele nu au alternator sa controleze pulsurile, deci sa-l masoare. Ce sa mai discutam avem casa Centru de Informatii... mai rau ca-n Statele Unite.
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