A group of former Communists, women by gender, conduct business and represents the State Government of the Psychiatry from the State o Washington. Currently such group is being internationally targeted with WAR crimes These group of women are former Communist from Russia, and belong to a secret organization. It was determined that such elite group of women work with secret information, traders by origin. Such group declared to be the enemy of the Romanian nationality citizens in Washington State. They developed a chemical pharmaceutical weapon that they administer to their patients. One of them is an injected once monthly named Invega. Such chemical is only given under a Court Order of the State Psychiatry. In its composition it was found to be a melted microchip immersed in melted Mercury all white in color in appearance. It was also loaded with a strong alcohol leaving you with a taste in the mouth just like rubbing alcohol. This microchip is similar with the one that the Veterinarians inject in cats and dogs. They have also added a chemical Weapon or that of a protozoa, this being the strongest fungus. Such injection is only administered to those that the State Psychiatry hates the most. And that is the Romanian nationality. From this fact it was found out that the enemy of the Romanian immigrant in the USA it is also the enemy of the Romanian country. These organized women that have direct relationship with the American public are of one rase, and they are the former Communists with direct connection to the Communists from Eastern Europe. Their history is much longer. It's a group I mai say that doesn't like to work for a living but likes to rule with power. They like to work with secret information worldwide. They are the traders of Romania in the State of Washington. More then that they are in business to kill the population with a malicious psychiatric record, and with a pharmaceutical weapon, such as Invega. That's right, the psychiatry of the State of Washington is represented by the former Communists from Eastern Europe mostly from the Russian Block. Rusa is their name or Jidanca by nationality or rase. The Jidanca Communist ordered me Invega under a Court Order with one of theirs. She is the employee of Navos Hospital. Another affiliates of their organization is Jeniffer Monch, Peggy Wuest and Paul Grill. They all are Balshoy Jidan. And there is another one. It's name is Joan Zantac. She is their boss, and part of the same organization by of origin conducting social work to the poor and the unemployable or to the mentally ill which is the indigen population.
Another chemical pharmaceutical weapon is the drug Depakote. In it is a substance that emits a smell with a very foul odor. This drug when dissolved in a glass of water the raw chicken meat in it became preserved for three months and never lost its substance or effect. It completely destroyed the blood. This Depakote Navos administer through their own pharmacy is nuclear in substance. Even the gasses from the septic tank is not as powerful as this drug or odor.
Who are they? They are the Communists in business to commit organized crimes, and murder masses of population. These communists women came over the territory of Romania and reinvented themselves to be the Department of Health of Romania or the top Government of the Romanian medicine. As I said they like to rule, and overpower. Romania is a rich country that the Bolshoi had an eye for it for a long time. They know who they, are and so do we. These Russ Communists came over the territory of Romania and invented a new medicine such as in the private sector. More then that the Government, which is them, challenged the Romanian population in their own country with a system similar to that from the USA or of the Social Security. The average income of a Romanian citizen is less then $300.00 Euro dollar monthly. In medicine in this country nothing is free. A 5mg of Zyprexa costs $100.00. In USA it costs around $700.00.
All from the Psychiatry of the State of Washington particularly Navos need to turn themselves in to the local authorities, and to drop their power. They are accused of contemplating organized crimes, and killing the population, or causing intentional harm to masses of people.They are accused of Genocide, and abuse of power. It is the same organized group that came over the teritory of Romania, and challenged the Romanian population with the same failed system as that of the State of Washington or of the Social Security programs. They are the Department of Health of Romania now. With other words they wanted Romania as a country, and with what? -With Genocide of the Romanian population allover the world. From reliable sources, the NFL which are a group of men that builts Psychotronic Stations in the USA made the Invega injection to killl me. during child birth of my second child and Cesarian the ginecologyst at the reqwest of a Rusa Communist, female by gender, implanted a microchip as big as a heand watch over the filopian tube that revealed in the CT-scan. This was done on october the 17th of 1989, and ever since, I developed all problems, and constant physical body pain, loosing everything that was most precious to me. When I confrunted Navos psychiatry about the implant, they diagnosed me as having immaginary pain, and being psychotic or delusional, with other words my believe system was unreal, or my believe was based on something it did not exist, when in fact I saw it during surgery, but was unable to act due to being anesthetise. The woman that came into the opperating room of Highline Hospital looked like a Communist Jidana Rus of origin from Eastern Block. On the table she had about six implants on a peace of paper, and was bargening with the gynecologist which one to implant.
There is a big problem in the Washington State. Whoever ends under the psychiatry as desabled is homeless. The Traphic Police should never turn in any citizen to the Emergency Psychiatric Hospitals particularly the Romanien immigrants because they are the enemies of the Romaniens and of the Romanian as a Country. By profession I am one of the best Nurses in the USA, and the only Romanien with a Psychiatric record, at least I was, because it was the Psychiatry that took my Nursing license away so I won't practice, and be homeless, stilling my disability pension by half. I wrote this so all the Police to know that a psychiatric record means a case to be turned to the Emergency Medicine to treat physical pain and other physical problems. That night when the Traphic Police turned me to the Urgency Harborview Psychiatry Hospital it was because I was homeless for a week, living in my car without any sleep. No I did not violate any traphic signs, I only got lost, as many exits were closed during night time, and the State was in a State of Emergency, and we know why. But I was very well with my physical health until I was sent to Navos psychiatry for two months, and injected me with Invega against my will, and then sent me home with a Least Restrictive Order for another three months to continue to murder me with the injectable Invega, which is a chemical and psychotronic weapon.
And that's how it all started, with an implanted microchip during child birth in 1989, and the first psychiatric record after. A psychiatric record means to have your days numbered. I survived because of education, and because I was employed. But what was most precious I lost! And all because of the Psychiatry, and its secret organization.
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