Alert! Anyone who goes to any ER for Hospital will find out that the majority ER doctors are in fact the Radiologists. Even more then that medicine is also toughed to medical students also by the Radiology Deartment. All the apparatus and technologies including those of the laboratories are the invention of the Radiology Department. Therefore all hospitals belong to the Radiology and its workig people.
The problem is that all these inventions are not only dumb but also intentionally built to harm the ill. The Radiologists even went into the discovery of pharmaceutical drugs made around the atom as such to kill the vascular system at the capillary level causing the muscle to die in order to affect the entire metabolism. Such medications are invented this way in order to prevent to raise the metabolism by preventing fever to manifest as a symptom on its way to recovery and heal. And this are the antibiotics I am talking about that are bitter with a poisonous substance in it. The chemistry of radiology that every time it injects the IV contrast cause the heart muscle to die, kills the blood cells, and kidney failure. All inventions for the medical laboratories and hospitals are dumb and unscientifically proven as having a useful function. The more technical they get the dumber they play. In reality are indeed dumb and stupid because they were never taught in schools under any discipline. Any report of any radiography is printed by a computer program and not by a Radiologist.
For Instance the Hospital from Enumclaw Washington is run entirely by nazi Radiologists using a CT scan without magnet but with a scan with laser with a shape of a cross, and when turned on it melts the laser over the entire abdomen leaving traces of melted laisers. And they forced the patient to be given an IV contrast too. After the radiography was done they posted over a computer monitor the film of a cadaver with the name of the patient facing all that passed by the reception or in public view. When the patient yelled about their crime of refusal of any medical intervention a Radiolog nurse came to the patient grabbed the patient by the neck squeezing hard and pushing, stating to his accomplices to call the cops. Do you know what this film means on a cadavre with the name of a live patient? It means a Psychotronic weapon and War over it. And that's all the medicine in the ER of all hospitals: a blood work and an X-ray, and out with them on their way through the door. And this is the ER run by Radiologist pretending to be doctors in order to kill the masses. Lack of medical intervention no matter how small is called murder not medical negligence or error. And they do it intentionally with intent to harm because that's how they programmed themselves all united alover the world favoring the State of Washington because that's the State with the most numbered as Hospitals. The Radiologist are also in business to do experimental research on cadavers to develop a chemistry as a biological weapon to kill the ill and infected or with many medical complications. But the worldwide problem is that once a biological weapon is injected it travels by contaminating others because that's how organica is. The Radiology has people who secretly goes in Nursing Homes and inject the old and the ill with a biological weapon a death that can occur in five months. In Hospitals they send back Nursing Home patients already injected with such weapons which is an acid with live mercury that travel from one patient to another. Harborview is all contaminated with such biological weapons. Such weapons can not be destroyed. And not only that all Hospitals have one or more biological weapons. This is a weapon that spread world wide and it became the weapon of the Century that no one has control over it. Seattle Medical Rehab from Seattle second floor which is the Ventilator Unit belong to Radiology to use such live corpses to extract and experiment biological weapons to kill the ill. As human rase have been identified as the nazi and they all look alike with full hatred against all immigrants and the working Americans. But they also discovered helpful pharmacy to control the pain and to purify the body or to smart them out but all for themselves. This is not for the public. Invega was invented by the Radiology nazi given to psychiatry to inject the human body with microchips monthly over a code of hate crime that can be read by the Radars with infra light and much more sophisticated intelligent machines. For instance they wrote with one Invega shot "You are a war criminal," and with the others "You are a whore by nationality," "You are the enemy of the USA," "You are a criminal mass murderer of the American people." And this was me a former nurse working by with the discipline as I learned in school. In conclusion they are either psychopaths, dumb and stupid, or second generation War Criminals. What they want no one knows because killing the masses is a never ending War with investigations from Earth and up into the heavenly Sky. The Radiology will never have Washington as their home State.The Earth and the atmosphere is all infected becoming a germ warfare. This time the Planet is in danger regardless of nationality or how rich you are.
All I wrote above was about me and not someone else. The Washington State is run and destroyed by the Nazi Radiology once again by generation. Washington State has more Hospitals that any of the entire49 states. The Radiology is also using implants in human bodies placed by them such as watches in the fallopian tubes and pacemaker over the chest area. The surgeons are all the nazi Radiologists. They control everything and keep expanding with War crimes worldwide. They want to run USA with one of them. They are the ones also that invented the shot to put you the American to sleep. All medicine apparatus was invented as a joke so they can look with the "advanced in technology" the creators of modern medicine when in reality has no usage. It's only to impress the world how sophisticated the American medicine is when in reality it is the dumbest because it's all in the hands of Radiology practice. I think they can only calm down with morphine pure substance. The Radiology is also the one that invented the chemotherapy.The Radiology also is the one that invent bombs in their laboratories and then sends its people on the field to experiment as a real big bomb. And that's the head of a nazi, that's how far their mind takes them. In fact under psychoanalysis they all are with schozoactive minds, and paranoid, and manic depressive. And that's the nazi that want to rule the world, they in Hospitals, and man at work in the fields. We haven't found their heads yet that rule everything and who wants America with a vision to kill all immigrants by nationalities. The heads are the nazi Evrew, who thinks the sky gives them the power to win over anything. They believe they made a pact with the Satan. The Radiologists are the criminal minds but playing the Criminal Investigators on CSI movies. They film themselves how they cut into human cadavers. How illuminated minds they are on the other side. Maybe they know cables too.
These are the latest news on Psychotronic War with all the Hospitals run and designed for all Radiologists gangs nazi Evrew of origin, a rase with no country. One to murder or sicken, all your human rase will be exterminated. I hope they got the message from two continents..
. These are the latest news on Psychotronic War with all the Hospitals run and designed for all Radiologists gangs nazi Evrew of origin, a rase with no country. One to murder or sicken, all your human rase will be exterminated. I hope they got the message from two continents
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