State of Emergency. Army Alert. In Comuna Valea Ciorii, Judetul Ialomita, Romania the town of my birth which is the town of the farm land now in danger and National Emergency. The enemy built a station with a Reception and a polonium lamp conducted over fiber optic over cable to connect and transmit over the local TV's in the community. This is all build only for the town to transmit over the fiber optic cables which is polonium through the telegraph post through the streets. The bomb station is centrally located in the former movie theater of the local town. The TV transmission is only over a program which is a gypsy from Hinda, the Country of Cecenko where all Wars are planed to massacre all people from all Continents and make it their own. All music in American and the National language is all created over a gypsy just like in the USA. The TV from our homes is extremely irradiated. In 2009 in the region of the territory of Ialomita it formed nuclear and atomic over atoms with polonium bombs that killed 99% of the local residents only.These are the enemy of Romania that took over the entire territory as a Country. In the Cyties there is a far more dangerous instalation for the TV transmission. The problem is that the Station from the movie theater is a bomb clock and is located in the middle of the Town. The Electrician is Evrew Russ as raise with a plan to murder the Romanian Population so they can declare Romania as their Country. Every Romanian homes have Plutonium installed under the ground in their own yards. My parent's home looks like it's a War zone from Hitler era allover again. Don't we know who Rusu was and still exists in business with the same invention and plan of action. This is Cecenia that took over Romania with the Weapons of Mass Destruction. The State of Washington has the same problem with the same inventions continuing to install huge cables with fiber optic per their say, to turn TV as cables network killing the Americans in their own homes. Such Stations has also electrical with polonium visors to look into our homes to murder us. In Europe and the USA are enemy at work over the same invention to murder the people of their own country. This is Cecenko with Cecena and Rusa Country all organized with it's own people to destroy two Continents. There is a huge installation with fiber optic cables at my former residence with something digged under the ground. The connection was made to the kitchen wall over something that makes no sense other then looking like a Weapon.The enemy is the same here and there, and they are from Hinda all united planned in advance for many years.They were the former Communism over Eastern Europe.CAN YOU IMAGINE TO BE CALLED ON THE PHONE WITH A FIBER OPTIC OVER YOUR HEAD DISCHARGING POLONIUM OVER ELECTRICAL? THE GOVERNMENT HAS IT AND THEIR CABLE MAN.
The new millenium was when we went digital with the TV transmission which is over a signal transmitted through the airwaves, and is secretly controlled. That's when the enemy got organized and destroyed our digital equipments. Even the new digital TV came connected with the fiber optic cable which is polonium, and with a digital box to connect with the signal. However a regular digital TV can work perfectly with 30 channels, and free,just with a room antenna which is in fact a digital box. Therefore all who have TV of all kinds connected to the cable is in danger to be irradiated with a lamp over Infrared. When you have fiber optic cables in the home it emits infrared to see all of us..This was the original invention to murder the masses. It's a Weapon the same for the home desk computer. As I said they all united over one invention over two Continents. Russ Evrew invented it as a Weapon. Take a look in the enemy's own homes and of it's people, and see what kind of TV connections they have, and what kind of homes they have, and in what residential areas they live. Therefore the TV cable was invented as a Weapon worldwide and how many comes with it it's even more threatening not only to humans but also to the Planet Earth. For instance unleashing the centers of the atoms from vid. Scientifically the cable TV was invented to kill the masses with the vacuum which is toxic polonium over infrared and is electrical too which makes it Platonic in live human bodies.
In 2000 the Military made an International law.that no one is allowed with TV cables and with cable networks as a profit or business or invention. All TV was to turn Digital from Space transmitted world wide.That's why all TV format changed in order to save the world and the Planet, and not only for beauty or advancement. And the enemy did not obey the order on the contrary they made it even more life threatening to us and to the Environment. And to the desk top computer the cable connection to the hard drive is to still personal information or destroy it, and for the wireless computers they invented energy conduction which is electrical and polonium to still not only our own information but our light too. And all wireless laptops are all on digital signals, now destroyed by computer fraud making the screen look melted with energy and no longer with digital rainbow.
This was the biggest invention in computer fraud,in the world of Information in the history feeling up our environment with electra which is a Worldwide Threat and an Emergency. Because of these Criminals the Planet is in danger.
And the year of 2000 was to save the Planet and human lives not the end of the world as the Hinda wanted it. And all this beauty, and how many he created to please us was given to us by the Lords with kindness from Space Intelligence. And this was top secret Information, and the enemy took over transforming it in their own factories with criminal intention not for profit but because they live to still, and stilling is murder, and danger to the Planet. And all these so the enemy can leave in Palaces of light, our light, and in our own Countries.Hinda knows the future because she has the power of Star from the sky therefore she can rule the War. In one of the channel TV the Gypsy Cecenka is televised at Hinda in a studio with background of her Hinda Constellation picture, and a laptop on the desk, as a fortune teller and star reader from her Constellation. This was televised for the Hinda State in their own country and in Romanian language. Here in Romania over the the TV she speaks like she is God and the Constellation is under her command and of people like her to kill all human races. Cecen, Cecenka, Rusa, Hinda, Spana, Jew, all a race from a gypsy and Evrew mixed with kidnapped children of all nationalities, want up and prayed to destroy the world because they can't have what we do with our own Countries. They hate Intelligence, beauty, and human kindness. The Government State from Oregon State is all Cecenia. This human race when they combined became the most dangerous power in the world because they believe in witchcraft, palm readers, feature readers, and in an energy force that can destroy the entire Planet Earth. And when they moved organized over three Continents as human race speaking all languages, this energy force moved with them and made ravage on the entire Planet Earth. And we wanted to save it turning digital.
The man that invented as a fiber optic over Infrared (as they say cable TV) as a Weapon in our own homes was an Evrew Rus who introduced it first in Western Europe and then the USA. How well they know what's underneeth the USA States, and they keep changing it with others? What's underneeth the USA is all poloniu with electrcity and they keep adding on the surface saying We want Comcast on cable again because those digital are too expensive. And the cables are poloniu with electrica. Most dangerous thing ever Invented. And my farm land was destroyed by the TV cables installed by Rusu in my home town. Now please investigate all State Government form Oregon and their affiliation with the one from Washington. They with the fiberoptic cables invented the Medicare technically speacking, and all the Psychiatry from Washington, and what's worse all the telephone cables which are robots emitting radiation when you are in touch with the Department of Health or the State Department through a phone call. Remember the cable is also radio which is also the residential telephone line. You can't have a TV cable without a telephone line,you can't have a desk top computer without a telephone cable. And that's all they do even in now days by generations, changing and adding cables. They all must fight for the same thing. And my childhood movie theater from my home town is all a bomb, and the enemy looks into my room burning me with its fiberoptic. This is and was their War Weapon.
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