Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nursing Justice


                                    ADJUCATIVE SERVICES UNIT


                                                                         DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH               
                                                           WASHINGTON STATE P.O.BOX 47879
                                                                 OLYMPIA WA 98504

                                                               Respondent: JENELIA RADACINA                     

                                                                          Case NR: M2008-117402                 
                                                                                              DECLARATION IN REGARDS TO NAVOS
                                                                                              PSYCHIATRIC RECORDS 2009-2011

1).  Just recently I got hold of my psychiatric records from Navos outpatient clinic. I must  confess that I remained very disappointed from the way the records were written,  typed, from its content. The alleged staff were the psychiatrist Paul Grills and  the counselor Peggy Wuest. Here is an example of another malicious record.

2).   During the entire services with Navos and under the care of Paul Grills I requested to  view my record once, when he offered a printed copy of my visit. That was the record  from 02-08-2011. During this visit Paul Grills weighed me in his office, finding me with  significant weight loss of 136lbs. However in the record he refused to be honest when  he stated that such significant weight loss took place in three to four months, when in  fact I told him I lost 30lbs in three weeks. The amount I lost, same I gained at Fairfax Hospital in only 28 days. But Paul Grills refused to be honest because he was focused to make  my physical illness, psychiatric.

3). My services there consisted of monthly visits with the psychiatrist Paul Grills and the counselor Peggy Wuest.

 4). When reading Paul’s records I noted he was also referring back to the old records from the County which were inquorate. I discredit Paul’s records because he never  took hand written or typed notes as we spoke or during our direct interaction. He  never took notes as we spoke. Therefore I conclude that such records been recorded,  which is illegal. If he denies typing my records himself, then such recording ended up  in the possession and processed by the same network of people from the County.  Therefore the visits been recorded for the County to see, and record making. The recording took place to find out what else was new with me or if I had to add new  information to their large data base, with other words to extract information for the  County. My concern is that the records been written with intent to discredit me and under false quotations or far from being the truth. When I go and see him I do not  speak in fragments but in full connected sentences. But he opted to choose and  improvise around that, to support his diagnosis.  Just take a look at the psychiatric evaluation from 11-19-2009. It is amazing how a good memory Paul Grills must’ve had in relationship to all quotations. He never took hand written notes. But even if the visit was recorded, somehow in reading the record I saw gross lies under the Medical History, and throughout the evaluation. For instance I quote: ”Medical History, Patient reports to me today that she has left sided pain mainly in her left hip and leg. This is where she became quite delusional and stated, “”I have a plutonium implant that’s like a digital clock implanted into my uterus. I need surgery for them to remove that.”” Looks like they just started the Depakote and Paul was very offensive of not taking it from Navos pharmacy, which is all Plutonium.  And the English is sloppy, not mine though. Never, ever stated to anyone quote: “Patient endorses a history of “”command hallucinations telling her to kill herself,”” though currently she denies any current auditory or visual hallucinations…” When they wrote the record, they must’ve had a blast thinking that a record is for kiks. In fact they preceded one more time to be, and have criminal intent. The record was again conceived maliciously and conspicuously.
 5).  Same thing with Peggy Wuest the counselor, no direct notes have ever been  recorded. I must enter the statement that my sessions with her lasted one hour visit, where lots of issues been the subject of our discussions. Now my question is how she could remember all conversation in details and all negative, unless the sessions been recorded.

 6).  Peggy Wuest during all sessions contradicted everything I had to say about myself. She was never on my side, and she never showed as being the leader or advocate of the so called therapy sessions. She does not have the credential of a licensed psychologist turning her sessions into gossip rather than being therapeutic or problem solve. She never showed once to have a goal purpose for such visits, on the contrary she let me take full control of our discussions. When I wouldn’t volunteer personal information, then she would bring it up herself in a negative light. She gave me full impression that she personally had hate feelings toward me particularly after she was told that I was earning more money than her as a nurse. Yet, in the record she was referring to me as being a nurse’s aid and not an educated and experienced nurse. Big mistake!
 7). Please request a copy of all documentations from Navos. When received, you will see that Paul Grill’s and that of Peggy Wuest records been typed with capital letters, and under a website that starts with http:// address.

 8).  When reading Peggy’s records, I noticed that there was very dangerous information  Included, I quote: “Jenelia tells me about the case against her with DOH and her nursing license. She has the complaint against her and the documents that go with the complaint. She reports at one point that the complaint against her had in part to do with her delusions at time of admission to the hospital. Jenelia tells me that this was not correct and that she did not talk about “”cars and trucks with atomic weapons driving the streets in 2009 when there was a state of emergency called.”” Jenelia was homeless at the time and living in her car. She tells me that there was no traffic out at night and she saw these cars and was told that they were atomic weapons. This appears to contradict what Jenelia was saying.”  I never stated that such things were” weapons.” That was Peggy’s impression. I am asking Peggy how did she remember in such detail what was discussed during the session to put it in  quotation marks…?! Nevertheless such information should have never been part of a counseling record, more or so posted on the internet or web site.

 9). Finally by law of counseling or therapy, a session is strictly confidential and its content are not permissible to be kept in written form. More than that, the topic of our discussion did not have any therapeutic goal or a set up goal. She was only interested on what was going on my personal life. Peggy has no credentials to describe me psychiatrically making vague and personal statements such as being “delusional” or “paranoid” or suffering from “Schizophrenia.” She exceeded her scope of practice. The records that have been provided to me were the most unprofessional records I ever read under a counselor. Again such records have been altered. I wonder how long it took for her to type such records after leaving her sessions. I must underline again that it is illegal to record what was discussed during counseling or therapy session.

10). AND SHE AND PAUL DARED TO QUOTE ME A LOT WITH SLOPPY ENGLISH… How could they remember all I said, and remember only the bad things or the negative things..?! Just take a look at all records and tell me if you find one positive thing said about me.

11). When I lost 30lbs in the month of December and January of this year Peggy was at Harborview on March 1st of the same year. When I went to Swedish Cherry Hill I was literally thrown out by the ER nurse, and after receiving a copy of my psychiatric records. The social worker from the ER stated I was mentally stable and medically cleared; therefore there was no need to be further hospitalized. As you can see my psychiatric records prevents me from receiving proper medical care. I would like the Department to request all records and see all notes, including that of Peggy from Harborview or more specifically from March 1st 2011 or the day prior.

11). Now, Paul’s records were disorganized, unprofessional, and incongruent. They were fixed about being delusional and not having insight into my mental illness. But he or she never specified what the delusions were about. When they saw me working as a nurse they agreed to change my diagnosis from Schizophrenia to Bipolar, however I told them I never had mania. Paul refused to believe me however he never evaluated me for Bipolar disorder, and neither for Schizophrenia. At least he should’ve listen to me complaining about being misdiagnosed and re-evaluate me. But he refused.

12).Navos outpatient has a supervisor who worked closely with Paul and Peggy. Her name is Joan Zantac. She was the one notifying me about my upcoming visits with them. I never met her and never gave her permission to get access to my care. I suspect she is part of the same network of the County people.

13).Finally I was dissatisfied with the entire care with Navos outpatient. Instead of finding support and compassion, they were taking me down with them with serious diagnosis and supported by false malicious statements.

14). Paul is a licensed Nurse Practitioner. By law he is allowed to prescribe medications and assess but is not allowed to evaluate for diagnosis purposes. He is not allowed to diagnose. Only a licensed psychologist is.

15). None of the Navos’s staff treated me as an educated woman, nor supported me to practice my career.

16).There was a time when I attended care with Navos former Burien Mental Health but under another psychiatrist. That was in the 90’s and the care was very professional supporting me to pursue an education and finally to get employed. My diagnosis was Major Depression and not Schizophrenia, a diagnosis that lasted 9 years with them. 

17).So you know, when you go to an outpatient psychiatric clinic you are on a program. The psychiatry provides you with medications that work best for the client but also it helps the client set up long term goals for his, her future. That is also part of the social security programs, SSI and the Medicare. Navos failed in that manner with all due respects. They did nothing other than to prevent me to go back into the society and become fully employed. They never supported me on that. I was the only one who took the initiative without anyone’s support to work as a nurse. Unfortunately I got food poisoning sometimes in December last year when Navos dared to get involved in my medical issues, turning my physical and medical symptoms, medical diagnosis, into delusions and psychiatric. Again they exceeded their scope of practice. Who gives them the permission to evaluate medically...?!

18).And one more thing. I told them that my last CT scan revealed no implant on my fallopian tube, yet Peggy and Paul Grill continued to describe me delusional and that I suffer of pain in that area. She refused to accept that as being an objective data, or that my belief was coming from such and such data. They must know something about such implants, otherwise they wouldn’t be talking on every corner, on every psychiatric record about it.

19).In conclusion the Nurse Practitioner Paul Grills never performed a diagnostic evaluation on me, and for any specific condition. During every visit I showed a sense of hopelessness and depression, and verbalized concerns about the psychiatric record the County had on my file. Paul refused to be receptive to that. I never showed once not to be in contact with reality or being paranoid delusional. He’s quotation marks are non-factual because he failed to prove that such statements were coming from me. Besides he has no professional licensing, credential to psychiatrically evaluate. More than that, during his entire treatment he  did not show once as having his medication treatments effective. When I was on Least Restrictive Order in Sept of 2009, it was because I was homeless and I got stocked at an exit, many of them being closed for the night. I did not drive on the opposite side of the road; I only took a U turn.. I was scared to drive on the unknown. When Navos put me on Invega injections I gradually became physically ill and requested to take me off of it immediately. He refused, yet he was documenting in the records as decompensating even further.

20).This is an act of crime and in violation of the civil rights in society.  Their sloppy descriptive words and attitudes may have been cruel and inadequate but when it comes to their pharmacy, it’s all poison. They are pretending to be the educated and the intellectuals, when in reality they are full with lies, assisted by a violent vocabulary. They come into our homes uninvited, and ask questions like the state police. It takes a Court Order to be murdered. If you don’t attempt suicide or hallucinate, no hospital will accept you. They state that the only reason four our pain or inability to cope is all illogical, when in reality it has its roots from being poor. All incompetents ended up making decisions for our health, yet they are the ones contributing to it. They are the ones compensating… I may remind you that it was not my fault of being homeless. That is how much money the state County of the psychiatry gave me to live on or street money…intentionally miscalculated and underpaid… While their profit exceeds in hundreds of millions, we buy psychiatric drugs that costs in thousands of dollars a month. But to put a reputable nurse on the streets, it’s a crime. Paul Grills is not allowed to participate in  psychiatry, and Navos is not allowed to have their own pharmacy from now on. And they know why because of the Invega and the Depakote that murders all patients with. It was not the military who invented their chemistry, it was the psychiatry. Why did they change the name from Highline West Seattle Mental Health into Navos…?! The name itself implies as being the word of “conduct” or “behavior” from the Latin word. What did they think that they were disciplining me with Invega and the Depakote….?! Where were they putting all those drugs, if not in my body…?! And where were they putting all those words such as delusional, paranoid, hallucinating, psychotic, schizophrenic, manic etc.. if not in my mind…?! Those were hard words to take, never the less to digest. What did they wanted me to process their diagnosis and its related symptoms…?! What was the insight Navos wanted me to have in retrospect to my diagnosis…?! If a psychiatric condition is a condition of the mind, then why do they make it chemical and a problem of the physical health, I may ask? Yes, the Depakote causes Leukemia, and intestinal atrophy with ischemia. And ischemia hurts severely. The Depakote paralyzes the large intestine because it is made to dissolve in the large intestine, and they know it. That’s when I started to have intestinal problems, since I was placed under Court Order on Depakote.            

21).Thus I conclude that psychiatry is one of the tables that holds us back. It is proven fact that our psychiatry keeps a large population intentionally in poverty. Without people like us, there would be no psychiatry. The drugs they prescribe do not guarantee recovery, on the contrary it makes us weak and physically ill. And when the State County qualifies us under disability and under a psychiatric Code, it guarantees full funding for them, but none for medical coverage. And that’s why the psychiatry came up with their own pharmacy. To be in business for profit independently owned!  

                                                                                                            JENELIA RDACINA

Please search under my first and last name in the web browser and read all other related articles. What I have to say to the world it touches every human subject and sciences. The psychiatry is not a science but a crowed of people who got together to be in business for power seeking. And to clarify, the Navos Depakote is all Nuclear. The Invega injection was a protein from a protozoa. And Haldol was even worse. It was a parazite. Who are these people?




  1. According to latest news Invega injection was a proton with atomic substanta and much more. What's more important who ever packaged the arm was personally prepared. The nationality has been known as Cechoslovachien with morgue which is the enemy of all Romaniens. Be aware in now days morgue is interdicted in Europe and USA.

  2. Morgue was always interdicted over the Continent. If you see one you know what to do.
