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Mayor 'McSchwinn'
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4 Health and Welfare
Jenelia Radacina, Bellevue Nurse, Has License Pulled After She Claims That "Electro-Mechanical Impulses Are Controlling Her Mind"By Curtis Cartier Mon., Jan. 31 2011 at 11:53 AM Comments (255) Categories: Health and Welfare
One of the top requirements of being a successful medical professional is that one not be batshit crazy. It would appear, then, that Bellevue nurse Jenelia Radacina may have failed that standard.
As the Colombian reports today, Radacina just had her license yanked by the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission and the Washington Department of Health. The move came after she apparently filed lawsuits against two doctors; because of "the nature" of the suits, the commission decided to take a closer look at the nurse.
That's when they say they found the crazy.
Here's the key part of the findings (the full report is available here).
According to a profile page on Triond, Radacina (besides suffering from Terrible Spelling Syndrome) also suffers from another illness that she blames on the U.S. health care system and the "government."
My qualifications are in the medical field. I have a broad knowledge about human health, prescription medications, and how it affects our body I am a strong believer in natural cures, as a way of preventing deseases [sic]. I strongly believe that our health care of today is contributing a great deal to our illneses [sic], and so do our own government. I also wrote a book inspired from real life experiences, showing how the system contributed to my illness, and to social injustices. I am currently for a publisher. My knowledge comes from profesional [sic] and personal experience, from personal research, and through the comunity inteligence [sic].
Joking aside, however, mental-health ailments are both serious and tragic. We wish Ms. Radacina all the best in her recovery.
Jenelia Radacina, licensed practitioner, medical license, Washington Department of Health, Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission Comments (255) Write Comment Email to Friend Print Article Related Content
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More About:
Jenelia Radacina
Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission
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stealingsugar 11 months ago
If any of you know Jenelia, please tell her to call Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance. There are many people in the country (thousands) who are being harassed with electromagnetic weapons and gangstalking. They can help her. It is something Freemason/Satanist/Occult does to people.
Flag Like ReplyReply SedanChair 1 week ago in reply to stealingsugar
It's really interesting how paranoid schizophrenics have found a community online that reinforces their beliefs.
Kind of explains the Tea Party.
Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply ashamedofpeoplelikeyou 6 months ago
Dear Mr. Cartier,
This is my mother you are speaking about. And yes, she has had her nursing license taken away, and yes it is because of her "mental health issues". Or, in your words she is "batshit crazy".
Let me tell you a little something about my mother. First of all she came to the United States, raised two children practically all by herself, and got her nursing degree, all while learning English (hence her "terrible spelling syndrome"). Do you know any other languages, Mr. Cartier?
I find it rather interesting that you are so quick to write such libelous material about someones mental state. Especially since you are using information from only the allegations and charges against her, of her pending case. Also I find it even more entertaining that after writing such an obviously malicious article you are so "decent" to express your condolences to my mother.
You are correct Mr. Cartier, mental illness is "tragic" especially when there are people like you who exploit them, and make it even more difficult for them acquire the things they need to simply make their own living.
My attorney will be contacting you.
The daughter of a woman who doesn't deserve your words
Flag 3 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Kimsren 6 months ago in reply to ashamedofpeoplelikeyou
I know Jenelia as a nurse. She was one of the best nurses I ever worked with. I also know that her license was not suspended because of her work persormance but because someone within the Department had mental issues herself. Her name is Anne Overby.
Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Kimsren
This is Jenelia herself. This article is not written by the Seattle Weekly but by members of the Department of Health. None of the accusations are true. If they were, then why the State did not suspend my nursing license based on work performance and based rather on "batsheet crazy". Would you like some work references Department of Health or Anne Overby? Is that so, is that's why you pulled my nursing license in 2011 because of the electromagnetic pulses from 2007? Where from did you gather such information exposing it as a public record. Haven't you known that before making a public record the Feeral law requires you to have proof that such information is true and correct! Where is your proof mam? It's not me who is in violation, but the Department of Health by accessing all my medical records without my written consent or knowledge. More then that the Department suspended my license in Jan of 2011 without cause. The record they had was from 2007 and not from 20011. And the one from 2007 was false. None of the statements in the alleged case is true. You not only violated the law of confidentiality but also the law of privacy act and the law of internet leading with this article a big pillar in the internet world. This is an article of bullying and not of informing or warning the public. Thus the Department of Health owes me a public appology and request to have my nursing license released imediatelly.
Jenelia Radacina
Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to ashamedofpeoplelikeyou
This is Jenelia. This article of Seattle Weekly is in fact called a computer crime. The article is in violation with the Federal law because is a pillar that leads many bloggers with erroneus data. All bloggers collectivelly are called a program. Programs are dangerous in the Cyber world and the world of the internet because they writte themselves as well or as the information is about to happen. With other words the information is programmed to happen. The program was written with the malicious intent to kill me in the process. No problem the FBI was already notified! I hope justice will be served, if not now then in time.
Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to ashamedofpeoplelikeyou
This article is an example of hate crime, harrasment by computer, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, slander, made with false statements as facts aimed at humiliation and disturbance of peace, and hate crime comming from hate persecution based on disability. This article is in violation of desturbing the overal general public's peace because is in conflict with the truth, or with with the reality the community holds about Jenelia.
Flag Like ReplyReply M. Moore 6 months ago
Well well many opinions on little ole Ms Jenilia Radacina
Most if not all of Mr. Carter's comments are "spot on" correct. Nothing has been said to disparage the nursing skills of Ms. Radacina, when she is on target and taking her drugs to maintian her stability for the Schizophrenic condition, she is most likely a good operator. Her problem is she is in "total rejection" of the established and proven condition of Schizophrenia she suffers from. Her history on confinement in various mental hospitals through King County for the past 25 years is a "fact", not a conjectur.
Ms. Radacina takes pride in challenging authority and has no reservation in attempting to "sue" pple whom she thinks have some how wrong'd her; which historically have resulted in 100% negative results for Ms. Radacina. Her claims and charges are known to be "baseless" and unfounded, however she causes great damage to pple she engages, in the process of defending them selves from her charges.
What's more sad, is the lack of government intervention in the lives of pple like Ms. Radacina. She needs to be institutionalized and monitor'd 24/7 and forced to take the prescribed medications to prevnet her behavior. Better yet, she should be relocated back to her home country of Romania and then put on the airlines "no fly list", so she in unable to return to the US and resume her deeds and Psyco life style
Flag Like ReplyReply M.Moore clown 6 months ago in reply to M. Moore
m.moore if u ever will come to italy i will teach you how to mind your own business. In italy we say "chi si fa i cazzi suoi,campa 100 anni" (who mind his own business,will live 100 years).
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M.Moore clown
By the way the Romanien language is the language of all Robots. That was innitially and originally established by the American and Romanien NASA. Now is all Atmic. So what do you want, peace or war within the community. Do you know how to shoot with a firearm in case of war, cause I do. Yes Sir I have military training, I don't sell bullshit to my people like you or the state government. Do you know what a psychiatric record made public means? It means a psychotronic weapon through the cyber! Finally. I am requesting a public appology, and reinstatement with full rights in society, or that to own a nursing license within the profession. I want a public appology to me, my people or the America, to the Romanien country, and finally to Europe. You made war with this information Sir. I only know how to heal people, as opposite to you, you only know how to destroy human lives. With this article you induced lots of paranoia among the readers, they don't know what to believe anymore. You use the technology to create war and not to inform. As for your own information all drugs I took, it was for sedation to help with my pain, apetite, and sleep. You are not in business to understatnd or have knowledge of what pharmacology is or what human mind is. So is that what you are selling to the Americans and Europeans, to say that a drug controls the schizophrenia? That was not my diagnosis, Sir! Besides such psychiatric records were written after the discharge and fabricated at their (?) own discretion. May I ask why do we have such a big psychiatry in the state of washington only? It is because there are too many people in business that do not like to work for a living! What is that psychiatry? At last, please leave my doctors alone, they have't commited any crime, it's you who did, not them. So stop bragging about them. They are not the ones who took my license away, but the state government. So fight with them, not with me. You may request a sample of the drug Depakote from Genoa pharmacy of Navos from Burien and that of Harborview, and after dizolving it in water you will see that it is all made with Plutoniu. This is called a chemical weapon. And the Invega injection was investigated and found to be a biological weapon with a parazit in it. Any more qustions about the psychiatry and the state pharmacy for the Romanien nationalty of the state of Washington? Do you still want us institutionalized 24/7? You have a long history with the nazy and we know who else. I'm not goanna say it. By the way as a nationality I am not pure Romanien I am German. So fuck off jidanilor si fascistelor. Go out in society and get real jobs and stop sucking up our blood, bloody organized murderers.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M.Moore clown
Wait a minute, who wrote this post? Did you make waves in Italy as well?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M.Moore clown
du-te'n pula mea de jidan cu 24/7 si cu puscaria statului pe schizofrenia lor..
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I am sorry, I meant to say du-te dracului.
Flag Like Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M.Moore clown
Du-te dracului de comisti din Statele Unite si statul Washington. Go to hell all commists from the United States of America and the state of Washington
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M. Moore
Mr Moore,
What country are you from, cause in fact is not my business to put you back to wherever you came from, and never see mon America. First of all you have violated my rights by violating the privacy act signed in 1974, and the right of confidentiality, not to speack the law of the internet! Be aware that currently I entered you in the national data base of the Buireau with your program and suspended article. I have never commited any crime in society and never will. I was never schizophrenic Mr Moore, and may I ask where did you access such record of confidentiality? Do you want war with NATO? I don't file law suites with the state government judges or Courts, I only pass it on to the Federal Government who is in business to investigate all crimes. What is this article about, a scarry tactic....? By the way Mr Seattle Weekly all your criminal activity and that of the state government ended up on all Atomic Centers and on all Centers that fly above us ready to shoot and fight or abduct people in business like you. They all speack Romanien including those Americans. They formed with what you all had to say on the internet or the cyber. They never missed a thing. Yes we have Centers as big as one mile diameter, just one, and they are all hoover over the state of Washington. The Atomic Centers made them with a purpose, and are conducted by their war Robots. They speack all languages and all accents. They know everything and can see your mind from miles away. Any more questions or accuzations? And by the way I have Strictly Romanien Centers as well, here in the state of Washington. These war Robots know the truth and the real enemy of the civilians and of mon America. A real crime never remaines unpunished in the world of Robots. I am not afraid, are you!!!?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M. Moore
So don't worry state government I will leave soon the states. I have my luggages already made. I will leave you all alono to fight the war machines on your own from now on.Sa va vedem cum va luptati voi cu centrele de acum incolo si cu ce informatie. Cind voi trage o bomba cu Europa si Missouri!!!! Drop your weapons! A-ti perdut razboiul.....!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
By the way "bomba" means a lie..
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I hope with this information v-am inchis viermele.
Flag Like Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M. Moore
What did you think American Gypsy with the fascists into power, you thought you can win over America with a psychiatric record consived with malicious lies...!? You thought information is a game to play? You got it all wrong Sir! I have never seen a bigger government like that of the state of Washington? It is the state government! And the Federal Government we have is in business to investigate them! So the state is in business to sell human lives? Human life is cheep when it comes to the state government of the state of Washington. You will never see an European immigrant in this state as long as you leave. What did prevent you state government to speack the truth to the American people and to the Europeans? Did you want to instill fear among all people that you run our lives with a tight closed iron fist.....!? I have never stated verbally or in writting that my mind was controlled by electromechanical pulses. I don't even know what those were. So what made you come up public just with that peace of information that you made public for the first time in 2007? You thought you could still my information or leave me without? What did you like the most from my information, definitelly not my place of birth or my bank account! You liked the force of the Security and the Secret Police of Romania. Did you catch anything in the net? I may remind you Sir, you are in business to play with fire. You have no idea what you are massing up with. The Secret Police of Romania knows who I am, and so does the Bureau. Do you know who I am?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M. Moore
At the very moment i am not feeling well, I just wanted to say something to the Romanien and the American people;.long time ago since i turned 18 i became a fighter to abolish the communist government and to move toward a free world. My dreams came true. We the Romaniens know very well who the intelligence and the CIA is. The security of Romania knows me very well, as we were in this fight together.They were also, who for the first time tought me the first military training. Best wishes to my old parents.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to M. Moore
Du-te dracului de comunisti,De la ce am plecat si unde am ajuns. Go to hell you communist.
Flag Like ReplyReply Curtis_Cartier 6 months ago
This might be the craziest comment thread I've ever seen.
Flag Macsplusmore and 3 more liked this Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
Mr Carter,
Did I get your attention Sir? As opposed to you you have a paying job. Who does pay you Sir to post such article on a running program? Just a little bit longer and will be decoded by Microsoft. Looks like my writting did a crazy impression on you, and in fact it is crazy for those who do not speack the truth. I have nothing else to add to your program. And if you dare to publicize anything I wrote on this program you will be targetted by the intelligence as a national threat, you and your postmen. I am glad in a way you responded, because I am asking you now to remove such program from the public view. You are a pillar and a worm. I will give no more information so you can write books and make a fortune, or rise above all. So long, Sir! And one more thing, I wished the things I wrote above weren't true, but they are all and much more. And you are and your people the only ones who can stop this war, not me, Sir!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
I don't believe a second it's you Sir in this picture. And neither mine when I respond to your invitation.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I heard that the next president of the USA is goanna be a communist, something like Stalin style. And the state will be a welfare state for the baby millionairs.I heard he's pushing the envelop to win over an Arab candidate.Either one I guess! THEY ARE ONE STONE AWAY!!!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I heard that the new Presient has a plan for all of us. Except most of them don't know anything, not even in what year we are. One or two...! I also heard some have between their legs...! Nobody talks anymore about global warming. Maybe it's fixed. So do we.
Flag Like Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
I heard we don't have any more nationalists. We only have rubbers and thiefs. I want more money so I can buy the bread. Thank-you for the audience! GOD bless America and our land. Please stand up for the National Anthum...! I want to see how many can stand it. Good buy America, the land of the "free"! You never wanted me!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago
Mr Carter,
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I got cured since I heard of the new upcoming President.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago
I want to remind you that in Romannien language which is latin base I don't need a spell check. I was number ten in gramma. As opposed to you Mr Cartier I bet you and all Americans need a spell check after writting. The Romanien language is one of the Romance languages with most difficulty gramma. It's a treajure language. As opposite to all of you I also have no problem spelling the language of medicine, but I bet you all need a spell check in both the American and the medical terminology language. I challenge you to learn a little bit of the Romanien language and see if there is some pathological issues with it. I also used to know a litte bit of French. But what's the use of it, or all of my knowledge when I LOST ALL MY RIGHTS IN SOCIETY TO WORK FOR A LIVING. What do you know what's like to be an immigrant.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
When I said the Romanien language is a treasure I really meant it. It's the language of NASA, Sir! And it is indeed the most dificulty language in the world.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
By the way NASA is space, the space you'll never have, not a cellular network gypsy gew! You stupid idiots! You got us in global chilling with your cellular network. Thiefs~
Flag Like ReplyReply Curtis_Cartier 6 months ago
Jenelia. Stop.
All this rage can't be healthy.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
How about your replay in retrospect to the Department... Is that healthy? We know the truth...I have no further comments at this time. I researve that for later.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
Let's make it wild. We have a problem though, we have a state of fashion that even the gypsies hate our town. And one more problem, is with the mongrell. What that word means God Knows! They forgot to bring their pot, and wear it on their back bone of the society.LET'S KEEP IN TOUCH.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
The eval eye has made a come back in our socity.It's called the "child porn" and it has its roots, I heard, from an Island of unknown origin. It's called "the land of gypsies". Who are the monkies? Who is monkying with... us?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Curtis_Cartier
It happened that I shopped for new shoes, when I found a sandal of about 20lbs weight. It had heels made of red Cupper. What can I say, it's hard to be a woman in nowdays!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 months ago
Please tell me how did you get to access my mental health record. I would like to have a copy of it too.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
How ugly is Bellevue...! I didn't make it, they did! And they are still digging. We with the flirt and they with the shovel. What can I say, we reached the milenium. Tell them to fuck off, we have a problem with the global warming.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
Baga-ti pinchiul imediat s-au format conducte periculoase cu atomii si multe altele. E singura cale de salvare a tarii. make the pinch imediately because it formed dangerous ducts with atoms and much more. the pinch please.That's the way we can save our country. i hope you understood what i was trying to say.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
as i said the only way to save our country from the calamity problem with all the atomic centers and it's dangerous atoms is to introduce the pinch.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
The problem is that it formed worms and pillars and atomic weapons and even the energy of the atom.. We need to introduce the pinch. The cold season is approaching and they are on the rise. We didn't have much of a summer because of this reason. What's happening in our country is no longer a problem of it;s own but a global one. escalating such centers we all are in danger. just ask an expert. this are centers that developed on it's own and are not under the control of humans or robots they are run on codes that sometimes takes years to decode themselves.i hope we all became aware of what happened during past winters. Never ignore the power of the atom especially those that make by themselves. What Einstein predicted could become reality such us to be the end of the world.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
and one more think the atom that formed came up with the germ as well on a wave. it smells and tastes like a cavre. This is the most dangerous atom because it doesn;t know what is doing other then having as pourpose to destroy our food, life, and the oganic life.Introducing the pinch is not goanna affect the cellular technology only those cellulars that are dangerous. We've been through this before. So whoever is concerned about making a fortune with our technology and our country I invite them to take a hike. I am only concerned of saving our planet.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
No you got it all wrong, in fact it is not the impulses who control the mind it is just the opposite. That is how we all doctors and nurses been tought in school.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
Tell that to the psychiatry in business to add more professional garbage into our thoughts but not into our mind. The matrix of the mind can never change, in fact it is well ballanced. Stilling the light of another human being can only bring darkness into the world. Only one can bring so much light into the world.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
And one more thing tell those in business to ruin human lives and particularly to the psychiatry that doing wrong will never bring light into the world. And tell them that Jenelia said it.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
Today September the 23rd had my hearing for revocation of my nursing license. I opted not to be present because none of the whitneses on the Department's behalf choose to be there. So why bother. I also had a problem finding the American Constitution, the 14th Ammendment you know and the ADA act. The Department made one big mistake: never judge the disabled and without the right to council.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
Disciplinary Proceeding Process
Fourteenth Amendment
There are several key principles that must be recognized in any disciplinary process. These are derived from the concept of due process of law. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which is commonly known as the “Due Process Clause” provides that no state should deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. In order for the 14th Amendment to apply, a nurse must have a property interest in his or her license. A state-issued license for the continual pursuit of the nurse's livelihood, renewable periodically upon payment of a fee and revocable only for cause, creates a property interest in the licensee and can be disciplined, suspended, or revoked only upon a showing of good cause (Attorney General Opinion KA., 1997) . In other words, boards of nursing as governmental agencies must adhere to constitutional protection before they can discipline a nurse’s license.
Due Process
Due process means that a state or federal governmental agency, such as the Board of Nursing, cannot take unfair, arbitrary, or capricious action against an individual without affording him or her certain rights, and this includes nurses. Procedural due process means that the state board, in order to discipline a nurse’s license, must follow fair and previously established legal procedures. This usually involves notice of charges. The state must notify the nurse of the charges and the basis of the charges. The nurse has the right to a hearing, to hear the evidence against him or her, to question witnesses, and to produce evidence and witnesses on his or her behalf.
Substantive due process has little to do with the procedure; rather it more or less relates to the fairness of the decision. In essence, there must be some substance to the charges, claims, or allegations. Arbitrary or capricious decisions violate the nurse’s substantive due process.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
All affidavids from the Department been written with hate and passion. I am sure the computer program the buirocrat used had a mind of it's own.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
Does anyone know anybody who would hire me with no education. It's hard to be poor.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
One reson to revoke a nursing license is to advertise pornography. The Seattle Weekly newspaper is full of it...state power!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
Our passion, virtue of the state. How more glorious can you get.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
And to those who listen to what the robot had to say, when he said the mind is electrical he meant his own mind and not the human mind. All information is in reference to himself because he has all the data in its matrix. Therefore the organic matter such as human life are not electrical beings when describing functions, but chemestry and light.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
Therefore please pay attention all those from health sciences when writting books with the robot. We humans don't want to be mistaken with being robots.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
Nevertheless be judged by them, such as to be "perfect."
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
In its own immage, most ugly being of the psychiatry. In reverse a robot was created with our information the one that we hold as true or valid.
Flag Like Jeneliar 4 months ago
And one more thing the psychiatry robot is in fact the social security robot. Most defective robot.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
Let me introduce here a gross medical negligence of Dr Croicu pretending to be a psychiatrist. I go to Harborview voluntarelly with excruciating pain and overdose on Neurontin and the alleged Dr hospitalized me involuntarelly and with continuing to prescribe me the Neurontin. She not only misdiagnosed me but she went into the County record and used that as a diagnosis and record making. And the Department used that record against me and my nursing license as being incapacitated to practice safelly as a nurse. The record they created was 5% written at the bed side in hand written notes as they should be, and the rest was typed with lies in qutations and pages long. The entire record was a fraud. My blood pressure was 70/40 or 80/40 and because of this reason and being poor she wanted to further hospitalize me at the most filthy state psychiatric hospital or the Western State Hospital.Likelly my attorney set me free and stopped the Neurontin on my own. Sorry but such name shall not be kept a secret from the public view since my name is on the Department's list and with Harborview's records.Dr Croicu can't even be found under the Department provider credential search. Harborview psychiatry is a fraud.And one more thing Dr Croicu when doing rounds she is always accompanied by another two heads, the Harborviw style. And they are still full of medical negligence and incompetence.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 months ago
And one more thing about Harborview of Seattle, Washington: this hospital has more then one emergency rooms. One is strictly done by the psychiatry. The bad thing is these doctors pretend practicing not only psychiatry but also medicine. With other words no medicine. This ER values all visits to the hospital by looking at a drop of blood, and all are send either home or to the psychiatry. What a croud is Harborview...And they even got body guards to restrain the unwanted at the hands of their abuse and negligence. What a world of shame.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
To make it more clear the Romanien language is the most dificulty language because there is no translation for it.Most of the translation is interpreted by it's meaning and not verbatum. That's why is a treajure language or with other words it's a language of intelligence.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Stillig the light of one human being can bring so much calamity and desaster. May I ask you a simple question, or a rational one: why do you think I was the only one described as having mental illness by the Washington state psychiatry from all the Romanien people? What was it so special about me?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Missapropriation of words can bring only so much trouble into the world. Intelligence is achived by only those that have good intentions and speak the words of truth. I may introduce here that the state of Washington is a place of jungle where no one can achive justice, more or so a place where money rules as power seeker over the established order of all. I personally am a dreamer and a person of vision. I was created that way except into the wrong place.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
1).You as the office of the Attorney General have no legal right to enter as adversary evidence any written records from any counseling sessions with Peggy Wuest. The sessions been tape recorded and were illegal in the law of medicine. Nevertheless counseling sessions are not allowed to be kept in hand written typed, more or so the counselor to describe observations in light of personal impression without being supported by objective data. A counseling session is not a place for gossip but a structured goal oriented well spent time. Peggy failed by that standard because she lacked the training and I the resources.
2).Peggy Wuest and Joan Zintack violated the law of confidentiality by recording telephone messages and documenting those with information that was not stated otherwise by me. Her statements been exaggerated and fake. Never stated “we are robots and are going to die”. This was the psychiatry’s statement and not mine! If they believe they have a robot then I was never on theirs.
3).What did the counselor Peggy hope to accomplish with Navos’ group sessions when she refered me to groups other then hers? Did she consider my level of education before placing me with their schizophrenic groups composed of a social gathering that was set up for permanent failure? Does Navos consider as good as the therapy sessions from Fairfax Hospital? Those were highly trained psychologists and not some cheap cookie handlers.
4).The counselor Peggy Wuest made a huge mistake when she violated the law of confidentiality by connecting with my former acquaintance Lynn. Never gave written or verbal consent such individual to be part of my care. Yet the counselor continued to exchange phone numbers with such individual using gossip and influencing my care. The counselor was quick to be prejudiced when I told her such individual depleted my bank account in just a month by over $6000.00 without my permission.
5).Take a look at the police record in the same fraud related case and see the language and the method such officers use on a federal case investigation or fraud. What is a federal case doing on the desk of a state police? It is self-revealing from the attitude of all that the psychiatry and their police are number one enemy of my nationality and that of the residents of this country. They have violated the public trust and are collectively liars. I must confess that the psychiatry of this state embarrassed my nationality and the country of origin.
6).As a general impression the psychiatry is as big as our state. It’s an organization that exceeds my expectations and my ability to fight for my rights more or so to feel safe and secured in the state of Washington. The psychiatry and their associates are my only and true enemies. They are the only entity that keeps our state in poverty and oppresses our reality and information. They’ve been in business to ruin our country and the world of information that otherwise is precious to all. What did they think to be the intelectuals with all of us?!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The ADA: Your Employment Rights as an Individual With a Disability
Notice Concerning The Americans With Disabilities Act Amendments Act Of 2008The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008 was signed into law on September 25, 2008 and becomes effective January 1, 2009. Because this law makes several significant changes, including changes to the definition of the term "disability," the EEOC will be evaluating the impact of these changes on this document and other publications. See the list of specific changes to the ADA made by the ADA Amendments Act.
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment against a qualified individual with a disability. The ADA also outlaws discrimination against individuals with disabilities in State and local government services, public accommodations, transportation and telecommunications. This booklet explains the part of the ADA that prohibits job discrimination. This part of the law is enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and State and local civil rights enforcement agencies that work with the Commission.
What Employers Are Covered by the ADA?
Job discrimination against people with disabilities is illegal if practiced by:
private employers,
state and local governments,
employment agencies,
labor organizations,
and labor-management committees.
The part of the ADA enforced by the EEOC outlaws job discrimination by:
all employers, including State and local government employers, with 25 or more employees after July 26, 1992, and
all employers, including State and local government employers, with 15 or more employees after July 26, 1994.
Another part of the ADA, enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice, prohibits discrimination in State and local government programs and activities, including discrimination by all State and local governments, regardless of the number of employees, after January 26, 1992.
Because the ADA establishes overlapping responsibilities in both EEOC and DOJ for employment by State and local governments, the Federal enforcement effort is coordinated by EEOC and DOJ to avoid duplication in investigative and enforcement activities. In addition, since some private and governmental employers are already covered by nondiscrimination and affirmative action requirements under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, EEOC, DOJ, and the Department of Labor similarly coordinate the enforcement effort under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act.
Are You Protected by The ADA?
If you have a disability and are qualified to do a job, the ADA protects you from job discrimination on the basis of your disability. Under the ADA, you have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The ADA also protects you if you have a history of such a disability, or if an employer believes that you have such a disability, even if you don't.
To be protected under the ADA, you must have, have a record of, or be regarded as having a substantial, as opposed to a minor, impairment. A substantial impairment is one that significantly limits or restricts a major life activity such as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, learning or working.
If you have a disability, you must also be qualified to perform the essential functions or duties of a job, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order to be protected from job discrimination by the ADA. This means two things. First, you must satisfy the employer's requirements for the job, such as education, employment experience, skills or licenses. Second, you must be able to perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation. Essential functions are the fundamental job duties that you must be able to perform on your own or with the help of a reasonable accommodation. An employer cannot refuse to hire you because your disability prevents you from performing duties that are not essential to the job.
What is Reasonable Accommodation?
Reasonable accommodation is any change or adjustment to a job or work environment that permits a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the job application process, to perform the essential functions of a job, or to enjoy benefits and privileges of employment equal to those enjoyed by employees without disabilities. For example, reasonable accommodation may include:
providing or modifying equipment or devices,
job restructuring,
part-time or modified work schedules,
reassignment to a vacant position,
adjusting or modifying examinations, training materials, or policies,
providing readers and interpreters, and
making the workplace readily accessible to and usable by people with disabilities.
An employer is required to provide a reasonable accommodation to a qualified applicant or employee with a disability unless the employer can show that the accommodation would be an undue hardship -- that is, that it would require significant difficulty or expense.
What Employment Practices are Covered?
The ADA makes it unlawful to discriminate in all employment
practices such as:
job assignments
lay off
all other employment related activities.
It is also unlawful for an employer to retaliate against you for asserting your rights under the ADA. The Act also protects you if you are a victim of discrimination because of your family, business, social or other relationship or association with an individual with a disability.
Can an Employer Require Medical Examinations or Ask Questions About a Disability?
If you are applying for a job, an employer cannot ask you if you are disabled or ask about the nature or severity of your disability. An employer can ask if you can perform the duties of the job with or without reasonable accommodation. An employer can also ask you to describe or to demonstrate how, with or without reasonable accommodation, you will perform the duties of the job.
An employer cannot require you to take a medical examination before you are offered a job. Following a job offer, an employer can condition the offer on your passing a required medical examination, but only if all entering employees for that job category have to take the examination. However, an employer cannot reject you because of information about your disability revealed by the medical examination, unless the reasons for rejection are job-related and necessary for the conduct of the employer's business. The employer cannot refuse to hire you because of your disability if you can perform the essential functions of the job with an accommodation.
Once you have been hired and started work, your employer cannot require that you take a medical examination or ask questions about your disability unless they are related to your job and necessary for the conduct of your employer's business. Your employer may conduct voluntary medical examinations that are part of an employee health program, and may provide medical information required by State workers' compensation laws to the agencies that administer such laws.
The results of all medical examinations must be kept confidential, and maintained in separate medical files.
Do Individuals Who Use Drugs Illegally Have Rights Under the ADA?
Anyone who is currently using drugs illegally is not protected by the ADA and may be denied employment or fired on the basis of such use. The ADA does not prevent employers from testing applicants or employees for current illegal drug use.
What Do I Do If I Think That I'm Being Discriminated Against?
If you think you have been discriminated against in employment on the basis of disability after July 26, 1992, you should contact the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. A charge of discrimination generally must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. You may have up to 300 days to file a charge if there is a State or local law that provides relief for discrimination on the basis of disability. However, to protect your rights, it is best to contact EEOC promptly if discrimination is suspected.
You may file a charge of discrimination on the basis of disability by contacting any EEOC field office, located in cities throughout the United States. If you have been discriminated against, you are entitled to a remedy that will place you in the position you would have been in if the discrimination had never occurred. You may be entitled to hiring, promotion, reinstatement, back pay, or reasonable accommodation, including reassignment. You may also be entitled to attorneys fees.
While the EEOC can only process ADA charges based on actions occurring on or after July 26, 1992, you may already be protected by State or local laws or by other current federal laws. EEOC field offices can refer you to the agencies that enforce those laws.
To contact the EEOC, look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government." For information and instructions on reaching your local office, call:
(800) 669-4000 (Voice)
(800) 669-6820 (TDD)
(In the Washington, D.C. 202 Area Code, call 202-663-4900 (voice) or 202-663-4494 (TDD).)
Can I Get Additional ADA Information and Assistance?
The EEOC conducts an active technical assistance program to promote voluntary compliance with the ADA. This program is designed to help people with disabilities understand their rights and to help employers understand their responsibilities under the law.
In January 1992, EEOC published a Technical Assistance Manual, providing practical application of legal requirements to specific employment activities, with a directory of resources to aid compliance. EEOC publishes other educational materials, provides training on the law for people with disabilities and for employers, and participates in meetings and training programs of other organizations. EEOC staff also will respond to individual requests for information and assistance. The Commission's technical assistance program is separate and distinct from its enforcement responsibilities. Employers who seek information or assistance from the Commission will not be subject to any enforcement action because of such inquiries.
The Commission also recognizes that differences and disputes about ADA requirements may arise between employers and people with disabilities as a result of misunderstandings. Such disputes frequently can be resolved more effectively through informal negotiation or mediation procedures, rather than through the formal enforcement process of the ADA. Accordingly, EEOC will encourage efforts of employers and individuals with disabilities to settle such differences through alternative methods of dispute resolution, providing that such efforts do not deprive any individual of legal rights provided by the statute.
More Questions and Answers About the ADA
Q. Is an employer required to provide reasonable accommodation when I apply for a job?
A. Yes. Applicants, as well as employees, are entitled to reasonable accommodation. For example, an employer may be required to provide a sign language interpreter during a job interview for an applicant who is deaf or hearing impaired, unless to do so would impose an undue hardship.
Q. Should I tell my employer that I have a disability?
A. If you think you will need a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions, you should inform the employer that an accommodation will be needed. Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodation only for the physical or mental limitations of a qualified individual with a disability of which they are aware. Generally, it is the responsibility of the employee to inform the employer that an accommodation is needed.
Q. Do I have to pay for a needed reasonable accommodation?
A. No. The ADA requires that the employer provide the accommodation unless to do so would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the employer's business. If the cost of providing the needed accommodation would be an undue hardship, the employee must be given the choice of providing the accommodation or paying for the portion of the accommodation that causes the undue hardship.
Q. Can an employer lower my salary or pay me less than other employees doing the same job because I need a reasonable accommodation?
A. No. An employer cannot make up the cost of providing a reasonable accommodation by lowering your salary or paying you less than other employees in similar positions.
Q. Does an employer have to make non-work areas used by employees, such as cafeterias, lounges, or employer-provided transportation accessible to people with disabilities?
A. Yes. The requirement to provide reasonable accommodation covers all services, programs, and non-work facilities provided by the employer. If making an existing facility accessible would be an undue hardship, the employer must provide a comparable facility that will enable a person with a disability to enjoy benefits and privileges of employment similar to those enjoyed by other employees, unless to do so would be an undue hardship.
Q. If an employer has several qualified applicants for a job, is the employer required to select a qualified applicant with a disability over other applicants without a disability?
A. No. The ADA does not require that an employer hire an applicant with a disability over other applicants because the person has a disability. The ADA only prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. It makes it unlawful to refuse to hire a qualified applicant with a disability because he is disabled or because a reasonable accommodation is required to make it possible for this person to perform essential job functions.
Q. Can an employer refuse to hire me because he believes that it would be unsafe, because of my disability, for me to work with certain machinery required to perform the essential functions of the job?
A. The ADA permits an employer to refuse to hire an individual if she poses a direct threat to the health or safety of herself or others. A direct threat means a significant risk of substantial harm. The determination that there is a direct threat must be based on objective, factual evidence regarding an individual's present ability to perform essential functions of a job. An employer cannot refuse to hire you because of a slightly increased risk or because of fears that there might be a significant risk sometime in the future. The employer must also consider whether a risk can be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level with a reasonable accommodation.
Q. Can an employer offer a health insurance policy that excludes coverage for pre-existing conditions?
A. Yes. The ADA does not affect pre-existing condition clauses contained in health insurance policies even though such clauses may adversely affect employees with disabilities more than other employees.
Q. If the health insurance offered by my employer does not cover all of the medical expenses related to my disability, does the company have to obtain additional coverage for me?
A. No. The ADA only requires that an employer provide employees with disabilities equal access to whatever health insurance coverage is offered to other employees.
Q. I think I was discriminated against because my wife is disabled. Can I file a charge with the EEOC?
A. Yes. The ADA makes it unlawful to discriminate against an individual, whether disabled or not, because of a relationship or association with an individual with a known disability.
Q. Are people with AIDS covered by the ADA?
A. Yes. The legislative history indicates that Congress intended the ADA to protect persons with AIDS and HIV disease from discrimination.
For more specific information about ADA requirements affecting employment contact:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
P.O. Box 7033
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
(800) 669-4000 (Voice), (800) 669-6820 (TDD)
For more specific information about ADA requirements affecting public accommodations and State and local government services contact:
Department of Justice
Office on the Americans with Disabilities Act
Civil Rights Division
P.O. Box 66118
Washington, DC 20035-6118
(202) 514-0301 (Voice)
(202) 514-0381 (TDD)
(202) 514-0383 (TDD)
For more specific information about requirements for accessible design in new construction and alterations contact:
Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board
1111 18th Street, NW
Suite 501
Washington, DC 20036
For more specific information about ADA requirements affecting transportation contact:
Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-9305
(202) 755-7687 (TDD)
For more specific information about ADA requirements for telecommunications contact: Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20554 (202) 634-1837 (202) 632-1836 (TDD)
You may obtain this booklet in alternate formats, upon request by dialing 800-669-3362 or 800-800-3302.
This page was last modified on March 21, 2005.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Please tell the Department of Health that it is illegal to judge me or my ability to wok as a nurse while I am still under disability. They can not judge the disabled. As a result I shall have the right to bring forward an medical clearance from my doctor or go under a psychological evaluation which I was never given while on disability. And this should happen at my convenience and discretion.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
May I ask who does have the mind in the state of Washington to create such a schysophrenic mind for the unwanted. The analog is clear and I blame the people who programmed such computer. You all fed unto such machine and therefore I blame the people who don't have the desire to change it. The computer is one of the problems, another is with the system and our local government. Tell the technology American man to remove me me from such analog. I've been sickened to analize it inside and out. It's about time the psychiatry to stop pretending. And to say it more like a postman "lets give them with the sheet and make the world go around ollover again".And one more thing the Ion are on strike now.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Listen to this. But I warn you this is not a joke. Once the psychiatry prescribed me Serquil a major tranquilizer. This is a potentially very sedating drug, and over time it can accumulate in your system to dangerous effects. After taking it for a month I still didn't experience any sedation. One early morning while on my way to work the Seroquil decided to take a tall effect on me by slowing me down in traffic flooding my brain with sedation. Instead of driving with 65 I was driving with 50 feeling pleasently sleepy when a carr rolled over right in front of me because the driver was driving with 65 and hit the border on his right side. I don't know what flipped the driver. Maybe it was the Seroquil. And the reason I stopped the drug wasn't just that but when I saw my cat in pain and with cristals in his urine I thought there must've been something wrong in my environment. One of the side effects of Seroquil is muscle spasms, a very unplesant feeling. The morale is....drink more water and forget about the Mercury and it's labsters. This happened in 2005. I only hoped to progress in science since then, the way the crab moves. Since then I only eat at Red Robin. This is in memory of my cat Clyde, and they know why. He was the most beautiful Tom cat chased with a mouse. Before him I had Sheilla from Cambridge. And before that I had Scarlet, Salty, Sidy, and Spooky, and they all leaved in Enumclaw. And if I tell you what dogs I had in Romania,... they were all Laica, Rex and Sharic.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Well, well well so much for a Federal investigation in a theft related case. This is my case people. Yes I've been the victim of theft by a friend who happened to be a retired person. I ask him to help me with groceries in times of illness and he runs away with my bank account almost $7000.00 in a over a month. And not only that but he humilites me with most defying words to the local police and on a police record. Enough was said. If this is the way to investigate fraud cases, I let you be the judge. In this case I ended up having rather another mental health evaluation and with what a terminology...It's not like I was asking for justice or having the right to be rubbed. My daugter doesn't know how to lie particularly to a police officer. She was paid in advance with a separate check by me from a car collision. I think Lynn needs mental health groceries from my councellor Peggy. I can't immagine what the police have on my profile that otherwise is not accesable to the public... the one with the aid from the psychiatry. Yes indeed now theft cases are investigated in light of psychiatric diagnosis.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Who is the NFL are asking we the women. Is it the footbal matcho gathering or a game no one likes to play. It is too obvious that our local channels are domminated by males run only on sports games and movies with crimes. Occasionally they pull a bimbo pretending to be a brain wash detective to show off the high tech lab worth no one to understand or has no use. The CSI movies of the local channels lack essence and mental reasoning or what is called in detective work -logistics. Such movies reflect an attitude of discrepancy to the public and is in violation of citizen's rights, just like in the real life. There is no more escape into a world that has nothing to do with reality. Where are the good old times of detective Columbo...Once you are done watching a CSI movie you enter into a process of mental retardation flipping the channels to find a frequency that matches your own. Let me tell you this to the NFL: The crminalistics are no longer allowed to perform disection or autopsy on a cadavre. The SCI movies show only such grotesc, sensless, discusted seens with dead bodies and cadavres in an autopsy lab that looks as real as in real life for only reason to freeze our own emmotions. They even show real fresh human blood and how they cut in real dead bodies. The dialog this characters perform lack subject and connection to it. These are movies made by a schizophrenic mind and all run by the same programing. The characters are always played the same, and the analog been personalized for each viewer. What is worse these movies gained popularity worldwide living an impression that the United States is only an arena of macabre crimes where no one has mental reasoning. All these action takes place in a decor of intimidation by police misscundact and missapropriation of rights. As I said the psychiatry of this nation made it's way even into Hollywood using influence by portraying that psychoanalysis of the criminal mind is worth analysing and no longer as a matter of tactic with logic in the presence or lack of evidence. The truth is that such movies been altered by a programed machine to still and destroy our own information that otherwise we achived by words of wisdom or good education. A life long journey so do speak.
Another issue is with the cable channels. The NFL still thinks our TV's are still running on a cable wire when in fact they are all digital and on signals. With other words digital TV are all wireless, and do not support electricity on a lamp. This a nationwide public insult. My own TV didn't even have an antena and neither a satelite dish. It only had a digital box that was programmed. And the TV wasn"t even digital, it was with a tube. The TV innitially had a satelite dish but the storm destroyed it, so thereafter it worked just fine. With other words the setup was innitially as a joke... you technology scientist man, in business to make a buck by stilling most precious valuable lession of our life. As an example few days ago the cable company came to our house to dig some cable wires for Comcast. I called their man "the stupid man" because he came up with such a waste of metal and rubber that would depleate our national resources measured in mountain size. Have you ever immagined what's under growned and of what dimention just to get a cable TV and a telephone? The inventor was indeed a stupid man. What a waste...For example a friend of mine had a square old TV run on a tube placed on his addict facing the livingroom. It waighes about 100lbs. I wander how he put it there...maybe with a crane. The good thing it does run on same signal just like the rest of them do. But 100lbs...?! Thanks to the Android now we can watch TV on our cell phone large as a pocket size. It bothers me a lot when all these cell phone companies and TV cables came to compete technology against technology. Mine is better they say and more affordable. May ask why do we have to pay for cable digital TV because we already pay for electricity which is also free. Who do we pay, and who do we support? Of course I'll have the bluebarry today as a side dish because I can afford it.Nourisment in now days means staying the machine! Feed the machine they say! aluable lessio
aluable lessio
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Long time ago the state of Washington used to be a pleasant place to live for humans. But things changed from the time some some crippled people invented Surveillance technology on every corner of the street, and freeways. As I said technology multiplyed while our population is on decline. Why not be all functioning on four wheels. Life is better driving on freeways, but it is better when driving someone else's car. Indeed our population is in decline because our young women are raised around an immage of a barby boomer. Take a look at the fashion design for the young girls and women. For the middle aged women it's a waste of fabric being designed estremelly large, flafy and wavy like, while for the young very tight and skinny. From a designer point of view as one women's blouse could measure two yards, for the young only 3/4 of a yard. In a fashion magazine it all looks good and attractive. In reality i don't see it happening. Where do all these people wear their clothes, I wonder? I never had a job where I can show off my closit. I am really jelous on everybody who has a job, and has the opportunity to show off at Starbacks. I guess that is the most motivation to work in now days. Wearing new clothes is like a revival and reinventing yourself each and every day. Man used to reinvent himself by driving his new car. Lets keep it that way. Cars changes people and so do fashion. The woman was always the creator and still is. But the music, who did make it may I ask? It all sounds foreign and lacks notes. How can you creat a beautiful mind in such an ugly creation...? My creation was the most beautiful and most superior to all. What was once beautiful can never turn ugly. If you stop the cretor what do you have?...Nothing!
What I would like to see changed is to give an equal opportunity and all rights to all the poor boys and girls. Such help is most beneficial when they are young so they can have an education hold jobs, marry, and have children. No, give them everything while are still young! We no longer live in the 30's or the American dream to say that this is the land of the free to fight for oportunities or of the immigrant. If you don't help the innocent and the people of this nation then others with money and power from other countries will come and take over. And they will reinvent you. I myself was the creator of most beautiful minds and things here in the US but not while in this country but from Romania, the heart of Europe. Something you'll never have because you'll never have or know it without me.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Few words to the Europeans:
I came in this country and the state of Washington as a refugee together with my baby way back in the 80's. Until then I was unknown to the community and leaved peacefuly with everybody. But with the 90's the psychiatry decided to destroy everything in my family life and future dreams. In spite of such hate and stupidity I made it through education all on my own, and with a broken family. Now in 2011 the State Department took over my psychiatric record that the psychiatry conceived so maliciously against one nationality, and decided to remove me from the society by portraing me insane and incapable to use my education and the experience as a nurse in the work force. With other words they took away my right to work by suspending my nursing license without prior notice, without the right to defend myself or the right to due process of law, this being a right guaranteed by the American Constitution. In a civilized society where law governs no one has the right to take away from a human being the right to work in society. To do work means such citizen must adhere and accomodate according to his, her training and educational level. From the begining of record creation no psychiatry has ever given me a cognitive or psychological evaluation. Currently the State Department refused to contact me after the final hearing from September the 23rd of 2011, a hearing that took place in my absence and without whitnesses. If you think poverty is a record to keep by nationalities, you asked of nothing but war making you fascist in power with deliberate, debelited electrical robots and criminal activity. Poor "pozitia" has an electrical eye only for me..That is why they build for her only one. She's a handicap just like the rest are... its militia or its fascists. War criminals with capital...! So take off pozitie war making robot, you stupid electrical robot. It happens I don't live in your circles of garbage. So mind your own business, better you not to exist. You electrical war machine conceived to kill humans. Robot without the thinking. So if there are any idiots behind a controller turn yourself in, my house is not the center of information. So fuck off to all idiots.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
And one more thing: pozitie you are "curva" with all of us. So fuck off from our cities, streets, and our businesses and homes! Who build you may I ask to be the killer and the public's enemy? So fuck off! You are not allowed with the world of information more or so the inteligence. Robot without a head.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
I think I'll move to Columbia, my country.
So long to everyone.
Jenelia Radacina
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Who ever is playing the engine robot tell them to stop and to turn themself in. They have no chance with crime making and information stollen from us. We are not predators of information so you can act as the owner of such and such. You, in control of all engines are not the prorietary of the creation. No one is, therefore you have no entitlments or ownership. Who ever created such technology and has it under control was in business to ruin our lives and to murder some of us. For this, you will be charged as criminals and will be punished. We are not alone so you can play a technology at your wish. A robot made of electra is most dangerous to all life forms. I may die because of it because I am human, but those in charge of it will be chased till the end of earth. This technology is most dangerous because it developed a mind of it's own and it was programed to think on the behalf of those who built it and conduct it. So turn yourself in and fuck off technology man, creator of a murder machine. And the one monitoring the sales fuck off too stupid idiot, I am not the only buyer. In turn I have nothing to sell. Your prices suck and so do you stupid technical man hiding behind a controler, war making machine, full of sheet. Don't you hear me, drop your weapons and fuck off sun of a guns. Leave the USA and go to hell all of you, and let my government and the people choose the future of this country together with the President and not a war making machine in business for profit and no sharing. Leave the robots alone you stupid heads, you don't know what you've created or what you are massing up with. Or did the robot fake full control over our lives? Shame on him then. If it's a fight with the robots then fight within them, and leave us, the humans, alone. What's up with all those blue electrical circles around our human bodies. Shoot off the electra robot, what is this state prison?! I have no information to give, and have comitted no crime to keep me tight up to a machine. You schizo state, and fascists robots...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
So who is this Michael Hall that took my nursing license away? He descrbed himself as being the assistent Atorney General of the legal department of the Department of Health in business to remove the right the work in society as a licensed professional, when in fact he is a mental health ordinary worker working for the social services. A person I may say that lacks mental judgment in legal processes, and who covers up for all those working within the field of the psychiatry. And to Shaun A. You Sir at the time I visited you in your office in 2007, I came to offer you intelligent information, but you were feeling unconfortable because you were abducted just like I was. To be more specific you've been taken by the power the psychiatry holds under the social security, just like I was. Just try to see the whole thing from my perspective, or my life is not worth it? What did you do with the information from 2007 I offered you on the table ? You all should know that once a crime was commited will never remain unpunished within the law of all things. In reality I have not commited any crime not within the profession not in society. In turn you all abused power by crying out like big babyes. I may conclude that the Department of Health is nothing but a social gathering for gossip, very unprofessionally looking to the world out there. What did you do with the record, did you use it to investigate crimes? That is a crime by itself because my well being and future was in your hands. So you know psychiatry and investigation cases never mix, because is not supported by any science and it lacks logic. You should know that Michael Hall placed you on its whitnesses list in disputing my nursing license. Michael Hall and Patricia Stewart from the same office are full of bullsheet and together with its psychiatry. You all should know that a lie is considered a crime in a legal doccument.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
I want to introduce here a very true fact about all psychological evaluations. First of all we human beings function by using one or more senses at the same time. The eyes are not considered to be a sense but rather a "camera" or an organ. The hearing is either a sense but an organ that absorbes sounds. Some of the human senses are: taste, smell, tactile, hunger, perception of space and dimention, a sense of equilibrium, orientation of time, a sense of direction, a sense of fear, a sense of ballance, a sense of awarness, a sense of movement, a sense of speed, a sense of time, a sense of momentum, a sense of humor, a sense of sadness, a sense of happiness, a sense of responsability, a sense of accountability, a sense of selfworth, a sense worthiness, a sense of gratitude, a sense of attachment, a sense of love, a sense of compassion, a sense of right and wrong, a sense of regret, a sense of appreciation, a sense of hope, and what we the Romaniens say a sense of "bun simt" or in translation respect to be respected. And these are just to name a few. When using all these extraordinary human qualities we develop a mind that process just like a computer. Such processing is based on logic, memory, and evidence. And this is the human mind, and therefore a psychological evaluation should be given based only on such undesputable human qualities.
I wrote this.
Jenelia Radacina
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I meant to say "The hearing is neither a sense but an organ that absorbes sounds".
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Astia sint de la armata statului Washington care mii-au programat informatia pe psyhotroane. Asta-i armata fascista de militie. Au programat ultrasonica sa traga in corpul meu sa ma ucida.. It is the Washington army fascist militia who programed my information with the psychotronic war. They programmed the ultrasonic to shoot in my body and kill me. They also infiltrated all therobots with the same information.They also made ravege with the world of the atoms and their centers. And this travel worldwide.THEY are war criminals. They will be executed by the UFO. O curva de armata, ne omoara pe natiuni. A bimbo armay it kills us by nationalities.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Shot off you psychotronic weapon you war criminals. Militia state the fascists of the world from the state of Washington. What did you think you would do a clean up of the state with your weapon without being executed like a war criminal. What did you think if you murder us in our own homes you will win over the state unaccountable for your crimes? You fascist you were never with the people. Shot off your weapon you son of a guns with weapons..
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
I'll show you who my army is in the USA, my Romanien and European UFO will execute you so you will never put a Romanien nationality on psychotron, or kill them with your psychotronic weapon. I'll show you my power weather i die or don't. What did you think I came alone to the states?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
I'll show you what UFO's Romania has, on TV I will show them to you, and maybe on movies on the robot that makes them. Did you like what the UFO showed you with the Bottle: Los Angeles. That was no fiction, they showed your future state of militia.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Did you like what the UFO did to New York in 2011?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
I meant:did you like what the UFO did to the New York building on September 11th of 2001? What did you think, it was the terrorists? You savage power of greed nation without limitation.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Take me off the psychotronic machine, you bloody war criminals...!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Drop your wepon NFL militia state... What you pretend you don't know who I am? Stop the war, and tell the truth to the people, tell them I am a citizen with and for the public not a hired for a dirty job...I want my license back and a public appology worldwide!.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Don't you know what license? The nursing license that you took away out with greed, and with the Department of Health and the Attorney General from Olympia. The license you turn into a worldwide public case, and a psychotronic weapon with the record from the psychiatry of the state of Washington.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Call Patricia Stewart from the legal department from Olympia and the Department of Health at 360-236-4687, and Michael Hall the Assistent of the Attorney General at 360-664-0083, and ask them what have they done with my record, for how long, and if they violated any of my rights. Tell them that my affidavids were my psychological evaluation, and that I want my nursing license back. I am also in need of strong narcotics for pain control as the medical field refuses to treat me medically, because that's how they've been instructed.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
I'll tell you what you all did, you took all my affidavids and programmed them in reverse with an information. I wrote it with intelligence and the truth, and you sold it with a lie... you public enemy. What you did does not stay only in the state of Washington but it is transmitted worldwide. I may remind you that 99% of all psychiatric records have been conceived with lies in order to make it a weapon. It's you NFL, the army of the state of Washington who requested my psychiatric record and massed up with it. And now it's public and it's been a weapon. You are in violation of all my Constitutional rights. If I die it's you who murdered me. A crime will always remain a crime, and of this concequence will never remain unpunished. You all will be executed by the UFO for organized crime, and programing the robot.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
MR Cartier I have never filed law suits against any medical doctors. I only introduced multiple cased as a mandatory reporter to the Department of Health. However I wished to sue the psychiatry of this state. Has anyone filed a law suite against the psychiatry? I don't believe so. After my nursing license been suspended due to the creation of a psychiatric record, I asked the legal department of the Department of Health to investigate the psychiatry that conceived my records. They refused in spite of the fact that there was evidence of gross medical abuse and negligence.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Important pentru Romania. NFL'ul evreu a creat aceiasi arma in Romania ca si cea din statul Washinton, pentru cotropire si razboi cu natiunea noastra.Aici in statul Washington pe mine si copii Romani i-a pus pe psychotron si de aceia ne vrea inca in stat. Trebuie sa da-ti alerta nationala sa interzice-ti poporului Roman sa emigreze in Statele Unite ca murim cu totii. Astia sint niste cehuiti evrei cu corcituri care au intrat in stat cu ocupatia. Mie si fetelor mele ne-a bagat informatia pe o calculatie la centrul de calcule al informatiei cu batjocura, cu sinucidery, tortura mintala,crime cu sexe, chinuita ca sa murim du-pa ce-si trag informatia cu noi. Televizorul din casa noastra este o arma cu care se fac tragery in noi.NFL-ul de la Romania sint cele cu farmacia si medicalele, o rasa spalacita, si drogurile lor sint toate otravite.Alea sint straine si sint acolo cu ocupatia de tara.
Flag Like ReplyReply Armyz 3 months ago
Statul Washington este total ocupat de tiganii din insule. Au venit cu molurile si ne-au luat orasele si locuintele. Nu am vazut nici macar un Washingtonian in opt ore de circuit. Toti sint straini tigani jidani dupa insule corciti cu toate popoarele rapite. Problema este ca au preluat controlul statiei de informatie si a pietei. Astia nu au venit cu munca cu plata ci cu cotropirea de stat. Si s-au inmultit pe toata suprafata statului Washington. Problema se pune unde ne sint oamenii, unde au disparut milioane de oameni, iar cei presenti toti sint cu case si munca. Dar ce munca si ce economie? Unii sint cu drumurile jerpelite care ni le distrug pe cele durabile si altii sint cu constructia de o arhitectura tigana. Dupa caracter, informatie, si trasaturi acesti crminali organizati sint jidanii evrei corciti cu tigana si toate popoarele. Nu mai exista piata de desfacere de munca sau locuri de munca cu publicul de cind au intrat astia pe moluri si cu constructia in stat. Ne-au luat toate bisnusurile si economia si nu mai avem guvern pentru aparare.Totu-i rapit si transformat intr-o viziune tigana lipsita de informatie. Grandomania persista in orasul Bellevue cu tiganii plimbati cu limuzine si blituri in ele. Cine-i cu vinzarile e si cu cumparaturile. Dar unde locuiesc atitia cu case.Unde ne sint oamenii si cu ce traiesc se pune problema. Pe noi imigrantii ne da afara din tara cu lipsa de drepturi,daca mai traim. Acesta este stat furat, distrus,batjocorit,criminal, jucat intr-o arena de fatada cu milioanari fandositi si perversi exact ca burghezia din 30. Acest stat a ramas fara informatie de cind ne-a luat statul evreul jidan de pe insula. Poti sa ai tu jidane evreu rus si tigan trilioane, tara n-o s-o ai cu Statele Unite si nici la Pcific.Tu ai declarat razboi tarii si numai tu rusule jidan evreu ne-ai tinut Pacificul numai cu razboaie. Ce ai iesit din specialitatea cu razboaiele cu nucleara si reactoare si te-ai dat tehnic cu centrele crezind ca omorind sa cotropesti te faci nevazut lumii...Cre-i tara ta jidanule evreu cu tigana...Cum de a-ti ajuns voi cu centre de informatii si roboti...Rusule evreu... nu mai esti cu comunisme si fascisme, acum te day capitalist cu capital. in Statele Unite...Te dai tehnic cu o celula care pute a cadavre si ti-ai facut centru de epave si evacuare...nuclearule de la ausvite. Tot cu razboaiele umblati..Ce credea-ti ca-ti cresti odrasla pe inocenta.. .
Flag Like ReplyReply Armyz 3 months ago
Hei Rusule evreu ce ti-ai tras guvern cu tara...tot fascist comunist te-ai aratat in Statele Unite, militianule milionar securitate sociala. Vinzi Romanii imigranti sa-ti tragi tu informatia cu securitatea pe o oglinda... tigane evreu rus. Imputitule de nuclear, technolog cu tara...Unul sa-mi ucizi si sa-mi iei, ca te-m distrus si eradicat ca rasa...balsoiule....
Flag Like ReplyReply Armyz 3 months ago
Ce Rusule evreu jidan te-ai specializat in celulara pe combine si engine ca arma de ucis poporul American si Roman...Nuclearule celular...Nazistule...Drop your weapons..
Flag Like ReplyReply Armyz 3 months ago
Hei nuclearilor fascisti and war criminals from the USA go back to your Island. Didn't you get the message you ugly fat piggs gassed gaze pe ei...What did you built a nuclear plant with reactors to kill the Americans....Let me tell you this to all in business with nuclear weapons. You all goanna desapear all at once..Shot off your center of atoms, you war crminals who know nothing other then to kill... you fascists russion natzi pigs...
Flag Like ReplyReply Armyz 3 months ago
What did you do Russion nazi piggs, did you built nuclear weapons in Washington state with nuclear reactors to kill the Americans,while you pretend to function as being the technical man. What, did you take over the robots from Oregon, thinking you have protection by being there while destroying Washington...What, did you build your businesses in red, you fascist russion nazi piggs...generation of nuclear wars...You don't like to act as being the social security anymore, what, did you pull yourself a run the economy now..? I'll show you USA economy to all the Russion nazi and alike...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 months ago
Well since when psychiatry ever worked on anyone. Psychiatry is set up for failure and the child knows that. Besides the psychiatry belongs to the Russian militia, former Nazi of Europe, and they have always been the enemy of the Romanian nationality. Hitler was their leader because they were always looking to exterminate nations to occupy them. Their race is called JIDANII and they took over our state when they took over the social security. I am so sorry about your health, you should stop drinking so you can live 100 years. Jidanii kill all of us by information within the range. We no longer have a government for the people, and the militia from the social security office says that the army is to protect their government. Can you imagine the Russian fascist pigs think it has an army in the USA. We've been occupied through massacres by these Russian pigs,and they look just like the Russian communists.They invented a war making machine here in Washington state, and they kill by greed, information, and nationality.They want our state as a residence, and that is the problem. They don't even know how to resonate proper English, their faces are all foreign, and they have a gloated enthusiasm of conspirators holding on to a secret weapon. And that is the power that holds them up, and they try to act as an elite class which is totally unamerican. Can you imagine such war conspirators, the occupants, to think or believe into becoming a class of social elite...?!A WAR Criminal with class...?!! Is it them Europe now in the US when in fact it is stollen information from all of us? The truth is that in the world of information such organized crimes always carried the light of betrayal worldwide. There will never be peace while such crimes coexist or take over the world. And that is in the equation of coexistence unless we all are meant to parish. Like Jidanii there is no other race or concept of human existence. They fuck like animals with all the human races, and they still all look Jidani. Hitler was one of them -gypsy blood by origin. JIDANII build a station south in Washington state as a secret weapon. They invaded our state and murdered the immigrants. The fascist turned technical.
Flag Like ReplyReply World_trade 3 months ago
The Department Of Health from Tumwater Washington is composed of members of the former Nazi from War World Two, and the nuclear war. They are the cofunders of the psychiatry. They are the militia state that declared war to the United States. The fascist is a fucked up bitch and a rasist throughout the world. She thinks she has stability over the state with a secret weapon and organized war crminals that took over the economy. The bith is a nuisance and still believes in the same law made by the nazi with a case oppened against a Romanien American nurse....the fucking militia state, filthy Russian nazi fascist...FOR THIS REASON WE THE ARMY DECLARE WAR TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. The entire case invented against this nurse by the State Department from Tumwater is a nuisance.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
These are the final words of the State Department from Tumwater Washington state against my nursing license and the right to practice in the USA, letter signed by Bruce Bronoske, Jr., Hearing Scheduler, Adjunctive Clerk Office P.O.Box 47879, Olympia, WA 98504-7879. Cosigned by Michael Hall, AAG, Mary Dale Case Manager, Patricia Stewart Legal Unit,
Jenelia I. Radacina, the Respondent, pro se
Did not appear
Department of Health Nursing Program (Department), by
Office of the Attorney General, per
Michael Hall, Assistent Attorney General
PANEL: Susan L. Woods, Ph.D., Panel Chair
Lois Hoell, R.N.
L. Susana Serna, A.R.N.P.
PRESIDING OFFICER: Jerry D. Mitchell, Health Law Judge
A hearing was held in this matter on September 23, 2011, regarding allegations of unprofessional conduct. indefinite suspension.
Did the Respondent commit unprofessional conduct as defined in RCW 18.130.170(1)?
If the Department proves unprofessional conduct, what are the appropriate sanctions under RCW 18.130.160?
1.2 In March 2007, the Respondent filed complaints against two medical doctors.
And that is true, I filed them as a mandatory reporter, and because it was medical negligence involved. That was done in writting, and professionally. These complaints were introduced in 2007. Before that I introduced multiple complaints as a mandatory reporter from my work place but only those about personal matters were been made public.
1.3 During the course of investigating those complaints, DOH interviewed the Respondent by phone and in person multiple times. The Respondent desplayed extremely erratic behavior, screaming absurdities, changing from calm to sudden fits of screaming and shouting. The Respondent claimed that electro-mechanical pulses are controlling her mind: DOH is an intelligent agency under the control of the CIA: and that because of her complaints, the Respondent is now targeted as a national threat.
The Department never interviewed me about the two complaints. Such untrue statements bellong to the Department. I only shouted on the phone about the social security system and how I was played from ER to ER. The Department is lying. I am not goanna wright a book now to make it easy for the Department.
1.4 In August 2007, the Respondent's primary care physician with GHC provided a letter to the investigator, recommending that the Respondent undergo a psychiatric review in order to determine if her mental status inhibits her ability to safely practice and provide care to patients.
My physician was fired by me in January of 2007, and the letter provided to the Department was in April of 2007. The alleged physician was fired because he performed medical negligence which the Department covers up for.
1.5 On or about December 30, 2009, a Notice of Intent to Order Investigative Mental Examination was filed in this case pursuant to RCW 18.130.170(2)
From 2007 until 2009 I never heard a ward from the Department as being concerned about my mental health. All these sherade the Department opened was three years later or from the time I filed a complaint against the two medical doctors. When they oppened the case in 2009 was in fact with the case refering to 2007.
1.6 On or about February 8th, 2010, the Respondent was served with an order for investigative mental examination pursuant to RCW 18.130.170(2). The respondent cooperated with the order and contacted the apropriate evaluater to schedule an appointment. The examination was never performed.
It was never performed because I ended up in the hospital overdosed on a pain medication. After i was released from the hospital the Department refused to reschedule the psychological evaluation.
1.7 On or about May 13, 2010, an Order Commiting the Respondent for Involuntary Treatment was entered against the respondent in King County Superior Court case No 10-6-01071-2. The order detained the respondent for up to 14 days of intensive mental health treatment at Harborview in Seattle. At the time of her admission to Harborview, the Respondent claimed that she was "nuclear and atomic," and that her body had been "replaced by a robot." during her hospital stay, the Respondent was described as paranoid and delusional and spoke about "atomic camuflage and a state of emergency outside."
This is the psychiatry of Harborview hospital. I go to the ER secondary overdose on Neurontin and they detain me for a month and continuing to prescribe me the Neurontin. It's all in the documentation. I overdosed after I read the nuisance case the Department of Helth oppened against me and my nursing license. And they are not just anybody, they are "robots", fuckers in business to cover up for those who comit medical negligences and abuses. When I submitted my affidavit to the Department there was no hand written documentation that supported the above statements. All typed psychiatric record been conceived by a program from the analogy that no doctor would have the capacity or memory to write such records. It appeared to be typed by a programed machine. Those were not my statements. And if they were true, i am asking the Department: Do you have nuclear weapons in the state of Washington? And if you do aren't you afraid to exist where they are? Do you also have a robot to take over the human body? How do you know about it, and what does it do to the human body? Did you invent the robot Department of Health with the psychiatry to kill those that you open cases against? You seem to be the only ones who know about it. I don't i only experience the trauma of insult and the attack.
1.8 On or about June 7, 2010 the Respondent was released from Harborview. She was diagnosed with schizoafective disorder chronic with acute exacerbation. Her global assessment of functioning (GAF) score was 30. The (GAF) scale is a 100-point scale that measures psychological, social, and occupational functioning. Scores between 21 and 30, indicate that a patient's behavior is considerably influenced by delusions or hallucinations, there is a serious impairment in communication or judgement, or there is inability to function in almost all areas.
As you can see such statement was not written by an educated individual but by a program. For instance schizoafective disorder you never diagnose it as chronic or with exacerbation. This is schizophrenia and such condition starts from birth and not due to a loaded cases with insults by those from the Department and it's allayed psychiatry. The alleged psychiatrist Carmen Croicu who had a foreign accent never evaluated me psychologically and I never carried a conversation with her to tell her what I was experiencing. I only put the problem as a physical problem and being toxic and in pain.Yes I went with overdose on Neurontin and Carmen Croicu from Harborview continued to prescribe me Neurontin under a court order. How organized are they in crimes and with their government.
1.9 The Respondent has a 20-year history of hallucination. She believes a microprocessor has been implanted in her, and is being controlled by a satelite.
This statement is typed nuisance. I already explained that there is no implant as the last CT scan confirmed. This is what I told them, yet this is with what they come up with. They must be the ones implanting watches in the pelvic cavities. A satelite is not to view but to transmit you stupid idiot, russian communists. I'll catch you when you watch TV.
1.10 The Respondent believes that satelites are attempting to murder her. She destrusts the medical profession and refuses medical treatment and medications that have previously shown to improve her condition.
Another nuisance statement. They must be controlling satelites with Prozac. Department do you control body organic chemestry with a satelite. Looks the Department lacks an understanding why such implants take place. It is to destroy the body and to murder. I never had pain locally. Yes the implant took place for real at the time of the birth of my child by a Russian gipsy who came into the operating room and handed to the gynecologist during the Cezarian. Yes, Russian communist are the enemies of all Romanien nationalities and the Romania. The gynecologist was a nazi, and took off from the USA imediatelly after the procedure. I personally don't know which robot my enemies put me on, but it is evidenced it is the same the Department extracts information with. They are the militia state former Russian communists and the Nazi. Be aware all women when you give birth to a child. It is implanted to destroy you with the robot. There is no life as being played by a robot.
1.11 The Respondent has threatened her counselor and the Assistent Attorney General. They are both Russian nazi, and part of the same militia network.
1.12 Peggy Wuest, licensed mental health counselor, testified that as of April 20, 2011, the Respondent was regressing. The Respondent was irritable, bedridden, delusional, refused medications, and believed it was a tracking device in her uterus, put there by her doctor when she was pregnant. The Respondent's condition deteriorates rapidly when she goes off medications. The Respondent is not safe to practice. The testimony of Ms Wouest was very credible.
This is also part of the nuisance program. As I said i left everybody with the information that there was no implant after the last CT scan. She's definitelly Russian militia. And the Department went along with her saying when in fact it's all made up by the Department, and they show an illegal analogy of veryfying and applying the law of medicine.
2.6 In determining appropriate sanctions, public safety must be considered before rehabilitation of the Respondent. RCW 18.130.160. The following aggravating factors were considered: potential for injury to be caused by unprofessional conduct; deteriorating mental health and refusal to treatment; threatening behavior; lack of potential rehabilitation under curent mental state. The following mitigating circumstances were considered: none.
The Department made one huge and formost violation; The government has never the legal right to judge a mental condition, more or so to describe it through the impressions of others. and neither to judge and go public with the statements I suposedly communicated to you. You as the Department are in violation of confidentiality, and professional conduct. You violated all my rights as a patient and as a nurse. You are a phony.
2.7 This matter does not fall within the purview of the disciplinary sanction rules (WAC 246-16-800 through WAC 246-16-890) for disciplinary actions, and the Commission panel will use its judgement to determine the approropriate sunctions. The following santions and conditions are necessary to ensure public protection.
3.1 The Respondent's license to practice as a licensed practical nurse in the state of Washington is INDEFINITELY SUSPENDED.
At least only in the state of Washington or the state of the Russian militia and the state of psychiatry.
3.2 Prior to applying for reinstatement, the Respondent shall submit to an evaluation with a mental health professional approved by the Commision. The Respondent shall provide all medical records and a copy of this order to the evaluator, and shall comply with all recommendations of the evaluator.
I may introduce here that this legal process lasted nine months, a time when my nursing license was suspended without prior notification and while I was still employed. A government body or as such the Department of Health has no legal power or jurisdiction to evaluate mental health records. According to them only a licensed psychologyst can evaluate for purposes of reinstatement of professional licenses. The Department refused to provide me with such right. It's not up to them to judge or comment on somebody else's mental health...State Department!
There is a division of power between the State and the Department of Health. I was judged by the State which is the psychiatry and has no jurisdiction over the medical professional licensing.
That is why they came up with such a nuisance case against my nursing license, to show that my only and true enemy is the power of state and with it's psychiatry.
3.3 The Respondent may not seek modification of this Order or reinstatement for three years from the date of this Order. Prior to reinstatement, the Respondent must provide proof of compliance with the mental health professional's plan of care and treatment, proof of taking prescribed medications, and proof of attending scheduled medical appointments.
The nazi are indeed a mental health judge and not somebody from the Department of Health professional licensing. This is the State executing my right to work as a nurse but not only that but he's executing me to be ill for another three years and on psychiatric drugs.
3.4 Prior to reinstatement and after proof of three years consistent compliance with the mental health plan and other conditions contained in paragraph 3.3 of this order: the Respondent shall submit to a follow-up comprehensive mental health professional approved by the Commision. The evaluation shall specifically address whether the Respondent is safe to practice as a licensed practical nurse. The Respondent shall comply with all recommandations of the evaluator.
I must confess that reading this nuisance letter from the State psychiatry I felt inflicting only and only suicidal thoughts. This is not a legal proceeding but a sentence done by a mental health prosecutor. It's not the Department of Helath who knows all the legal rights of a patient and of a medical professional license holder. My nursing license was taken away by the state psychiatry which is illegal. But what can I say who rules wins. The militia way and with the nazi style. This entire case was deliberate and written on a nuisance computer program, or by the psychiatry. And I suspect all the convicted, conceived psychiatric records were written under the same program. This is detention with being forced to be drugged just to be fooled I will get my license back and work again. My liver started to hurt just thinking about it. I think I will vomit.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago in reply to Jenelia
Here is:
2.5 The Deartment proved by preponderence of evidence and clear and convincing evidence that the Respondent is unable to practice as a licensed practical nurse with reasonable skill and safety by reason of menatal condition as defined in RCW 18.130.170, which states:
If the disciplining authority believes a license holder may be unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety to consumers by reason of any mental or physical condition, a statement of charges in the name of the disciplining authority shall be served on the license holder and notice shall be limited to the sole issue of the capacity of the license holder to practice with reasonable skill and safety. If the disciplining authority determines that the license holder is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety for one of the reasons stated in this subsection, the disciplining authority shall impose such sanctions under RCW 18.130.170 as deemed necessary to protect the public.
The Department has self convicted by not prooving anything yet. It's not up to the Department of Health to diagnose or treat, and neither evaluate mental conditions. And neither to consider the testimonies of Peggy Wuest, which is a Counselor from Navos Mental Health. Peggy is not a psychiatrist and neither a psychologyst. Yet the Department of Health at the final hearing used only Peggy's testimony from all the 15 chosen whitnesses. The hearing took place in my absence. Thus the Department of Health violated all my rights as a desabled individual, and as a licensed professional within the medical field. It violated my fundamental Constitutional rights within the USA.
It appear that the Final Order was written with passion by a computer program, proving that the Department of Health conducts judicial cases with analfabets and idiots. This case is been viewed worldwide.
The Department has proven nothing in retrospect to not being able to practice nursing with reasonable skills and safety. My employment record showed exactly the contrary. It showes that my work abilities exceeded the expectations of the employer. More then that the Department of health from Tumwater Washington presented itself at the prehearing conference with a judge that had the vocabulary and attitude of a nazi militia. This judge when asked about his training into the medical field, stated he does not know medicine, he only knows how to rule how to remove the right to work of a licensed medical proffesional This judge used words of intimidation, restraining my thoughts by yelling at me through the phone, thus denying me the right to express myself. He also told me that at the final hearing there will be three members of the Nursing Commision, all male. I was left with the impression that the entire case was presented and conducted by the State and its militia, a very special class with government protection.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Mr Cartier the power of the press is wonderful when it has all the facts. The Department of Health is nothing but a weapon that lacks inteligence. It's in business to progrma the machine robot with malicious words to kill the innocent and the unprotected with nuisance. They are the crimes of the society, and it is not only nationally transmitted but internationaly as well. "Curva" means homucide. In this case the Department programed the robot machine to kill. The Department took all my psychiatric records and compiled them into the machine as nuisance. The entire record was computed as nuisance. Therefore I conclude they are guilty of war crimes by technical means, and organized crimes at the Department level.Curva is the Department and its State power.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Electromagnetic weaponFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. (Consider using more specific cleanup instructions.) Please help improve this article if you can. The talk page may contain suggestions. (June 2010)Electromagnetic (radiation) weapons are a type of directed energy weapons which use electromagnetic radiation to deliver heat, mechanical, or electrical energy to a target to cause various, sometimes very subtle, effects. They can be used against humans, electronic equipment, and military targets generally, depending on the technology.Taser-like motor effects are also possible. The purpose of the PEP (Pulsed Energy Projectile), the LIP (Laser Induced Plasma) weapon and the Active Denial System (ADS) is to induce pain, although the PEP has lethal capabilities.When used against equipment, directed electromagnetic energy weapons can operate similarly to omnidirectional electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices, by inducing destructive voltage within electronic wiring. The difference is that they are directional and can be focused on a specific target using a parabolic reflector. Faraday cages may be used to provide protection from most directed and undirected EMP effects.When used against humans electromagnetic weapons can have dramatic effects, such as the intense burning sensation caused by Raytheon's Active Denial system, or more subtle effects such as the creation—at a distance—of a sense of anxiety or dread in an individual or a group of people. Three military advantages of such weapons are: (1) that the individual or group of people would not necessarily realize that they were being targeted by such a device; (2) that microwave radiation, like some other radio frequency radiation, can easily penetrate most common building materials; and (3) that with specialized antennas the radiation and its effects can be focused on either an individual or a large area such as a city or country.Potential military uses for such weapons include (1) the capability to influence an enemy force (or population) to flee rather than to stand and fight by imposing on them a sense of great anxiety or impending disaster[citation needed]) ; (2) the ability to convince captured enemy combatants that the great sense of physical well-being which seemed to accompany their being even slightly cooperative was much more desirable than the overwhelming sense of uneasiness and dread associated with their being uncooperative; (3) the ability to deprive an enemy force of sound sleep for a prolonged period; or (4) the capability to persuade the close comrades of an enemy soldier that the soldier—perhaps an officer who admittedly hears voices or strange noises that no one else can hear—is going crazy and is not to be taken seriously. Such feelings, voices, or strange noises and dreams can be directed at the enemy with some precision by specialized, microwave-type radiation antennas.High-energy radio frequency weapons (HERF) or high-power radio frequency weapons (HPRF) use high intensity radio waves to disrupt electronics.High and low power, Pulsed Microwave devices use low-frequency microwave radiation which can be made to closely mimic and interact with normal human brain waves having similar amplitudes and frequencies. See Microwave auditory effect.Contents1 Research and Development2 Use against humans 2.1 Project Pandora2.2 Examples3 Use against equipment4 See also5 Notes6 External links[edit] Research and DevelopmentThe University of Florida and the University of Central Florida, in conjunction with the Office of Naval Research conducted a study begun in 2004 called, the Sensory Consequences of Electromagnetic Pulses Emitted by Laser Induced Plasma Channels. According to Dr. Jonathan Moreno, author of the book MIND WARS (2009), this project will have to be brought out of the laboratory and onto the battlefield to determine the full effects of using these weapons on humans. (Google award/contract M67854-04-C-5074)The University of Texas-Austin Institute for Advanced Technology (IAT) conducts basic research to advance electrodynamics and hypervelocity physics related to electromagnetic weapons.[1][edit] Use against humansGenerally considered to be non-lethal, electromagnetic weapons can, under the right conditions or in the wrong hands, pose health threats to humans.[2]Some bio-effects of electromagnetic (radiation) weapons include effects to the human central nervous system resulting in localized physical pain (e.g. headaches or joint pain), difficulty breathing, vertigo, incontinence, nausea, disorientation, or other systemic discomfort. Electromagnetic radiation weapons may cause cumulative damage to the human body. Electromagnetic weapons can affect the human nervous system and might lead to diseases of the nervous system such as Primary Lateral Sclerosis.Microwave pulses can affect the epidermis (skin) and dermis, the thick sensitive layer of skin and connective tissue beneath the epidermis that contains blood, lymph vessels, sweat glands, and nerve endings, generating a burning sensation or actual burn from as far as 700 meters.[3][edit] Project PandoraProject Pandora, conducted by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), included externally induced auditory input from pulsed microwave audiograms of words or sounds which create the effect of hearing voices or noises that are not a part of the recipient's own thought processes. Although in a very quiet environment, the test subject would clearly hear the words or sounds whether or not the person was wearing ear protection such as ear plugs.[edit] ExamplesMEDUSA (weapon)Active Denial System[edit] Use against equipmentDirected energy weapons such as Boeing’s Airborne Laser, a chemical laser which has been mounted in a 747 jet is reportedly able to destroy incoming missiles by heating and warping the thin pressurized skin typical of such missiles.[4]Electromagnetic weapons, including high power microwaves, were used during the Gulf War to disrupt and destroy the enemy's electronic systems and may have been used for other purposes. The degree of exposure to electromagnetic fields by Iraqi civilians and battlefield troops is unknown.[5][edit] See alsoDirected energy weapons
Electronic warfare
Less-lethal weapon
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
Laser applications
Sonic weaponry[edit] Notes^ Exploiting Technical Opportunities to Capture Advanced Capabilities for Our Soldiers; Army AL&T; 2007 Oct-Dec; Dr. Reed Skaggs [1]^ Air University Research Template: "NON-LETHAL WEAPONS: SETTING OUR PHASERS ON STUN? Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield"; Erik L. Nutley, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF; August 2003; Occasional Paper No. 34; Center for Strategy and Technology; Air War College; Air University; Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama; PG12 [2]^ "Non-Lethal Weapons - Just Short of a Miracle"; by Hwaa Irfan; 19 June 2002; Health & Science; Islam Online^ ”Light Warfare”; by Matthew Swibel; 04.23.07;^ U.S. Senate - Committee on Veterans Affairs: Hearings - Gulf War Illnesses; Testimony to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee; Meryl Nass, MD, Director of Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Mount Desert Island Hospital Bar Harbor, Maine; September 25, 2007 [3][edit] External links[4]
High-power microwave weapons - full power ahead? Jane's Defence Weekly, 25 August 2006.
The Joint Non-lethal Weapons Program
Report: China building This is Jenelia Radacina a refugee into the United States of America with the wish to have a family, and make a better life for myself and my children. One thing I did not understand why the people of this state sold me with weapons, and why me. So you know all those who took over our state, when you build a weapon you are asking for war with the United States army and the European army. You the occupants, you are not allowed to have an army or a government of your own, and neither weapons. That's all it takes to take one and sell his, her life in torture and violence to declare war to the big army or NATO. It was confirmed that the state of Washington has been occupied by a a race of interest, and that such organized group built multiple PSYCHOTRONIC STATIONS, identified as being LETHAL WEAPONS. What did the occupants think, we the people don't have an army anymore or they don't know what's going on, or have precise data...?!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago in reply to Jenelia
And this is to you state militia from Tamwater, Nazi by information:It's you who hated me personaly and as a nationality. You wanted me dead with your Psychotronic Station (which is a weapon) that you built South side of Washington state. What, did you consider me as a threat to your establishment in an authority position, and government control...? Did you start having mental problems since I immigrated into this country, as a political refugee? You communist fascist, full of hatred against the poor and the Romanian. I'll tell you what you dislike the most at the Romanians: it's the fact that we are smarter and clear conscious people, and you are still a filthy Nazi pig...comisionar-militia of the USA. Hitler was once your president...dictator with a psychiatry to kill with psychochotrochemical weapons. That's your pharmacy Sir, nobil cardinal!
Flag Like ReplyReply Science_gop 2 months ago in reply to Jenelia
Looks like someone else got hold of the electrommagnetical weapons, not anymore under the control of the US army. Who else could turn against the unarmed civilians, other then the enemy of the country. Let me tell you now who else has the most dangerous weapons: It's the Atoms. The Atom as once it was used for construction and Intelligence, it changed its direction and decided to fight for their state, some intelligently some childishly. The Atom was observed in activity past three years or so in the state of Washington. For public's protection I will not go into details describing such weapons. The Atoms came from a far distatant world, and have their own robots and station in vid.The Atom is invisible to the human world, and no human ever entered in its zone.They make themselves, and what's tragic is they copyed and even concured everything they saw created by man kind. The militia protons have a kind of a UFO (per their definition) that communicate with the Atoms exchanging codes into who's next to be attacked as numbered, unwanted civilian. It was reported that the NFL's were programmed by the enemy to command the Atoms to attack certain civilians with the weapons they themselves have created. The world of the Atoms can be fantastically smart and nonthreatening but also proved to be very dangerous to human life and the environment. These are the Atoms of a distant ancient world. World's history was totally recorded by the Atoms, and the first Atom was made by Intelligence from Space. The Atoms have an artilery of its own, and it comes in many diferrent forms. They know everything about the NFL's as the militia. They have a sense of ownership describing the state as being their own country, thus the need to fight for it. The Atom was also invented to communicate with Space. Some Atoms function on codes having one specific function that needed to be decoded by doing work or to clean up the land of the unwanted atomic creatures. The language of these Atoms is ancient, and speak all languages of all nationalities. Why I tell you all these? There was never a problem with the Atom worldwide until the enemy built NFL stations into our land. It is because of this reason we are confrunting with Centers of Abduction and corrupted UFO's. Apparently the NFL's were built against the civilians with weponry to attack the outcasts of foreign nationalities, more precisely were inapropriately intentionaly programed on a foreign language to protect the class of special interest or of the ocupants. The enemy knew exactly how the Atom thinks, by programming the weapon over one single information. Conspicuously the language chosen for all the weapons was of many nationalities, thus making the Romanian nationality subject of being under threat. There was never a problem with the world of the Atoms until the enemy built its NFL station to evacuate, or chase away, tactialy threatening the local residents from their state, while some becoming ill or desabled. Over the TV media waves it is transmitted thought implant of suicidal intent, identified as comming from the state government NFL.
This was a short overview of the programmed NFL's and its concequences on human life. If the state of Washington has electromagnetic weapons, then who is the enemy? There was no other weapon more programed over the entire bodily functions as it was programed over my nationality. And that is the NFL of the state government, and with its psychiatry. They are tweapenehe only one identified as having electromagnetic weapons in the entire state of Washington.They are my personal enemy, and so are of the American people, affecting all of us globally.
What did you think NFL (you know who you are) that a psychiatric record would make you the good citizen and I the enemy? Te caci pe tine cu atitea pe o tara, technologule! E toata weapone.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Got ya state NFL with government control and a station to kill, militia state. Did you program the satelite with lasers to kill me in Romania. Turn yourself in war criminals, with weapons to kill on foreign teritori..
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Ruso it's you who sold me to the NFL's. What you did to my country and worldwide, I promise you will be very well informed in your hatred against of a Romanian-American nurse. When you took my license away you also took my country. Russion Jew from the cold war with a robot to kill...War crminal it's you in your hatred!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
I may be batsheet crazy as you called me throughout the internet, worldwide information. In reality you State Department are 'CURVA CU TARA". In translation "Political Whore," as someone who betrays other's nationality on foreign land, and a Hypocrit. And you know why: Because you don't practice what you price...State power with a psychiatry to kill! State whore...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
I'll tell you State Government who your power is in the state of Washington: It is full of sheet with violence, rape, crime, and with the information over the human body. And that is exactly what you are to the entire world and to the USA. Robotized fascist communist...crooks! You think exactly alike and vice-versa! What did you do with psychiatric record, did you rewrite it to sell it to weapons? Was that your robot, the one without a head... the one you sell the information over the human body? My pain your gain?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago in reply to Jenelia
And one more thing: It's you state government with a psychiatry who sells us with porno information, sucides, violence creation- murder in society.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
It turned out to be a female bimbo working for the NFL with the Department of Health who stirred up all this trouble. She's the one who follwed me for years. She's the one who sold me as a national threat in order to sell me to weapons. A whore NFL...THere is no hatred like another women's gelousy.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
The Department of Health represented by its NFL member, out of hatread has entered my name In the National Practitionar Data Bank which is NPDB. This is action taken against physicians and dentists, and I was only a Licensed Practical Nurse. There is also a form of NFL working for the Department of Health recognized as a group of organizd young women and men striving for Federal power named "The Univrsity." This is a stupid group, and they are allover the CSI movis. Last, such case on my nursing license made waves worldwide and nationally by stearring up Centres, Centers of Abduction, UFO's who abduct and on cods, fighting UFO's, and most dangerously the Atomic Centers who's been here for hundreads if not thousands of years. This Center identifid itself as the one that built roads and bridges, and the galactica of Seattle was built be The Atomica, most intelligent. Both been built by space with the desire to give us a world in their vision. But man has destroied the atom with lies, deceit, greed, and power like you NFL. For instance, one atom has the power as big as a tone, and is most dangerous to human life form. They also have a mind of their own. The problem is that most of them are on codes, and it takes years before it decodes itself. This is the atom that moves mountains.They also have inteligent atoms, that they don't miss a thing, and a sense of justice. The problem is that such dangerous atoms traveled throughout the world unleasing the atomic centers everywhere. I hope you got th message Department of Health and your NFL. LIFE KILLED BY THE ATOM IS MOST CRUEL AND MOST ENDURING. THERE IS NO GREATER HUMAN SUFFERING THEN ABDUCTION BY THE ATOM. It's you NFL-O who sold me to weapons, in your hatread violated my righhts by conceiving a psychiatric record so you can sell me to weapons around the atoms. I hope the robotica will tell you more about the dangerous atoms and what they do to the human body here in Washington state. What you lied about me, they attacked me with. That's why you conceived a psychiatric record only with lied and about the atoms. That's all FASCIST STUPID BIMBO! NFL IS YOUR NAME, AND WILL REMAIN AS CAUSING WAR AND TROUBLE ALLOVER THE WORLD.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Letter to a Washingtonian friend:
I have no problem with my Romanian background or family. Don't take side of this state, which was built only on greed and power to destroy precious life and human history. I did not immigrate to Washington state to judge my life with the Romanian people. I rather be poor and in my home country, and live with dignity. There is no place like home country. Poor as it is, only the enemy can judge me because I am not a millionair. I don't live to create war. Your state may be judged by it's crimes.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
A female NFL with access to psychiatric records used as a tactical strategy to backfire at the innocent civilians. A woman with access to technology I may say, in business to create war over the Washington State. I only wished she will be judged for not knowing what a calamity she'll bring into our world. It's not about you NFL-o, It's about what you did to this country, and worldwide. A stupid NFL bimbo with a program to spell the future for me with death traps...One human life is as precious as one million!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
It's you NFL-o who's been a national threat, not me, liar with a conceived psychiatric record looking for someone to blame...From now on if you want peace in Washington state I edvise you to drop every lie you spelled in all psychiatric records, and under the name of the Department of Health. This Centres and atoms are on codes that need to be decoded with the truth. They don't know much. The grownd and above now it bellongs to them. It's you who can stop them, not me. I don't have access to technology with Robots to play the world. You on the other hand, used deceptive and dangerous information to destroy our world. It is not my fault that the atom and its energy entered my human body. It entered because you said it in the record, and because they took over the investigation as well. Thus your words became a weapon, not to mention what you did to the robot with your lies. Is that's why Washington state has psychiatry, so you can play the robot? However there is a world much superior then that of the robots, and that is Space and Intelligent UFO's. As I said earlier they gave us the vision over the robots and intelligent thoughts to the people so we can live in peace and harmony, most of all in comfort. The Center of Intelligence exists in vid and is the intelligence grownd of Space and UFO's here in the Pacific. The crafts that you see flying above our cities, as I saw many, are flown by their robot. They are the ones that gave us the Androids for cellular networks.They have a computer as big as the city of Seattle, and have their own grownd galactica. They are in South region. They built Washington in English vision, while others came to destroy it. In turn You NFL came to destroy it with human thought. It's Space who rules over the ground, and not the NFL or you with access to a robot. Space and intelligence never destroys the people with good intentions, it was always people against other people. It was you NFL-O who destroyed me.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Unfortunately when you identified me as being a National Threat to this country by lying, you made me a target to dangerous Centers of Abduction and atoms that enters and destroyes the human body, and much more. This became a worldwide threat, as with any war. You were never the CIA of this country NFL-o! In fact by becoming my personal enemy you became a worldwide threat, because when I immigrated into the USA my information was transmitted through the UFO. And the UFO is one with all countries.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Those from the Center of Calculation and the NFL station turn yourself in. It was not the psychiatry with the record programed and processed through a calculation, it was the NFL from the station and its bimbo who asked for the record. You NFL are being accused of worldwide crimes. When you altered the information and presented it untruthfully, all robots been affected because they think with logic based on what you said about me. But this was for the moment, in the long run they did reveal the truth. I want to remind you that the most dangerous robot in the state of Washington is that of the Social Security, the one you sold me to as a Romanian nationality and under the psychiatry. So drop your weapons as a programmed record, and reprogram the machine with the truth! No, not later but now! Did I insult your pride, American with weapons? Who were you afraid of to come up with such weaponry and an NFL to kill the Romanian in the state of Washington? What do you transmit over the airways is nothing but declaration of war to the Romanian country and Europe. I may remind you that such weapons will stay in your state because they are yours as they were built for the American people. Once and again, I hope this is for the last time you ever sell an American immigrant to weapons more or so Romanians. For the last time Surrender, with a public appology, and reinstatment of full rights in society! Imbecil and idiot who can't think for themselves...! Let me tell you what you formed in Bellevue: it is the Social Security robot on waves that abduct people with them to torture. He decided to come up and fight too! Washington state is full with weapon robots, and supported by a crippeled system of the social security programs and those of the psychiatry. You have them to sell your own people to such weapons. But when you sell those of foreign nationality you declare worldwide war and to the country of origin, Sir...! Go to hell NFL, invisible weapon to kill! Better you to go to prision for all the crimes you commited organized, and by means of technology. CURVA PSYHIATRA PSYHOTRONA!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Why did you pull me out from the work force in December of 2010 as a nurse to sell me to NFL weapon? I asked you a question? Did I have problems in the work place or you yourself had mental problems? NFL-o? For how many years did you follow me with the psychiatric record, and coutched my doctors and the psychiatrist into how to approach me and how to treat me? NFL-o you are full of sheet...Do you know what it means to sell a Romanien nationality into the Pacific with the psychiatry? It means psychotronic WAR with weapons! That's you NFL-o stupid bimbo full of hatread...!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
That's right, you processed my entire psychiatric reord condensed over a calculation to make it Psychotronic. Then you sold it to the psychotronic weapons. Do you know what psychotronic war means? It means war with all countries, stupid bitch...!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
WHY is NFL with the Health Department of the Washington state? For the last time I am asking all of you to surrender! The Health Department function for the best inerest of all people. On the other hand you prevented them to perform such function and duty to the people they serve...bitch...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
What did you do CURVA NFL with a ROBOT CIA, did you pull yourself media to run the government with an arena of politics in Washington state? Curva NFL with political interests...! Did you give me any rights in this Country? Do you know what the right to work means at the age of fifty? It means the right to life! Bimbo with an arena to toy with all of us, you may think that I am too small to win anything, in fact it was you all the loosers from this nation.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 3 months ago
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
Curvo de NFL-a if you don't drop your case against me and my work license, and everything you do including those working for the information, I have received the message that the fighting UFO will execut you. I am only passing on the message to all of you. I am only the messanger and the observer of your organized crimes, and sufferer induced by technical means. By denying me the right to work, which is the right to life, your entire course of history will change....
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
Curva NFL from the Department of Health from Washington state came up with the lie that my mind was controlled by electro-mechanical pulses because she wanted to lounch her psychotronic weapon identified as electromechanical weapon. She came public with this threat so she can activate the machine to attack me, and others. This became a global problem, transmitted allover the USA and abroad. Such organized criminal activity working for the Department of Health were also identified as a group of idiots in the posession of a media machine for political propaganda pretending through the local airways that they are the citizens of this nation experiencing problems at all levels. How Curva can you get...!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
LEAVE URGENTA IMEDIATELY NFL-O, AND STOP CREATING RECORDS TO ENTER THE MACHINE. You are mentally deffected, and obsessed with me personaly. And that is available for the sexually retarded from the Center of Information as well. Mentally retarded with access to a robot...Never underestimate the power of the UFO. He's been watching you every move and human thought from space.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
Here in the state you have formed a kind of stupid UFO's which in fact are not UFO's but Centers that formed with your organized government crimes, and sheety information comming from people in position of power. There in Europe we have intelligence in activity, not Washingtonian crap with weapons. So who ever reads this blogger please contact the attacker to drop the fight, and give me back my full rights as a citizen in good standing of this nation. I am an intelligent human being, not a sheety NFL-a pretending to work for the government, and spending their time in the ER's of the local hospitals in front of a monitor. You don't think with logic technical are driven by hate and personal gelousy, and most of it by greed and power.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
Those from in front of the monitors haven't you gotten the message to order the Department of Health and its NFL to give me back my nursing license so I can work for whoever I want? What takes you so long? Don't you know the truth, do I have to spell it for you...? They are commiting the crime and I myself the punishment? They are outside the law from all regards as you well know it.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
If I am forced to leave the states, you will be subject under atack...Why did you underpay my social security desability so I won't be able to live except on the streets? It will not be for the first time when your data bank will be left with no data...think about it! Bargain with the UFO, I only asked for reinstatment of my full rights into the USA.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
Fa bimbo-curva with the Romanian nationality, and Curva with the USA in Washington state, haven't you gotten the message yet to remove all the bloggers of hatread from the Internet under my name...? Curva sociala, you are mentally socially ill obssed to kill. Securisto pervert working for the government. Bimbo it's your name...stupid bitch with a title...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
Fa securisto, do you know the laws that govern the field of medicine and of the nursing profession. You thought that a position of power would rule everything there is on this Godly earth. In fact you are socially prostituting yourself because you preatch what you don't believe. How can I fight a hooker infiltrated within the government of the medical professions. Did you pull yourself a crowed of psychiatrist women so you can act powerfull? You are nothing but collectively prostitutes, and male hookers with the Department of Health, and the people of this nation. Not to mention what you became to Europe, and how you portray the USA worldwide. What can I say, with the record created and condensed in the name of the Department of Health against one made waves worldwide. Have you forgotten that as a nurse I was trained to know all the law the Department wrote for the medical field? In reality the prostitutes involved in my case reinvented medicine as such there were no rules and no rights under government control. Therefore you all who contributed in spelling the record are all social prostitutes. Whore with the USA it's your title. You are gilty of commiting crimes against humanity, and are in violation of civil and human rights....colectivelly. And that has been identified under organized crimes. What, did the USA became the land of fascism under communist rulling with dictatorship? How whore is the government with the public...!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
And one more thing, did you plant gypsies as social workers in the ER of the local hospitals? Other male hookers organized over the same idea, infiltrated with by the centralized data of the State Government from Olympia and Tumwater. Like them there is no other power, they say. USA run by a government gypsy is tragic for the American people and the future of this nation. They are gypsies because they stink when they talk. And so does the local government. All gypsies have the finger print of being male hookers, psychometrically speaking.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jenelia 2 months ago
And that is all falks, the psychiatry of the state of Washington is all gypsy, in phylosophy and financialy.
Flag Like ReplyReply marcus aurelius 2 months ago in reply to Jenelia
Jeni vino la Valea si dai in puiii mei de americani ai aici exact ce nu exista acolo liniste,natura si multa dragoste
Flag Like ReplyReply SpaceUFOgalaxy 2 months ago
The State Department and Department of Health from Tumwater and Olympia are targetted by the Intelligence from Space for commiting crimes against humanity. They are asked to surrender, by giving up power, and functioning as government control. Such elite of government workers live in the city of Tumwater in multymillion, homes and incomes that exceed the wishes of the general public. The law they govern the state is outlaw, and it does not represent the interests of the public. Aparently they write the law for the general public and for the indigens. The concequences are tragic and inhumane.
Flag Like ReplyReply SpaceUFOgalaxy 2 months ago
You from the station, hey you Arab Mongol under the control of Saudy Arabia, take a hike from the USA. You came hear to declare war with the station, and worse you built nuclear and atomic weapons. You know which one, the one with the germ warfare located in south region of the State of Washington. "Uzina" is its name. What did you think you will win the state by killing by nationality with the compilated information. You will never have my Romania light either dead or alive. You bloody suckers organized in war crimes, you broaght most dangerous Centers here in the Pacific, and filled our state with eye robots to kill us with your lies programmed into the machine. Why did you sell me to weapons... What did you think that only Soudy Arabia has UFO's of protection. Do the Alliens keep you under command? They are like children, they follow your desire as you wish. Except you are no longer alone. The Space is as big as the Univers. Yours instead is stupid because it follwed only organized war criminal activity. Remove my name and the data from your controllers, and never sell the Romanian by nationality and over the weapons. These are abducting all of us, and don't know much. More then that they formed based on what you sell as information. How fulled were you organized in crime, thinking by destroying me you will still Romanian life light. Wrong, on the contrary who kills, will be executed by the law of the Univers. You casted me out by causing me illness and almost lost my life because of the record you sold with the psychiatry, programed into the machine to be killed by your weapons that you personally built. I'll tell you what my command is to you now. I command you now with my Space: you will have me removed programmed into the machine; you will release my nursing license by your personal kept on leashe government from Tumwater so I can leave with dignity and respect in Europe; you will have me removed from the Internet with your malicious bloggers; and get back on the Internet with bloggers of public apology to the people I served so respectfully and professionaly. No, I don't want to live in your sheety criminal state, with the Arab nazi, and tiganca Araba into power, the one you occupied so tactically and so maliciously while ordered by the Saudy Arabs to exterminate the indigen and the Romanian into the Pacific. I don't want to live in a state where technology and the atom is programed to kill. More than that to live in a state where Centers of abduction formed. You know very well how to prevent the killings: don't sell human beings, and care for the poor, and the uneducated as you would for your own. What you do with the computer is affecting us worldwide, creating minds above us that have the mission to destry and kill us in masses. Your UFO is no longer intelligent but a corupt even criminal UFO in fight with the Space or other UFO's. Ya, just like in Star Trek! What do you know Arab what it means to be peace, and be poor and ill! You Savage on Earth...Have you heard of Solara, most "filthy" and criminal is yours worldwide. This is worldwide Emmergency! Stupid idiots! The robots and the Alliens took over the Earth.
Flag Like ReplyReply Science_com 2 months ago
Apparently the Jew has built a Center of Calculation for radio transmission South of Issaquah, WA, measuring about half a mile diameter. The transmission is programed with electromechanical pulses programed to enter the human body to torture and destroy human body tissue, inflicting suicidal thoughts and problems with behavior. All electromechanical pulses are programmed in the Romanian language, and to kill the Romanian immigrants. Such pulses are programed to leak into the American population as well, but with a slower concequence. It is not clear how it is transmitted, it was observed to be working on magnets. Such pulses once it enters the human flesh it connect with the pulses from other humans that were infiltrated as well, transmitting over the media such as the TV or back throgh the radio information through sonica.This is a killing machine, and to kill the masses, more then that to still our information.The electromagnetic pulses are called the NFL's. This became a global problem when traveling abroad. On the other hand its people or allies have special radars, and the information transmitted for them is with radio-frequencies. The Jew came up with such weaponry to take over the state. And he succeeded, he's allover the Economy. They whiped us out one way or another.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago in reply to Science_com
Yes I told you it was the NFL with the weapon that grew and greweled inside of me with deadly silence. More specifically it became aparent after the State Department took my nursing license in January of 2011. I am dying because of this, and in severe excruciating pain. It was the state and its NFL murdering me because they have a particular interest over the Romanian nationality as information. I have never commited any crime, it was the NFL comitting the crime by technical means, and the government by violating my rights and not spelling the truth. Aparently they are partners in crime with the technology and with those that took over my state. Who ever programed the NFL to murder me should surrender. This case should remain open publically until solved.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
Evreule imputit ce mi-ai vrut informatia cu ucisul pe statia ta de stat guvern. Curva de tara-amenintare nationala. Preda-te futu-ti curul mati de jidani evrei uriti de Dumnezei. Ce ti-era frica ca nu cotropesti tu tot Bellevue cu mine in el? Futu-ti curu mati ti-arat eu tie tara NFL cu ce-a iesit tu pe atomi si viata voastra nu pe a mea. Ce mi-ai vrut securitatea? Futu-ti crucea mati si cu ea acuma. Preda-te inamicule ca ai comis crime pe centre. Stii ce-ti face spatiul tie te executa ca esti inamicul. I-ti trag eu tie Bellevue cu tiganii tai la vinzari de cookies, si jew in el. Putorilor si imputitilor! Pedati-va politiei! Ce v-ati adunat la crima organizata pe o informatie?
V-ati tras translator pe limba Romana sa se faca toata transmisia pe armata jidana NFL-a? Ce voi aveti armata cu statul? Aia-i jidana... te pisi pa ea! Turn yourself in you son of a guns!
Flag Like ReplyReply marcus aurelius 2 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
HEI de ce trebuie sa-ți obosești mintea cu cei ce sunt pe cale de dispariție lasă-i în cloaca lor și vino acasă la Valea e de o mie de ori mai frumos decât oriunde pe aceasta planeta ,dacă nu ma crezi i-n treabă-o pe Niky apropo i-ți mai aduci aminte de ultimul rând de vie cules împreuna sus pe deal era în clasa a v||-a
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
Take me and my family off of your mahines, you know very well who we are. Do you know what an electromechanical pulse means? it means weapon and it's you who programed it with your lies and a government record. Killer with a station.
Flag Like ReplyReply Science_gop 2 months ago
Looks like someone else got hold of the electrommagnetical weapons, not anymore under the control of the US army. Who else could turn against the unarmed forces, other then the enemy of the country. Let me tell you now who else has the most dangerous weapons: It's the Atoms. The Atom as once it was used for construction and Intelligence, it changed its direction and decided to fight for their state, some intelligently some childishly. The Atom was observed in activity past three years or so in the state of Washington. For public's protection I will not go into details describing such weapons. The Atoms came from a far distatant world, and have their own robots and station in vid.The Atom is invisible to the human world, and no human ever entered in its zone.They make themselves, and what's tragic is they copied and even concured everything they saw created by man kind. The militia protons have a kind of a UFO (per their definition) that communicate with the Atoms exchanging codes into who's next to be attacked as numbered, unwanted civilians. It was reported that the NFL's were programmed by the enemy to command the Atoms to attack certain civilians with the weapons they themselves have created. The world of the Atoms can be fantastically smart and nonthreatening but also proved to be very dangerous to human life and the environment. These are the Atoms of a distant ancient world. World's history was totally recorded by the Atoms, and the first Atom was made by Intelligence from Space. The Atoms have an artilery of its own, and it comes in many diferrent forms. They know everything about the NFL's as the militia. They have a sense of ownership describing the state as being their own country, thus the need to fight for it. The Atom was also invented to communicate with Space. Some Atoms function on codes having one specific function that needed to be decoded by doing work or to clean up the land of the unwanted atomic creatures. The language of these Atoms is ancient, and speak all languages of all nationalities. Why I tell you all these? There was never a problem with the Atom worldwide until the enemy built NFL stations into our land. It is because of this reason we are confrunting with Centers of Abduction and corrupted UFO's. Apparently the NFL's were built against the civilians with weponry to attack the outcasts of foreign nationalities, more precisely were inapropriately intentionaly programed on a foreign language to protect the class of special interest or of the ocupants. The enemy knew exactly how the Atom thinks, by programming the weapon over one single information. Conspicuously the language chosen for all the weapons was of many nationalities, thus making the Romanian nationality subject of being under threat. There was never a problem with the world of the Atoms until the enemy built its NFL station to evacuate, or chase away, tactialy threatening the local residents from their home state, while some becoming ill or desabled. Over the TV media waves it is transmitted thought implant of suicidal intent, identified as comming from the state government NFL.
This was a short overview of the programmed NFL's and its concequences on human life. If the state of Washington has electromagnetic weapons, then who is the enemy? There was no other weapon more programed over the entire bodily functions as it was programed over one nationality. And that is the NFL of the state government, and with its psychiatry. They are only one identified as having electromagnetic weapons in the entire state of Washington.They are my personal enemy, and so are of the American people, affecting all of us globally.
What did you think state NFL (you know who you are) that a psychiatric record would make you the good citizen and I the enemy? Te caci pe tine cu atitea pe o tara, technologule! E toata weapone pe UFO.
Flag Like ReplyReply Science_gop 2 months ago
This nurse's personal enemy is the state or "statele unite" a group of organized rich women who took control over the government, and are infiltrted in the economy. They've been here for generations, and never changed it's style to concur. A sure thing is that such group of organized women been paranoyed to turn all against one nurse. The paranoya came as it was transmitted through the UFO. The state may be organized in crimes, ultimately it all been recorded on the UFO. This organized group of women been recorded as pubic's enemy, and no power shall be given or support such activity. No citizen ever wanted state power, because in reality it's a power that destroys human life, freedom, justice, and what's most precious humanity.
Flag Like ReplyReply Science_gop 2 months ago
Looks like someone else got hold of the electrommagnetical weapons, not anymore under the control of the US army. Who else could turn against the unarmed civilians, other then the enemy of the country. Let me tell you now who else has the most dangerous weapons: It's the Atoms. The Atom as once it was used for construction and Intelligence, it changed its direction and decided to fight for their state, some intelligently some childishly. The Atom was observed in activity past three years or so in the state of Washington. For public's protection I will not go into details describing such weapons. The Atoms came from a far distatant world, and have their own robots and station in vid.The Atom is invisible to the human world, and no human ever entered in its zone.They make themselves, and what's tragic is they copyed and even concured everything they saw created by man kind. The militia protons have a kind of a UFO (per their definition) that communicate with the Atoms exchanging codes into who's next to be attacked as numbered, unwanted civilian. It was reported that the NFL's were programmed by the enemy to command the Atoms to attack certain civilians with the weapons they themselves have created. The world of the Atoms can be fantastically smart and nonthreatening but also proved to be very dangerous to human life and the environment. These are the Atoms of a distant ancient world. World's history was totally recorded by the Atoms, and the first Atom was made by Intelligence from Space. The Atoms have an artilery of its own, and it comes in many diferrent forms. They know everything about the NFL's as the militia. They have a sense of ownership describing the state as being their own country, thus the need to fight for it. The Atom was also invented to communicate with Space. Some Atoms function on codes having one specific function that needed to be decoded by doing work or to clean up the land of the unwanted atomic creatures. The language of these Atoms is ancient, and speak all languages of all nationalities. Why I tell you all these? There was never a problem with the Atom worldwide until the enemy built NFL stations into our land. It is because of this reason we are confrunting with Centers of Abduction and corrupted UFO's. Apparently the NFL's were built against the civilians with weponry to attack the outcasts of foreign nationalities, more precisely were inapropriately intentionaly programed on a foreign language to protect the class of special interest or of the ocupants. The enemy knew exactly how the Atom thinks, by programming the weapon over one single information. Conspicuously the language chosen for all the weapons was of many nationalities, thus making the Romanian nationality subject of being under threat. There was never a problem with the world of the Atoms until the enemy built its NFL station to evacuate, or chase away, tactialy threatening the local residents from their state, while some becoming ill or desabled. Over the TV media waves it is transmitted thought implant of suicidal intent, identified as comming from the state government NFL.
This was a short overview of the programmed NFL's and its concequences on human life. If the state of Washington has electromagnetic weapons, then who is the enemy? There was no other weapon more programed over the entire bodily functions as it was programed over my nationality. And that is the NFL of the state government, and with its psychiatry. They are tweapenehe only one identified as having electromagnetic weapons in the entire state of Washington.They are personal enemy, and so are of the American people, affecting all of us globally.
What did you think NFL (you know who you are) that a psychiatric record would make you the good citizen and I the enemy? Te caci pe tine cu atitea pe o tara, technologule! E toata weapone.
Flag Like ReplyReply Science_gop 2 months ago
The "state" didn't get a thing about the fact that they've been watched from the timeless world of space, and from above. To the public the "state" is sufffering of a state of paranoya, and to this nurse been through all world translations, a pervertic power through social injustices manifested in actions of rasism. The record speaks for itself, and they dared to come up with it publically. If that's the way you do justice in the state of Washington, then who is left to fight the dirt other then you... state! Curva cerebral is you "state," not Jenelia! You all are being watched from above. Please clean up the Internet of your hate crime.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
It's the state psychiatry that took my license away and indefinitely. It's the psychiatry that judged my nursing license, holding back my information that otherwise defined me as a good citizen of this country. What is the psychiatry doing with the proffessional licensing, and the Department of Health?! It is relevant from the entire record that all leggal processes were held by the psychiatry, and in medical terms that only defines them. They made my record for communication purposes to communicate within their newtork of organized criminal activity, but prevented the Department to take control over my license and my record. Any action within the medical field that violates the law of medicine is up for investigation. And that does not exclude you, the government filthy millionair buirocrat with a psychiatry to ruin human life...! What did you think three years in psychiatric treatment would give me...a license to practice? You filth paranoyed schizophrenic government, full of hate crime. Do you know the laws that govern the medicine? No you don't because if you did it would've shown!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
It's you the psychiatry who ruined my career as a filth of human rase. From now on may the truth be revealed through the press. What did you think that we all can be played the full with a record out of spite and deceit, maliciously conceived...So what if you have a big psychiatry on your side, opposite to you I have the entire country. Did you give my affidavits to the Investigation Department to follow up on the errors and negligences of the psychiatry in regards to my care? Don't I have the same rights as every citizen of this country? Who are you to rule over my life for another three years, you now what I am tolking about? I am talking about the final order over my nursing license! Are you my doctor to order me psychiatric treatment for another three years...? Where is my right to recover and to apeal... you filth full of garbage?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
Social Curve is your title...class of bitch! Psychiatry in business to ruin the experienced and the educated...!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
There was always a problem with the system for the ill and the poor. That is the reason the system came up with the social work. In my case I got to know the system through the first contact or that of the social worker of every Hospital. This elite group of mostly women hold our state back by fabricating records of social injustices and under the psychiatry's rule. They pretend to do work when in fact they deprive the citizens of freedom and the right to justice. They are a special class of people connected through a specific vocabulary that spells social injustice and a road to poverty, a life I may say short lived. They have tons of people to directly work with the system, and with the records department. Most records and particularly of those of special interests have been fabricated after an individual was discharged from the Hospital. That is what happened in my case, a record that was conceived by a group of organized women or of social workers. This is the elite group that took my nursing license away, and the group that followed my entire record with every doctor and psychiatrists. When the psychiatry talks about thought implant it actually refers to their descriptive words in medical terms from the psychiatric records. Therefore those are their thoughts inflicted upon the disadvantaged and the affected. With the psychiatry is a never ending problem. They made it chronic.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
The human mind is complex and symethrical. No words or thought are left without connection. But to blame the mind, cryticizing it to put it down is in fact a crime and abuse. Criticism by label will never lift up the opressed and the disadvantaged. Good words yes, and encouragement to set you free and to be in charge of your own free world, that will be the healling process. Tell the psychiatry you catch more flys with honney...The mind shall never be described in human words, instead to orrient the client in finding or getting to the source of the problem. That would be a step forward by working with the therapist.Never endulge analizing the human thought. We are not gypsies in whichcraft. Best approach would be not to analize the human thought, but the ability to function and carry out daily activities, or most important if physical needs were met.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
This is good by to MR Cartier. Unfortunately the psychiatry wasn't good to me fabricating records with statements that weren't speaking the truth, besides they were coatched, Finaly i decided to start a new life somewhere else on my own and pursue my passion. After 25 years of residing in this state it's hard to let go because it felt like home and i have to live my children behind. So lung to you, i only wished you to open up and contribute some. In reality i was abducted, and hope to free myself by leaving somewhere else. I suferred a lot due to lack of money and preocuation. So you know that if i had work and money i would not have been the subject to abduction, or even a family. I wish you well, and all the best.
Jenelia, one of the most dedicated nurses!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
This is good by to MR Cartier. I wished we could've gotten to know eachother in real person. The psychiatry was my personal enemy because i desagreed with them on mostly everything, So that was when they decided to fabricate records for me, in addition they've been coatched. The state took my nursing license indefinitely but only in this state, Therefore i decided to search for a new life someore else and continue to profess nursing. I still believe in the freedom of the press, I only hope that good, more fair people will be found within the profession in another state. Also I can certainly make it financily with the small pension I currently receive somewhere else. Washington is for the rich people, and for those that work organized as employed. My strongest network used to be that of the nurses. I personaly was a dreamer and a visionist. There was a time when I hoped to cause change in many fields, and i thought the medicine was the best place to start, such us to help the poor and the ill of all ages. Maybe someday my dream will come true. That's how I was from when I was very little, except I ended fighting for someone else's country rather then for my own. The good thing is that not even my personal enemies killed my dreams or my passion. I could work another 15 good years and a productive life. But not in this beautiful state of Washington. Eventually in the future I will write a very powerful book. During my educational process i studied many subjects and specialities, which is a treajure just for one human being. What a waste my life has been since I immigrated to this state. Only to get to know me you would change your opinion on me. So long to you MR Cartier, and I wish you the best in life.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
I have one more final qwestion: Does the state and its psychiatry with the Department of Health know what a telemarket means, and what functions it has? My understanding is that a telemarket means a false record or a malicious, lying, machine. With other words it's a weapon. I just want to bring into the evidence that I do know that my entire psychiatric record under my nursing license has been conceived on a telemarket lying machine. That's a crime! And one more thing "The world will always bellong to the Alliens as always." The telemarket machine was invented by a malicious human mind and not by stupid idiots...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
If she ever asks for narcotics at the pharmacy give her the 'crap," said the psychiatry. And crap they gave me! One thing I didn't get is, where did so much hate came from against me personally and my nationality's. I refuse to believe that the entire state of Washington is my enemy.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
This is the Rite Aid pharmacy from Eastgate. And I do know who my enemies are.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
The psychiatry has data inputed on a programmed telemarket. The data is all under my name and teleguided with the vizor. All my psychiatric records have been created on a multiple programmed telemarkets emphasising rather on global poblems rather then my personal physical health. Menatal health is in fact physical health. All this psychiatric records ended up on the desck of the Department of Health that in turn were fed into their own telemarket. All records reflect 90% lies that were processed by the calculation of the telemarket. A telemarket was a machine invented to calculate finances, and not to process information with words. When the telemarket was invented for information pourposes it became a weapon to destroy the information that is absolutely necessary for survival. Such telemarket that programmed my data is in the posession of the psychiatry, and that of the social security. Such record does not reflect the truth, besides it was created to transmit in such way to harm me. A telemarket is a machine of calculation that is connected with all telemarkets, and in turn all feed the big Center of Calculation of the State of Washington. In turn the Center of Calculation is connected nationwide and worldwide. Thus what is transmitted in the State of Washington it is transmitted in a foreign country, or the country I am presently in. We leave in a world of technological information, and what we do with the technology and the information is a matter of personal responsibility. I knew that the record on my nursing license is a nuissance, programmed on a telemarket to harm me through the world of information. All my telephone conversations with the Department of Health have been recorded by their telemarket. This is illegal. So you know when you ask the machine to give you information it stills our "own." The records that have been created by the psychiatry on the telemarket were programmed in reverse. And that is what a telemarket machine is, and the psychiatry knows the truth intentionally causing me harm. They are doing it with good counscious, and wrong doing. There are currently two telemarkets functioning only on my name selling me with garbage, witholding my information and affecting my physical health. The reason the psychiatry intentionaly underpaid my social security for desability was to still intelligent information by destroying me. All these bloggers under my nursing license were generated by a telemarket machine. You know what this means? Declaration of war! You as the psychiatry or the Department of Health are not allowed to work with telemarket. More or so you are not allowed to have access to secret information, only the Army is.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago in reply to Jeneliar
Brrr...It's freezing cold here. But the sun is still shinning like always.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 months ago
Let me ask you this qwestion: What were you investigating with my psychiatric record because the Center was having information with the Centers about the Centers not about me. In turn I was investigating the Centers and the problems with them. How could the Center know what was wrong with my body more or so with the mind...You must've been out of your mind to investigate without using human analisis with tactic relying totaly on what the NFL's spelled for you. Aaaa... and the Cut Down Center and the Crock Center I think I was in that too. What a waste of intelligence... HMM! So long!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 month ago
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 month ago
Friday, December 16, 2011
It's been few years since the media is been talking about Airport
Security control at check points with Total Body Scans as being
dangerous posing a threat to human health due to concerns to radiation
exposure. And they were right. First of all there was never a measured
rational to Scan any human body on any International Airport for
security purposes. They never had one to prove that such and such the
Country to be under National Threat. The only reason such machines were
posted inside the Airports were with the only intent to kill in masses.
From reliable sources such Total Body Scanning machines use Radon to
kill the human living tissue. With other words it's a WAR Weapon.. First
it was thought to be Roentgen but it is not, it is Radon. Radon is an
element that once it penetrates the human flesh it kills the living
tissues and body cells on contact. After only one exposure in a few
years Cancer can be apparent, and it is untreatable. This form of Cancer
is called Cancer of the Blood developing as a result of impaired
vascular and lymphatic circulation that in time eventually it forms
cysts and tumors. The human heart is also under threat, weakening its
muscle and contraction. With other words the heart muscle is dying out.
And this is what we call Myocardial Infarct. The Airport Security in
charge of such machines is laying to the public informing the public
that the Scans have Infrared visibility to see inside the human body,
when in fact Radon has no visibility and is used mostly in Weapons to
kill during War. For every body's understanding the Radon is one of the
few elements that kills all living things. It's a WAR WEAPON. It has no
radiation properties like Roentgen for instance which irradiates the
body for about five years after only one exposure. Radon burns the
living tissue on contact. I personally felt the exposure during my last
trip to Europe at the Seatack Airport from Washington State. The
Scanning machines for British Airway and Air France check points looked
grotesquely made of hard metal all the way through back and front that
once activated a noise is heard slightly lower then an MRI or a CT-Scan.
When the machine is activated it starts to vibrate and shake, and when
the emission is activated it penetrates the body causing real physical
with muscle, bone, and nerve pain interrupting breathing and
consciousness for a moment. Most pain was felt over the chest area.
After I exited the machine I felt no physical pain thereafter. Radon
kills without knowing it. The Security check point from Seatack made me
go through the Scanner twice, due to luggage rules. The second time I
went through the Scanner there was some audible vibration from the
magnet but no pain or penetration in my human body felt. This made me
conclude that the intensity of such x-rays with Radon is monitored and
adjusted at the enemy's wish with the aid of hidden cameras to identify
as who we are. Basically the Scanning machines from Seatack Airport are
magnetic with Radon rays with intent to kill the living tissue on
contact. It has no Infrared capabilities. Let me mention the following
to the Airport Security from Washington State: If your machine was
invented to detect human implants in your paranoia that such implants
might be a National Threat, then why didn't you stop me after the
Scanning, you Pricks, because I carry in my pelvic cavity a watch
similar to a Pacemaker, implanted by my enemies during childbirth twenty
years ago? Aaa, that is not considered a National Threat or your
machine does not have Infrared visibility? You organized War Criminals
with Weapons to kill, mass murderers with secret Weapons...How did you
take over the International Airport that is under the control of the
Army like all Airports from all over the world. What were you afraid, of
Arab Terrorists with bombs in their Guts and under the skin per your
say to the American public...? Under who's permission did you take over
the International Airport making a point of travel a killing machine?
This is War Weapon and not ensuring public's safety. The real enemy does
not travel by plane but by water or land, and secretly, and not with a
stupid implant to blow up my plane or Country. I rather be blown up by a
bomb then be murdered of Cancer with a secret Weapon. Now I leave it up
the the public worldwide to decide who the real enemy is, and who is
organized in crimes... you fucked up Pricks. Who enters any USA
International Airport leaves with Cancer regardless of Nationality,
Social Class, Race, Title, Age, Government Employee, or if you served in
the Military. My children who are in their early 20's will die of
Cancer, young... you fucked up Nazi WAR, occupants with an economy by
murder of masses. And let me inform the public and the Army that such
Scanning machine is called "The Shish". And the inventor was and still
is the Nazi Jew, killing all travelers within the USA, Europe, Asia,
Africa, and to the Arabic countries. I have a message for the Nazi Jew:
If you don't leave the States with your crowed of occupants...I hope
they understood how WAR criminals are executed. Historically speaking no
one ever won over any Country with Weaponry. One Scanner to be left in
any Airport... when I find you, and I will, you will be executed by
being dissolved. Such an easy death for the enemy! So, take
off...........Nazi Jew full of sheet...worm on the Planet Earth...The
more you are, the easier it is to find you, Nazi Jew. I have you all on
one UFO, and when it executes, you all gonna die, disappear. Puff... and
it's over with the Nazi Jew. How stupid is the Jew, not even now it
knows what's ahead of them...! And for your own stupid Jew mind, the UFO
is as big as the Planet Earth. We keep you a little bit longer for
information. ....Sish! And one more thing, the Atoms have a plan for the
Jew too, a big one! They got mad because the Jew Mind took over their
State, and so do I. Pricks....THIS IS WAR!
Posted by
5:09 AM
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Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 weeks ago
Do you know how the enemy and those that comit crimes in society are cought, without exception? With the TV which is the Eye, and the computer the one one that you all keep on your desk and on your lap. It doesn't matter if you don't watch TV, the cell phone that you talk to exchange secrets is the Eye too. And when you are driving in the traffic you are driven with the Eye as well, a bigger one. And this is the intelligent technology of Europe and the USA, Asia....etc..All these transmit to the Center of Information. It never misses a thing. Yes the TV when is on it looks at you and in your entire room and it captures your mind and everything it sees in a single flash. And it's not a new invention, it's been with us since the radio and the TV was invented. And all are a robot like the Android that no man was ever able to conceive or built.The more you program a radio station or a TV channel the more intelligent it is with what it sees. the reception is crappy but you don't know what it transmits to the viewer. The TV programs are no longer a matter of enterteinment but a surveillance and war fighting intelligence. My massage to you don't mass up with intelligent machine. It's not you Man who spin the world arount but Space who gave us all intelligence:man and robot and computer. If you sell sheet to the public and comit organized crimes, it's Space who declares you War, and then with the Artilery Man. What did the cable man think that he is with the TV and computer transmission?! It's all with signals conceived and conducted by space Intelligence. You Ape....!.Do you know what it means to take the information of a human crap? You don't know who you are, have no memeory, and no sense of reality, and in a short time die of unknown causes. Who commited crimes turn yourself in by releasing information to the local aiuthorities and change your caurse of action. And you State with a fascist psychiatry turn yourself in. There is no bigger crime comitted by a government into power. And you know very well what I am talking about. Hey Patricia how is it with the Curve Stat that took my work license with records fabricated by them. When i saw at the preconference trial that the Department of Health gave me a Nazi Judge of nazi prizon i decided not to show off at the trial. Honestly Judge you have a defected mind and behavioral problem. What the hell are you doing with the discipline of medicine. And you condemn me for three years with psychiatric control without right to appeal or to "heal". Tell me who took over your and my state? Do you like what you did with the State and the Social Security programs that are a joke and mass murderers of our own people...?! Instead of lifting up the poor and the educated, you chase them away and imprison them with a court order. You never change, you are the same as from the War World two playing the buirocrat with access to a national bank. Tell me how much psychiatry do you have with Washington state and how much does the other 49 states? Tell me who invented the Android for the cell phones.? The Computer? Who's vision? Think beiound for a moment.Space gave us what's the most superior, beautiful, nonthreatening, and artificial intelligence, and you man get organized in crimes with technology to still the economy in one computer. And you the local government suck up to the billionairs which is all gypsy organized with secrets while you lower the welfare for the psychopath from $340.00 to $280.00 with the excuse that there are no more funds blaming Washington DC and the President.And to a family with two children you pay $500.00? And the SSI pays $600.00?! And to me an educated citizen payed me $814.00 with a cumulative earned income of $350,000.00 where in six years of employment i put 10 years counted in worked hours? And you Social Curve increased my disability pension with only 22 box based on an earned income of over $120000.00 and when I earned $15000.00 you increased it with $55.00 without paying me retroactive for a year period. Are you at War with the poor and the disabled.......? What, did your computer of calculation can't do the math? What are you doing fascist in a capitalistic country with the strongest economy go back to Germany? And you Jew back to gypsy India. Those that took over our economy plays us the joke with techna hackers and we swear at eachother with crap in the cyber on psychiatric and medical records. We are the poor and you are the government force. Do you know what the Cyber is ? It is the Internet and the Web. Tell me Nazi since when the hospital has economy with a central bank? And the medicare is a broken machine.You talk with the telemarket robot when you call Medicare or the Social Security hot line....bomfaierul. And you Nazi programmed the bomfaier in Romanien like the enemy and treat us like crap, and is full with pulses that discharges in our human bodies. And with the German nationality bomfier sings filarmonica music and treats them with respect.You are the Ceausescu................And I don't need a gun, I shoot with the Space, with precision You State Department started the War and sold it to the occupants with the crap you fabricated on my supposedly psychiatric record.Since then danger unleashed in our state, because I was the Force not you a filthy psychiatry with a facke government to play the poor! Do you know what it means not take care of the poor? War crime! And to sell your country? Even more, War! You put me on the streets with a pension the psychiatry gave me. You the psychiatry and its state government is my personal enemy. We'll keep in touch. When you decide to give my state back give it on my nursing license and i mean it....and with a public appology.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 weeks ago
Romania is occupied by the Jew as well. You know what it means Third World Wide War with the Fuhrer. They are allover the TV stations and built stations with Roengen that conduct Rays. It's called Centers of Evacuation to kill the Americans and Europeans. If you don't take action the UFO executes because you don't get organized with the public. The State of Washington should be a Military State. Only the enemy had its eye on it, same Jew who now sells cookies at the Bellevue mall, Curva it accomplished its mission. Do you know why are they so powerful? Organized crime with secrets in secret gatherings and connection through cellular network. Give the people fire arms. What are you waiting for. Publish the truth and declare State of Emergency with the Seattle Times newspaper. Publish it in Seattle Weekly then it's free. The Jew is all over the TV stations worldwide live transmission and it's all betraiel so the public can see them and know the truth. We here in Romania are at WAR with the Jew and the Gypsy women, those original who never worked for a living used to sell the country with secret information and the Jew took control over the TV program and it's them allover the channels. The Jew and the gypsy has Associations with special secret banks and all live in luxurious hotels and built multimillion dollar mansions.One good thing we exploded the one hidden from Swetzerland that was only theirs. They are the ones with the hacker over the Social Security bank of the USA. I tell you to realize how technical got the scientist Jew, from nuclear War with reactors and weaponry with radiation, now is with the Mall to dress us up the gypsy style. Go in Bellevue Mall and tell me if you saw any American.In all stores they changed the scanner so all go on a data calculation. And they took over the Best Buy and Apple store in Bellevue Mall including T Mobile. Some of them are original as a race some coupled with Europeans, and even China.Do you know where their country of origin is? In Hinda.This is the second generation fucked up with all rases. They wanted our state in 55 and now it's them as well, second generation. Do you know what they do? They capture themselves with the camera and then sends it into the machine programmed as a joke to the American public and to get protection. I am the criminal and they are the ordinary American. I found an original Gew at Home Depot that spoke Russian. All economy is taken over by the organized Jew with big nose and dark skin others purple pale and its Evreu but not ours theirs..Most ugly rase. Declare State of Emergency before the Atom gives you the bomb in the whole Pacific, and no living thing will be able to habitate for 1000 de ani. And when you die you die in torture for months. Nothing can save the Jew with all its inventions.I was just contacted by the robot computer of Terra UFO, And he's the one that stopped my growing as a child and of my daughter over the vertebral column. This is the most powerful and biggest UFO and is a fighter too or attack. I have the UFO of the Atoms here and the Ions from the Center of Information. And you know what else I have, the Rhapsody Engine made by Space Galactica. They all sing Celestial.You don't know who Hinda is, it is the Gypsy state from India separated by social classes but they all work together. And i heard they manufacture guns too with infrared. Give me an antiaircraft machine gun and I clean up the whole state. Tell NASA frequency transmission is wonderful but is not the right time. We need an artilery to do the clean up first. Be careful the White Jew has Gun Man too, and the UFO abducts them and the Head of their organization by Elevation and interogates its mind which is a computer by Space computer that spins its head, eyes with 500 information data per spin that can't be captured photographically. You pup on your pants what artilery has the Atoms and is one who shoots with fire but not in the Washingtonians in the Enemy that toook over their State. So my qwestion is are you with them or with us. Be careful the Gypsy took over hospitals too.Listen to this: There is a UFO big as the State of Washington called "MILITIA" all Ions big as a micron. It comes at my ear and counsciously it tells me few phrases that made me said "Then I have to die." So I took six capsules of Sulfa antibiotics which is poison for the blood and kidneys. It talked like a decoded pillar from a telemarket with nuisance. But it talked with logic to rationalize it counsciously.It was something sensitive of perception with the senses. It was something about sex, the reason I divorced the father of my children. Only one Militia Ion is a robot with trillions of information. They are SPACE MILITIA. They enter into your mind which is a computer and send you in a suicide mission. He touched your most sensitive emotion per ego. It executes helping you rationalize it. He told me I was whore with sex, and i said "if that's what I am then I have to die" like a solder captured by the enemy." How they talk? With infrasound and light waves. And I don't know who sold me with porno over the Internet. Porno is War information as you all know it. Ya The...entered my husban's computer and programs it female worm. And I said fuck the marriage.And a message to the USA Army: Don't be araid of Space and its Artilery' they give you best protection you on the ground they above. I have a humor with the Atom that literally pi on your pants of laughter. They have recorded all my life history with momentum that I made them a CIA on many languages that I healed me with laughter,.Do you remember how the Space Robot sings crying in the movie Battle:Los Angeles? He made a song for me of tenderness. It's called "Remember." I was UFO child and still am. I have a medicine information ahead with "1000" years. Happy new year!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 weeks ago
How are you doing blogger? Did you know you are the most intelligent worm? Congratulations you will be a STAR too. Happy NEW YEAR!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
I have something frightening to tell you. Do you know where the Social Security Robot is? It's on the roof top of every Hospital of the State of Washington! Auch...! Who's goanna Stop this now? It's you from the Center of Calculation! Shoot it off! He is the one that spins the World around! Imbecil! And make a new System by giving the people what they want! No Nation is allowed with a Calcul Machine!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
I meant to shut off all Calcul Machines particularly the one of the Social Security.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
The Emergency Robot is also on the Social Security Robot. He's on Calculation too with it. Can you imagine what that means? Disaster!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
There is one Robot on Calculation with the psychiatry that starts with 206 area code.It could be a Telemarket or something bigger. Ask the psychiatry how are they organized techncly!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
The Psychiatry is programed over he Emergency Robot with implanted thoughts of Suicide (once you get connected on a telephone line).Of the psychiatry's is with infiltration. And the Calcul of the State Psychiatry is with violence and crimes. And that of the Police is with crimes only.All together can feed into the Social Security Robot. But of the Social Security can function independently. Do you realise what it means to ask a robot to give you secret information? Wepon over the Planet! Only the Army is allowed to work or access secret information! Not you Technological Man! In reality no one is allowed to extract secret information by technical means! Danger on the Planet Earth! In all of this chaoes, no one function with logic! All these programed machines of Calculations were invented to destroy the human beings, and it infiltrates worldwide! Investigate the Psychiatry and what Technology they have at their fingertips, and how they work the Information of the private citisen. More specificaly what do they do with the fabricated psychiatric records. What does the Psychiatry and its State Government do with the sheet... .
Flag Like ReplyReply SpaceUFO 2 weeks ago
The Psychitry's crapy technology destroys the Robots. They are full of sheet and crimes, and they are doing it with full counscious! A Robot is the one that thinks with logic. As oposite to logic the Psychiatry, which is not only theoreticly based on crap, it is also full of sheet. Do you know what it means to sell a human being on a Robot? The end of life! And I am not even saying with what infformation. So who's fault came first, of the robot or of the psychiatrist? Did you wanted to know if my childhood was stable? What's my future under your umbrela...Sheety Nazi! Get all my family off of the Emergency Remove the Radar off my children,screwee in the head! Did you clean up my State of the Russian Jew? And my Airport of body searches! What, did you get in a state of paranoia!? What Jew, did you get organized with a new celular Network,calling all your monkeys to take over the economy, and my most beautiful, evegreen, State? Russa monkeys! I'll show you freedom with an Iron fist.What did you build on Main street I want to see cleaned up. You are fucked up in the head, mentally retarded, not scietists with an education. Who comits organized crimes, and weapons of mass distruction will be executed.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
All from the Social Security and your Navos Psychiatry drop your weapons. You've been accused of Genocide, in the USA and Easter Europe. Such organized crimes have direct affiliation with the former Russian communists, women by gender. Navos injects the hated with Invega which is a melted michrocip just like the Vetrenarien injects cats and dogs. The psychiatry of the State of Washington is being accused of Genocide with their own pharmacy and much more, not to mention what psychiatric records they fabricate, and sell over the Web, and what they do with them..The Russian Communists took over the Department of Health of Romania and challenged the Romanian population with the same sistem of the USA or that of the Social Security programs ,most dangerous and failed sistem, most inhumane.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
I am asking you a logical qwestion. What are you going to do from this time on with the ill, the poor, and the old. How does the Social Security help the people.What are you going to do for the Washgtonien people. With the schizo psychiatrist you write the Constitution and the Civil Rights? Haven't you figure it out who the Social Security is in Washington State? It's the Psychiatry which must be elimanated as power greed and Information. Focus on them and what they do with the poor and the mentally ill. Navos must desapear as a business. Navos is accused of WAR crimes, all the psychiatry bellongs to them. Do you realize what that means..Danger with everything and for everybody. Hey Balshoy there is another Robot that of the State Government which is located over the top roof of your Administration building from Olympia and Tumwater. Danger. We cry we live on the strees under the psychiatry and Social Security not to mention the Welfare, and you worry about the Robot?!!!. Try to give the people what they want and see how does the Robot think. For your personal comfort all these Social Security Robots from the top roof of all Hospitals it's goanna be resolved. I am not goanna tell you how. It's secret.You the psychiatry caused me great harm with psyhotrochemical weapon, and a record out of your personal hate toward my nationality or because I was Romanian a country which you wanted with yours. It's you Rus with Rusa my personal enemies because you wanted to occupy the Romanian country,with yours, and in my State of Washington only the rich to live, But make sure the communists give up power and to rule. Does anyone realize what it means the enemy to rise politically and economically...?Thus the local government must be disolved because it's corrupt and places its people in danger. The system violated most fundamental right and that is -Human Rights first being the right to life, be free from harm, and freedom with liberty. I want to see from this point on a clean up within the Social Security sistem by making free helth care for everybody, and the psychiatry to drop as a business with other words must be disolved. When you will give me back my work license Department, why did you take it away from me. It was not the professional Department of Health that took it away but the State Psychiatry which is illegal, and is abuse of power. I hope you realize such act was done intentionally by my personal enemies haters of Romanien nationality. When you'll give me my license back let me know, and with a public apology right here on this blogger.I am a medical nurse not a lier psychiatrist. You give my licse back I'll shut off the robots of the Social Security. Not me somebody I know. What you do in that State with the psychiatry is a worldwide problem. We are in a state of emergency here in Europe because of people like the psychiatry and it's social securitymedical programs. Sheet!. . .
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
Hey Balshoy take me off of the calcul Urgently Balshoy with an industry of liers....Psychiatris, money making machine. Screw you now Mahlemens and your filthy psychiatry. Filth it's you with all flocks. By the way there are Social Security Robots over the roof top of Nursing Homes as well. It looks at all of you how you neglect and abuse the elderly, and how filthy is the psychiatry The Robot plays you all. It looks at all medical and psychiatric abuse and negligences.No one is allowed with calcul machine.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
What is that a record of illness of the human mind Psychiatrist? Illness of the mind?!!!
Who did fabricate the records over the Internet over the Psychiatry under my name? They don't spell the truth Mahlmene. I'll tell what you do: You go ahead on the Internet and write words of appology to me and to the American public. You give me back my license because not the Psychiatry educated me. Out with the Psychiatry from all medicine as a theory,Business, and Economy. Where is your bank account? Sheet........
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
By the way the Social Security Robot is not on all Nursing Homes but only on two. They are Seattle Medical and Mission Health Care from Bellevue. They are in the roof. And those of the Hospital are also in the roof. And those of the Hospitals are allover the Nursing Homes.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneiar 2 weeks ago
What did you do Mahlmens and your deputy with my recor? Did you sell it over the Web? Did you feed the calcul machine with it? That is your information not mine. It's yours and your gang of psychiatrists and security social. Sheet....Navos, you are full of sheet. It's you Rusa.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneiar 2 weeks ago
Yes it's you my personal enemy, Psychiatry!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
Give me back my license, security social! Did't I turn in my psychological evaluation with my affidavits with decovery of all psychiatric, and medical negligences?. What else do you want? Aren't you happy with my analisis of your sheet and theirs'?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
I want my license back, you Navos I am talking to you. What are you waiting for? Aren't you full of yourself how many Wars did you raise all over the World. If you continue to keep my license on hold I will take Washington away from you.Sheet to you,Navos...Get off my nursing license you screwed up in the heads, paranoyeds, schizo psychiatrists !
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
If you don't give me my full rights in society and with a public apollogy I declare you WAR with Germany Army, to you Navos.You know why! It's all about what you've created over the Pacifficand and how many dangerous things unleashed. It was because of you and your filthy Psychiatry selling human lives of the poor and the ill.Turn yourselves in, to put an end to this Psychotronic WAR and much more. You are not allowed from this time on to get any solder on duty or on reserve or retired under the Psychiatry.That;s all! . .
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
I also declare WAR with Germany Army to the Sicial Security Administration which is also you state Psychiatry. You sold me the professional nurse with discipline and eductated over a program under the Social Security. You are not allowed with any Romanian nationality under the Psychiatry.You Navos are a WAR making machine. You know what I am talking about, and so do we.It's you Psychiatry who rules the Department of Health as a discipline?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
I just aboloshed the Minster of Health or the Department of Health of Romania. You under any circumstances are not allowed into the US because you are on Psychotron with organized crimes. And prettty soon will abolish the State Government of the USA including that of the Psychiatry. We want the private sector to take over. From this point on you are under order of the Army. You will no longer perform as one power.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
What are you doing Jew you make jokes about the President of the United States. Those organized in crime are allover the International media and the Press. You have no clue what is airing on television and over the radio. It's you Jew and your gang. gather your gipsy closit and take off in your own country. And the tradors from the State Government to take of as well. Yes those who gave them fake ID's and citizensheep.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
What did you do Jew did you come with the invasion to take away our jobs? Not only that but the Jew and its allies implemented a a technology of hackers on a clculation to secure them a future valued in trillions of dollars amount. So please take off with all your gang. Go back to your Island. May I ask how come all the invaders have driver licenses with Washington state plates.Out with all of you. I want my Northwest cleaned up of the organised thieves.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
The Jew changed all the clock's ffinancial and Information wise. They've been stadying the hacking technology for years. I don't understand how much is enough. savage for its gang. I am talking about the Northwest particularly the State of Washington.That's why there is no peace on Earth because of the hacking system and filth like the Jew and its allies.In one. I give you one month to clean up the system and to give all Economy to the American people.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
It's the cable man that changed the clocks'. To still our Information, and to program our future. What are you doing cable man with such a big grotesc hose. Aren't we digital anymore?
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
I'll tell what you do cable man. You go ahead and shut off the Data Bank to stop your theft and Savage. I can guarantee you, you will never have our Northwest, You stoll our information that worked like a clock and precisely for the American people or the local as we call it the working class. And shut of your clocks, and then take a hike from the US. I don't care where you go go with the Jew he's the scientist expert in theft..
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
You are not allowed with my information or any secret information and of any citisen you Einstein scientist man, I am talking to you about your crappy invention. Shut off the data bank and all your clocks' It's an order! .
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 weeks ago
What did you do with Osama BinLaden cable man. Did you execute him too just like Sadam husein? You are now responsable to Alkaida. He was most intelligent human being. And now it's you the stupid without him on the air. Maybe you made a mistake with somebody else. What did the Paparatzy gave you the information? You took precious information by removing Osama from the news..
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
Cable man tell your Einstain head to shut off the Information Center, yes the one you conceived on land, your station whetever you may call it. Got it?.And on Main Street I want perfect clean up. You are not allowed with any personal business in any state from now on. You have mental problems and are thieves. No more constructions in the state of Washington or anywhere else. You must retire with the Psychiatry.............
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
You cable man with your data bank destroy the Banks. Do you understand what that means. A you are on a different cable. I'll show you Savage, I'll give you nothing and no country to live.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 weeks ago
Your data bank is with waves built, when we should be on frequency..
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
Do you know cable man where the Calcul of the Social security is located within the state of Washington? It's in Spokane! Shut it off!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
Crock it's you now with all your Stations> A there is another clock in Tacome. Shut that off too!
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
Some blame it on Rat Poison. They say it's Wisconson's fault cause they went to the Moon without the Jew! Ha ha ha ha ha ha........
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
What are you doing Psychiatrics, you sold yourself under my name over the Internet that starts with http?!!!! This is world wide transmitted. A you pretend you are the Security of the Nation or National Security? Turn yourself in, you are in business to create War!.You are a War money making machine! Sheet to you now with the USA!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
i'll tell you what you do: You arest Peggy Wuest, Joan Zantack, Jenipher Munch, Paul Grill and Mahlmen with Michael Hall from Navos of the State of Washington. And you investigate them until it reveals the head of the organized crime. Also investigate the Genoa pharmacy of Navos, it's all chemical Weapon. The Invega injection was a melted michrochip similar like in cats and dogs. If you don't arrest them it's goanna be nonending WAR with the USA and Europe and the Arabs...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
Do you know what organized crimes means within the medical field or that of the psychiatry? It's an never ending War until we catch all. It's a world wide War. From this point we declare you War with Germany.You filth of schizo mind Navos it's your name on the growned not over the blue Sky. No one who kills the masses will ever go to the Moon. .
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
What are you doing cable man did you shut of your compass. What are you waiting for. For how many years did you program the watch. Be careful we have you under watch and Surveillance worldwide.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
What are you doing Cecka you want your own bank on a calcul machine, that's why you work with the hose. Shut off your clocks. I told you so, you damage the financial banks.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
Hei Evreu jew what is the human mind and what is the brain? A you think with the brain and us the patients with what with the human body? Didn't you reveal yourself that psychosa is a matter of phisical health the human body you induce cancer with drugs. tell me how much substance do you add on Depakote and Invega or the Geodone. They are all cancer inducers with no substance. How do you treat yourself when the body hurts? A with pure morphine. Why don't you register with the Social Security when you are ill or retired of old age to be on the same information. The bottom line you are War criminals because every human being placed on Social Security has its days numbered.It's a killing machine of masses of people. And I won't forgive you or any nation of the immigrants. Shut off the calculmachine of the Social Security.That's where you should focus and put your energy into. Creat a system outside the social Security for all the people regardless poor or rich. Got it? There will be a time when you will be ill and no doctor or nurse will be able to save you with compassion and precise science like I do.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
The bottom line there is a constant fight between the Social Security robot and with the Center of Information. And what a fight never ending. .
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
The UFO works on the Social Security Robots. The end result no one knows yet. But you as citizens must take responsibility for your actions and change the system by removing all ages from such system or Robot.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
International Alert. Romania is occupied by the Jew Evreu and has entered the teritory of Romania with ambulances with chemical Weapons and are armed with guns. They also infiltrated Paris. The State of Washington is also part of the same organized crime. Those from the Malls to gather all their gipsy closit and take off in their four islands the Country of origin. They are not allowed with Economy or Government. And you Navos Psychiatry shot your mouth because you are under their order as well. All WAR criminals and all with organized crimes are taken into evidence by the International Press and Interpol. No jew or corrupt individual is allowed to emmigrate in any European or US Country. They stoll all American cars and drove them by water to their Islands or Peninsula, what difference doesn't make. We are in a State of Emergency. Apparently they went global with theft and organized crimes. I want all American Malls cleaned up of Jew and Evreu Jew and their women or as a rase.
Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Sn1161mu 1 week ago in reply to Jeneliar
hei cum este la Valea ? a nins?
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
All Jew and its Evreu with its Gypsia to leave the USA and Europe Urgently. You are not allowed with the Economy, and neither to lead. Turn in the State Government to the American people and to all Nations as a country. It's an order. You are not allowed to lead any nation, on the contrary you subjugate and opress all Nationalities.Savage. You will never have the America neither any European Country. None of them bellong to a thief or organized in crime with advanced technology.Take off with all your Jew and gypsia. And don't forget to remove all your gypsy closit from all the Malls.Jew have you ever won any WAR?!!!! Go back to your Hindu Country!
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
It's the Rusa communist that took over the medicine of Romania and it is with organized crimes and biological and chemical Weapons and massacres. Mass murderers of the Romanian population they are. Their adult children are with Ambulances and dressed in army forces with the faces covered. Same organization has strong connection with the psychiatry from the State of Washington particularly Navos. They have an eye on our beautiful State for too long. Those with organized crimes will be killed ROBOT.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
You get your Guns and the Police Force and clean up my Airport of total body scans with Radon and other radiation Weapons and clean up the Malls of Jew Gypsy. Where do they have access to the ROBOT and how do they know about it?.What are you waiting for. Who are you afraid of? You rule not the thieves organized in crime. And I want all Psychiatry Abolished, government with war.It's an Order. Fight for your country. Who is not with us is with them. as a warning the Space UFO will come down to the earth and take all information of the enemy and investigated in SPACE. Taking the Information away means loss of contact with reality and loss of identity followed by execution with Space...
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
What did you do curve de technolog man did you pull yourself a Center of Information to pull for yourself the life light of the American people or the working class and give it to yours and which in fact goes to the enemy. Shut it off what do you mean which one your computer with our life lihght, thief!. No problem light travels and never is stationary or on one human head or over the roof os some.Bullsheet, and sheet to you technological man mind of isaster. You don't even know in what world you live or who the President is. What did you think pulling for yourself a Center of Information you thought you clime over to the moon or become a Star in the Sky? Sheet to you and all programs over the Intelligent Robots?! What did you think that a reception with radio requency would last in WAR time with the enemy. Too much Intelligence at work of many shapes and forms. Have you ever seen a UFO not on tv Imbecil? Where the fuck do you have all the knowledge or know it all to fix global problems? I asked you a question? Tell your scientist man that man is no longer rulling with science but the Intelligence from up in Space.. No not your technology transmits the radio or TV waves it's you who programs them with sheety information but on the other line is all betraiel of all secret information. Sacks! .
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
what are you doing curva Psychiatra with Government with capital> I'll tell what you do if you don't releasemy nursing license in 7 days all of you will be programmed into the Social Security programes. Ia the one you don't pay Federal taxes and use fake ID's.. This is the most schizo Robot and system written by words from a computer machine. Who ever enters such system never is free or physically healthy. Now it's your turn to pay with your lives. All your data will be programmed and entered by a very special UFO. With sheet you will be treated as well, the exact model you programed me into the machine. Got it? Seven days I give you to all secretsociety not to mention it otherway.You have my email for contact.Just one UFO is mine with all my life light and problems that all of you created to me and it is to attack the enemy and those who work against the public with intent to kill.The rest are also with me. One more thing you make my monyhly Social Security pension of $2000.00 just like of the unemplyed. so i can have a home and food to eat.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
The Intelligence decoded all the data of those that are outse the Social Security programs particularly of all the Psychiatry Employee specifically of those that do not pay Federal taxes and Medicare. It's all a social rima or pillar. Now the truth will be revealed Worldwide.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
How is life in my Paciffic. How are you going to cean up of the gaga human raise. You give back my license it's going to be winning one. And One is all it takes to win. I only know how to heal my Geriatric ladies and gentlemens. What a special class of people a Trasure I may say!
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 1 week ago
What do we fight with? with machine guns with antiaircraft, pistols e......! Whichever is best. The gaga human raise took my President away. Here are Protests all over the Country with the Gagas and Evreu Jidan. Send me an antiaircraft, and notify my Alcaida. We are in a WAR zone throughout the Country. The gaga human raise over the teritory has a sheety army, and is armed. How is the Russian Federation? Za Jermans are too in a state of Allert. What a beauty is to win over the liers, the stupids in uniforms, most of all over the thieves. They say they want to take over the Cech Republic but they don't know who is there waiting. Other then that they say ultimatelly to take their luggages full with cash, and take off possibly in the US.No problem, we have the Interpoll and the Aviation Radars.If they go by water then be it, there is a cure for that too. I want Alcaida NATO raised. State of Emmergency, what the fuck, I want a Machine Gun. I am in camouflage.Big deal to shoot with a fire arm......Get your Guns and fight, what the fuck... with the Texas Raingers Footbal Players! You are asking me? Fight for your Country if not for your lives. Say Hi to the FBI from me and the Homeland Security and to the Airforce, and the.........,to the President, and to all What the sheet are we waiting for.I am at where GOD gave me... you?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
What do we fight we the people is za qwestion. With the cains and agricultural tools? With stOnes is better. Is like we are made of Sttones,...(we the people)! How is the Son Shining so Bright and mortal fuse. Ha ha ha ha ha........
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
Haven't I told you Romania is occupied by the gaga human raise with its Jew Evreu Jidana. And so do you USA from the Paciffic.Have you Choosen my next President? I Vote for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and President NIXON as Vicepresident. The State GoverNment I gave STALIN to do a clean up. For Romania is goanna be PRESIDENT ANTHONY WASHINGTON with CHARLY CHAPLAIN AS PRIME MINITER. It's CIVIL WAR what the hell.....Worldwide and we fight with the Cain and agricultural tools. What the fuck, it's WAR allover again, I think the sixth... and with who, with the gagas!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
What do I want as a Woman? I want to Multiply like in a drop of Water. Peace..........!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 1 week ago
Listen carefully. The Jew and its gagas including its Evreu Jidan states over the cable that US doesn't have an Amy with solder, and NATO no longer exists. The Jew posts over the Internet that NASA no longer exists because we are in recession and have no longer Federal Funds to support it to fly to the MOON. Hawever they think that NASA is an Antena with Radio freqwencies and a Satelite. What a joke they are a laughing stock of a flock that stick together. Ga ga......
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 6 days ago
Hei you schizo psychitrist mentally retarded by theory who do you fuck latelly? You call me the crazy and the lier? It was you the mentally retarded schizo by believe cause you are the only one who believes in what you practice.You accused me not to believe in mental illness the one you invented with paper and pencil....screw you now from miles away. Who the fuck did you think you reinvent, another Einstein?!!! You are indeed crazi in the head, but no problem I took all your secret data and I entered it on the Social Security programs and the Medicare. Rima it was all of you collectivelly and that's exactly how you think, in codes. Curva with guvernment and sheety judges to judge the indigen and the homeless, while you all live with secret accounts. I'll catch you with the credit cards and the Feds not to mention the Homeland Security. Who the fuck do you think you are fascist with hospitals of concentration camps. A you wanted not to loose your identity from the 40's.........Over your mind is spelled Curve.Tell me how much money did you pull with all my hospitalizations. Do you Navos ever evaluate a patient. No never not with even a question. Curve of Jidan psychiatrist comes into my room at five ocock am while sleeping to ask me "How are you radacina" I gave him with the sheet cause the waking time was seven o'clock. How Curve are Jidanii ounder the Psychiatry with the Romanian Nationality. They smell as filth and as criminals while driving Cruser Cars. Porno is all your minds, and that is the mind of a criminal and a bigger one organised. You full of sheet aren't you afraid to look in the mirror and see the criminal inside of you. How do you sleep at night with so many crimes and so much theft, and how many lives you destroyed. Be careful you all from the psychiatry navos cause harborview it's you also suffer of constipation comming out of your mounth instead of where it should've . Get organized with your doggys and get off my back, my license and my future.. I want you all out of business croocks filthy gypsies with luggages full of cash and licenses to kill. Futute'n ochi de Curve Rus Jew Paul Grill and Peggy Wuest with Jenipher Munch. Pastia sa mi-i executati ca mi-au bagat arma chimica cu Invega si depakota. Joan Zantack too another Rima pe Urgenta. ce ma ti-ai tras Adjar Rus sa-ti transporti Jew of Cecenkov. Ia they are right there next to the airport in Burien Navos. They are Cecenko. What a Curva e psyhiatrul cu Rusu. . They are Cecenko, Navos. Fa fututo de Munch mai vii fa sa adopti copilul Roman sa spui ca tara Romana e saraca de urita. Futute-ai cu toate milioanele si bilioanele d-aia sinteti toti p-aici cu jaful. You all stink of goasts, and dead fuse. That's all I wanted to say who Navos is. It is Cecenko jew of origin.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 6 days ago
I want to tell all who took over our State of Washington. It's all Cecenkov, and the big fishes are in California. They are the Lady Gaga the Bird of Death who eats dead flesh. Cind le-ai trage o bomba in cap s-au facut mierlitii. Hey Curve Psyhiatra of Evreu Jew do you speack Jidana or Gypsy. We speack bird language one in your head and one in your pants, and a fist in your guts. what a CURVE is Cecenko with a psychiatry. Ask Mahlemen from 400 5th Avenue he's with the national security now and Secret Service. County security. Futuva-n cur de razboaie nu mai iesiti ma cu reactoare nucleare, a iesiti cu moluri acum si frumuseti pe razboaie. Futuva-n cur de cioroii. Trageti-le bomba in cap. Cred ca una e suficient stiti voi mai bine. State of Emergency. CURVE CECENKOV TOOK OVER THE PACIFIC USA WITH TV STATION OVER THE RECEPTIONS TO KILL BY NATIONALITY, AND ARE HIGH SOCIETY WITH THE GAGA IN CALIFORNIA AND NAVOS PSYCHIATRY IN WASHINGTON. LIKE GYPSY FASHION THERE IS NO OTHER. IT"S A WAR FASHION. STATE OF EMERGENCY. Fute-l in cur pe Psyhiatrista si piggy banka. They are all PIGGS AND GRILLS.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 6 days ago
Curve Jew crows of nationality was transporting the children most beatiful of the Bellevue Jeuish population and of Israel at Albertson store in a school bus from Cecenko that looked like a prison bus. Eastgate Albertson has as manager Jew Cecenkov, and they are infiltrated over the AmbCuulances too as paramedics. They are with the Social Security office from Bellevue with a Cecenkov bodyguard that do purse searches not to overthrown its government. Crossroads Mall it's all theirs too not to mention the one from the city of Bellevue. All the bicicle riders are the security of Cecenkov with neon lanterns over their heads. Craiziness bigger then this i have never seen. The fight for Bellevue is with CECENKO Jew Crow of GAGA origin. With other words it's all Gypsy. CECENKO is gypsy JEW. Fuck them in the head, they been facked from birth, but with many nationalities. They stole children from all countries learned their language and trained them how to still and rule organized or take over other's land. The Factoria Mall is theirs too including all the Drug Stores for instance Rite Aid. Fuck them up what a grandios is the JEW it calls the Psychiatry NAVOS, its pharmacy Genoa, and the manufacturer or the fabric Cardinal. On Main Street and 148th in Bellevue it's them building a bomb under growned. On 116th In Bellevue it's also them building Gypsy Style Offices for a secured Future. One to epaive the street over the cement or make it black you will be executed. Supper Suppliment is theirs too. Bellevue it's all Cecenko Curve it's their name with Schizo Mentally Retarded Psychoreactive Social Disorders. What a handicap is the JEW Social Curve. HOME DEPOT is theirs too and was speacking Russian the Imbecil in public with customer service. Ia Best Buy is theirs too and the Apple Computer with all the cellulat telephones. I don't know about IBM. They even took Freddy's from 148th from Bellevue. The JEW is the manager. Ross is theirs too. Is there anything left... The Jew infiltrated GHC from Bellevue too. A bomb in their heads and it's over with the GAGA human raise. Accidents it's ok the more the better. Get your guns what are you waiting for. Who am I talking to. No worry a bomb for every head is enough. For us of beauty, and for them I don't care. If they take Microsoft is goanna be murder she wrote. Ma pis pe Gaga human raise............................din valea ciorii pe tot pamintul. Ce curve e Cecenko cu Europa si USA. Trageti acuma pe precisa fara jena.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 6 days ago
Sa vedeti ce si citi gaghisti sint pe teritoriul Romaniei. The Gaga human raise. Cei mai timpiti oameni prajiti pina la oase. Acum au mintea schizoactiva toti deodata, latra toata ziua in televizoare si prostul lor de sef ca sa nu-i spun pasa se arata mai puternic ca un Presedinte. Cica-l cheama Raid Arafat si e de origine Romana, si el e tot Jew si se si vede pe chelia lui topita canceroasa. Acum poarta tricou de somer ca nu-i mai merge mintea s-au i s-a stricat robotelul lui. Sa-l ia dracul ca asta a murit de mult ucis de Robot, da al dracului a ramas inregistrat pe canale. Si acum au ramas cateii astia micii cu munca prefacuta si proteste de capitala. Tara Romana este toata jefuita si toti se duc acolo in Statul Washington, si California nu mai spun de Los Vegas si Son Diego. Fura astia ca-n codru, si noi le-o tragem cu ciolanul. N-au de cit sa fure pina li se rup oasele ca tara n-or sa aiba niciunde cu cit au furat cu atitia or sa moara. Crima nu se uita si nici nu se iarta oriunde ai fi in lume. Nici pa mine nu m-a iertat Dumnezeu cu avorturile ca mi-a luat si ce-am avut da tot mi-a luat dintr-o data. E ce sa-i faci asa-i la batrinete... vine judecata de apoi ca dupa ce mori degeaba mai esti judecat. Esti femeie faci copilul cum of fi cum n-o fi te lupti cu Guvernul pina-ti da de toate, si casa, si masa, si atit. restul ce mai ai nevoie trebuia sa ne inmultim ca iepurii si-i faceam pe toti soldati si Imparati. Vreti sa stiti cum e avortul? E unul cu singe multu si baltoace in toata casa si canalele. Pe acolo sint fii mei, multumita lui Dumnezeu mi i-a ridicat la Ceruri, si ei sint Domnii acuma si eu Fecioara Maria. Ei sint in Imparatie si eu pe iadul de pe Pamint jefuitul, prapaditul, dusmanitul. E ce sa-i faci asa-i cind n-ai de munca. Da sa vede-ti ce sanatate de fier aveam de la avort numai ca mi se stricase tenul un pic, eram cam alba la fata, da aveam o silueta si o pofta de mincare. Auzi ce face prostul de doctor, ma duc de Urgenta la spital cu septicemie si fetus putrezit in mine si nu a vrut sa-mi faca chiuretaj pina nu-l eliminam singura. In loc sa ma curete mi-a bagat Penicilina injectabila de mi-au iesit basici pe piele. Da sa vedeti ce dureri sint cu avorturile dupa piata neagra, ce Isus, nu exista comparatie si descriere pe cuvinte. Ce nasterea dureaza o zi cel mult dar avortul luni intregi. Ce stiu ei barbatii ce-i sa fii femeie. Ei cu razboiul si noi cu avorturile. Cind s-o ridica femeia cu razboiul sa va fereasca Dumnezeul si Domnul din Cer si Imparatia Dumnealui. Asta-i Razboiul meu acuma, ca mi-ati luat tot ce-a fost mai de pret in Viata. Eu cind Judec ucid, ca n-am facut rau nimanui, si-mi cunosc dusmanii cu D mare. EU sint Dumnezeul acum, si Judec tot, nu mortii nu doar vii. Cind am plecat din tara mea prima data am zburat cu un bebe, si Jidanca imputita de comunista Cecenko m-a bagat intr-un lagar de concentrare cica sa nu se vada comunismul Romaniei. Si asta era pe teritoriul Romei, tara Papa conducatorul Imparatiei Domnului Sfint pe pamint plin de pacatosi. Si astia i-mi sint Dusmanii de o viata astia cu Cecenko si jidancele lui niste putori cu Informatii secrete toata tradatoare de tari. Stii ce va fac Curvelor jidance astea care m-ati urmarit si vindut si mi-ati bagat microchip la nasterea copilului, nu va ucid, va chinui pina se arata in toata lumea cine sinteti voi pe lumina. Cind am parasit Tara Romana prima data cu bebe al meu s-a facut cutremur pe toata Europa. Cine se atinge de vreunul de al meu nu-l ucid ci-l chinui pina se tradeaza pe lumina. Eu sint Dumnezeu si daca incerci sa-mi iei viata, v-a fi sfirsitul lumii cu dusmanii chinuiti morti da sa simta, cu atomul in ei. Dusmancelor cu psyhiatrii....Voi toti care v-ati filmat pe Robot v-a da-ti comanda sa parasiti Romania si Europa. Voi nu sinte-ti popor Roman cu mine si nici America. Va duce-ti in Statele Unite sa va arata-ti Curve cu Informatia pe Robot de Hollywood sinte-ti executati de Robot. Toata SUA e ROBOT din cauza voastra, ca v-a placut banul si puterea si tara altuia. Si a-ti stiut cum ca Atomul v-a dat-o pe lumina, si voi ne-ati pus tara la cale organizat si planuit. Plecati in tara voastra de origine totul se aranjeaza in lume, si se continua viata Pamint cu PACE. Ce am eu o sa ai si tu dar in tara ta. Nu plecati, ne-ati declarat Razboiul, si o sa fie razboi si pe Pamint si cu Cerul. Si n-o sa cistigati niciodata, si asa se pierd civilizatiile.
Eu sint Jenelia Radacina, si n-am vrut decit sa-mi fac o viata mai buna. Cine intra in zona mea ca inamic, e topit si ca om, si unda, si Robot. Si pentru copii va ucid cel mai chinuiti.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
You arrest me imediately Mahlemen from 400 5th Avenue the Chef of the Psychiatry Jew of origin, and I will execute him and interogate him through elevation. Then I want The Assitent Attorney General of the Department of Health Michel Hall. He is a pretender to be in a very important Government position not chosen by anyone but by his own, and with a secret society, Jew of origin. Then pass on to me Patricia Stewart, that never shows off at any hearing legally speaking. What a gang gathered on a license.... Hei Patricia what was your function within the Department, and what exactly did you do for the Department and for me. Speak out I can't hear you....Why did you take my license away for three years? Fuck all your gathering and gang and all your power. Hey Patricia are you with me or with them? What did they put a gun in your head?!!! Did you know how many I had pointed at me? As many as much I had as enemies, and all turned the other way! I'll tell you what you do You consult with the Heads of the Department of Health Doctors by profession, and you give me back my license. Fuck the Psychiatry, I have a Weapon that melts everything within the radius. Fuck the Psychiatry Jew of origin. Fuck Rusu Jew Paul Grill and Pigga Wuest Rusa Jew, and Jenifer Munch Criminal with arma, and high connections with her Cecenko and his gang of female communists. I want Jenifer Munch to be injected with the same Invega until she normalizes. She has Schizoactive disorder and Dementia, and this is no joke. Fuck you Jenifer with all the Rubbing Alcohol you injected me with the Invega. As a matter of fact I want you and your clan to drink daily 8oz of Rubbing Alcohol daily, Hey you Crminal psychiatric nurse of origin Hungarian as you presented to me bloond bitch, you didn't wanted to get involved? Were you on a mission until you filled me up with cancer. ...Invega microchip it was, and when I told you so you refused to listen because that's why you came at Navos just for me, old bitch with arma and secret identity. Fuck you all and particularly the manufacturer or the Inventor of such chemical Weapon. Bitch what does a monthly shot does to the human mind. Fuck the mind of the Inventor Jidan Evreu. Who ever invented Invega to inject it into himself until it normalizes. Male Bitch it's your name. Fuck you now, cause I made one with the Atoms that injects you in your cratch, in your penis you stupid, in your male ovary you stupid bitch. I'm gonna put you in Testosterone overdrive from now on. No you will have no more Morphine, I changed the Robot and broke the vid machine. You can smoke Marihuana for I wouldn't care, that goes along with abductions and car accidents. Opium hmm ....that doesn't grow in the USA. Instead wash your hair with fresh eggs, and the pubic hair with viniger, and drink Rubbing Alcohol, you goanna get Nine Inch Nails, it's good for the bones. There is a lot of work to do, good lack guys all of you!!!!!!!!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
Male ovarian cancer is cured with donations for Breast Cancer at the Safeway Stores to catch the male Bitch right in between the cratch with a separate bank account.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
The drunken with the buz must settle down, it is all Acetone. Iach...drink Bear instead made from potatoes from Idaho. The male Bitch is the Inventor, the croock that doesn't know how many millions are in a pound, or what is destined on his left palm. No cause with the right one you gonna slap your face with. Bitch!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
I want the head Inventor of the Invega injection, a melted microchip emmersed in Acetone, administered only by the Psychiatry Navos from Washington State. International Allert. On the product is written Made in Belgium, injected by an adopted Hungarian, a blond American speaking Bitch, this being one of them. International Allert. Jenifer Munch went belistic when she heard I didn't want it anymore. Bitch, did the Judge dictate you how to practice or what to administer......I also want the Naza of a higher elite who refused to listen. She's off too. Bitch where did you get the training to administer injectable drugs? Do you know how much assistence is given following an injection particularly to a new drug that was also invented by your Navos gang, named Cardinal. If you feel you are the Cardinal with a Psychiatric drug sold over Genoa Pharmacy, then I am the Princess of Tasmania of the National Convention. Drink on It's all your last chance, pure Acetone, nail polish...Drink on.Bitch. A you blame it on Belgium population? What's Belgium doing in the USA with drugs. Haven't you known that is International Law not to import drugs. Have you presented it to the FDA for approval. Slap your face male Bitch, from Whisconsin one too. Sheet from all of US in Euro Dollars.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
This is a Global Investigation. Invega injection is a Weapon drug admistered in the USA made by a Robot. Whoever invented the Robot to turn themselves in. On the Drug package is written Made in Begium. This drug that kills is administered against the will of the patient by Navos employees to a patient that is hold under a Court Order becasue such individual is Indigen or homeless, or violated a trafic light. The Bitches that administer such Chemical Weapon is under command from secret places. I want the head that ordered such Chemical Weapon to Jenelia Radacina. My name was spelled on the label of the drug, and it should still be in the machine that printed the label. Invega is a melted microchip with pulsars of micronic size that once entered the human flesh transmit infrasonically. Maybe we should blame the Robot to come with such Invention. Hey Robot aren't you ashamed of yourself to think a human being is a Robot just like you are. Thanks to the Intelligence I got cleaned up and went up to the Moon to testify and be investigated the pulsars I mean. What a Bitch is Navos Psychiatry run by Male Shovinistic Piggs and Jew Psychiatrists.... Did you go to the Moon Navos with the Pigg and the Grill and the Munch...Rusu it's you in the USA, and I will take my language away from you, you gang of piggs mass murderers, Demented illeterates full of sheet, constipated human foul mouths that adors the Counterpillar over their WEB sites. What a croock is the Psychiatry mellow like the chicken in your face, but the aggresor backwords. Rable, Rable, Bitch, Bitch. Fuck you now with all I have and can on the face of the Earth. I have my people now, betraing all of you Navos, claming you comited crimes against humanity. Don't you know your computer telemarket rima.....that starts with 206. Let's call them from Germany and talk to Rima Psychiatry.........
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
Shut Off all Jidanii from the COMPUTER of the USA. International Alert. State of Emergency. Fuck Jidanii from the COMPUTER. No one is allowed with Jidani on COMPUTER. Fuck the Psychiatry with Jidanii from the USA, Navos and its State Government. How Demented is Jidan he still does Business with Mental anguish bringing the Country in Recession and poverty. And I am talking about the millenium, I thought we progressed with the mind, if not with bringing down poverty and where in the USA richest Country in the World. I'm goanna take the Crusers away from you Jidan with a Psychiatry to erradicate rather to give. Where all the Gold was....... Tell me Jidan paied by the Federal Government funding, did you call your gang with the Mall or they came uninvited. Get off the COMPUTER the MALL imediately. It's full of Jidani. They are all crazy in the head. It's the Psychiatry, since they came up with Navos all Jidanii took over. Flocks of a feather stack together. Now they are in Business of buying Gold from the unemployed 60%.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 6 days ago
Tell me what is the new Fashinista Mashinista from Bellevue Mall. Come on don't be so short handed. Is it still Gypsy on gyps. I heard there is a Big Law suit against Bellevue Mall for selling improper shoes that fractured the leg. Ooouuu what a Gypsy is Jidans with the America. Rubber made shoes is the Best Buy. Gavari Paruski? NET! Like wise. What are you waiting for Get out of the USA, what the fuck are you waiting for, haven't you stolen enough. A are you there to stay? According to our clock your days are numbered, you are all Schizoactive Gypsy State you made America inside and out. You made worldwide News. Tell me what do you do with so much Gold, a you make an Crown........maybe in your Gypsy Country. Be carefull NEW YORK is moving West Coast with the GESTAPO. Sheet Jidani Gypsy, ugly world of thieves of foreign lands with neon lights on your heads. What a scizo world.....
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 days ago
Did you pull off the Visors from Seatac Airport of the body scanners for the European travelers? What the fuck are they waiting for. Be warned they will come back and kill all the security guards from the Airports in the USA with invisible Weapon to all Radars. Ha ha ha ha ha ha................. and it's all televised. Be warned there is also a ticking bomb under the growned at Seatac Airport. The Robot put it there with his hand, none of your Business. I told you the clock is ticking with a oneway ticket. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.....................................................He just put another one. He flys the plains with his hand, some in the Ocean those of Gypsy Corporation and Jidanii with the psychiatry watches TV like there is the end of the World. Ya theirs, ours didn't even start, GESTAPO is its name.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 days ago
Ooops now is ticking in Romania Airports. Ooops.....Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....and one in Germany too....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha................what distance, its all at thrown of a stone.....................who wants Europe Now.........ha ha ha ha ha ha...............
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 5 days ago
No Country or Nationality is allowed to invent or alter the current technology ar Techna. No one is allowed to invent a new cellular technology or ater it referring to transmission or connection. No one has the knowledge how it was formed. A cellular technology and Techna is Top Secret Information, and only selected few have access to it, and under command. This is the work of Intelligence that GOD gave us to have and not to destroy human health or the Planet Earth, not to mention to take human life with it. Such cellular technology and Techna work on light waves and not on dangerous sheety programmed pulsars, Jidan Evreu I am tolking to you! No Jidan or Evreu is allowed to have access or knowledge of the new Techna, and neither to be in the selling business with it. No Country or Nation is allowed to build Engines over the Cities or Communities because they are with waves and not with radiofrquencies. No one is allowed to know who build the cellular telephone Android that works on light waves and not even on radiofrwencies, and so does the Computer. Who dares to inquire to know about such Top Secret Information will be executed. The TV waves work on Infrasound and fluorescent light, not on volts and pulsars or energy, and neither the Computer from our homes including our Laptops. The Jew and the Evreu Jidan is not allowed to have access to such Secret Information or create one that would become a Weapon of Mass Destruction, and that's valid for every one allover the World, you know who you are, and what you planned sheety Nazi with techna hacker to still and take over our land all at human sacrifice. Tell me Man of Science who did build the Computer, and who buit the Robot, and what is in fact a Robot? A reception is you televised all over the World Rable Rable Bitch Bitch in the name of Savage on Human Earth. With a TV reception you create WAR worldwide, it shows who in fact is full of sheet.Have you asked yourself who conducts the TV waves and how. With all the knowledge you got you used to concur and still in the name of Savage. For every human you killed and tortured you will be punished twice as hard. Science was always Top Secret Information. When it got in the hands of the Enemy it became Weapon of Mass Destruction and Psychotronic. Shut off your Robots from all Receptions all over the World. Belgium is in danger because of such technology or since Navos Psychiatry invented their Invaga Injection as a Psychotrnic Weapon to kill the population in torture, manufactured per their say in Belgium.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 5 days ago
I told you, with all Techna and Cellular Network and Technology and all Computers and TV bellong to Intelligence. It'a all Intelligence activity. Who dares to alter it or reinvent, it is executed by Intelligence!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 5 days ago
Tell me how does a money transfer is made from Europe to USA and vice versa. Who does it precisely, and at the speed of light. How does a telephone connection takes place between two Continents? How about an emeil? Who does it and how so fast? I tried to convince them to transfet to me all my stollen money (they know by whom) from the USA, but they couldn't because it was from a bank account that it is with the most precise data.
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 5 days ago
All Techna including Cellular, Internet, and TV transmissions is done through signals. With what you all came up is all a bomb!
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 days ago
Listen to the most uproaring fact and that made worldwide news. The fucking Cecenko Jew planted Cillinders with electic energy under the ground that melts our comuters and laptops and digital TV's and cellular telephones in order to still our Information when in fact is life light. The stupid thought it got it all in Gold when in fact light including Information never stays in one place but it travels where it bellongs like a magnet. They are all over Europe and in the USA. Once saturated with Gold, the stupid Jew removes the cilinders and carry them in its own Country so he can drive our Cadillacks like an European and an American. How much male bitch can you get, stupid as the distance from up to above. That's why we don't have digital technology running on signals. The problem is it formed cloth crazy UFO's with such energy, that decided to fight by wrapping (he doesn't care) human bodies with it filled with nuclear worms that strangles the intestines and much more. Thus you don't die but you don't live either, on the contrary you live hundreads of years preserved as nuclear bodies but tortured, and with no blood. Scanning all Continents ground level is indicated so we can create jobs for the Jew population to remove them and destroy them worldwide. The Atomic agencies were invented for the same reasons. If we don't solve the problem peacefully is going to be the end of the World and the Jew country is going to be the next antarctica. He thought he can full the Sky and the Stars with its Moon shinning so bright. Watch carefully what you build on Main Street it could turn all electra just like in the Malls. More then that, when you still UFO light God given to people, it kills not only human life but it makes their Continent as a Country another Antarctica or it drops the atomic bomb. And this is the last news report on War with the Jew Cecenko Gypsy by origin, and on its new Hollocaust Savage on Earth.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 days ago
The new American car Project is in another dimension creating new cars without a trunk. National Allert! We the American people and the homeless have a problem with the luggages. We don't have a trunk, and the engine is too short. Qwest Internet Company is the cheapest but it rubs us costing us at the doctor's office. It's full with electrical energy when in reality all Techna is conected with digital signals, and transmitted with light waves and fluorescent light. As I mentioned earlier all this energy is captured by the UFO positioned Globally to transmit, all being under it's control. Others, smaller in size counted in thousands, became cloth full of energy fighting like lunatics with no information, melting in the premises of big businesses, and over the cities. The good news is, all Information and Life Light was saved by the Atom, and that of the Enemy and criminals is all worms. When it is given back it is given as such. It's all up there. All Robots are put up for a fight now. The Jew have a problem understanding. When the light is stollen all fight to get it back: humans, robots, and the UO's I can't tell you in how many forms and how many are...Please give jobs to the Jew population to remove their Hacker cilinders. And all these Eartly problems because the Jew planted under growened cilinders full with electrical energy to still what GOD gave us at the speed of light. This is the latest worldwide news report.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 4 days ago
Those called Hacker Cillinders that stills Information and Life Light or what GOD gave us at the speed of light are in fact what the so called The United Stations that transmits over all Receptions. Except they don't know who controls all Techna, which is all on digital signals and light waves and fluorescent light. Who was the Inventor was the most uproaring retarded crazy in the head scientific male. Haven't they known that no one can ever still Light and neither Information. A acess to it maybe but because it's stollen with murder everyting given is taken back with no memory of it. That's exacly how it rings, they don't know what they are doing, with other words they work being abducted or delusional. The only difference is what they know organised united in crimes, it makes them conscious. And that is to catch them all. In Europe the problem is the same, except on other dimention. Do you still want my childhood.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 days ago
My Dimension is One Meter of Miles. What's yours?
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 days ago
The Dimention formula for America is: Thief times Recession (Behavior minus Debt) over Distance times miliseconds equals Speed plus Accelerration over x. Find me X.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 4 days ago
Another formula is: Inertia munus Behavior plus Distance (Aceleration over Speed) equals Time in milliseconds over X. Find me X.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 4 days ago
Who the hell did you wanted to think I was!!!! This is the new formula for your Navos:
Conduct plus Distance plus Speed equals Inertia (Acelleration times Time in milliseconds) over Constante (which is 6742.93) times Y. Find me Y.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 days ago
What the ...the Social Security makes full of the capabilities not to mention the logic of the Computer with a calculation that spells logaritim that's undecipherable To calculate all pensions for all Americans regardless of what kind it had to make the Computer Bank thief. Tell me how much do you pay the unemployed and from what Bank account, and how much do you pay the disabled and from what account. How could a Business be in posession of a larger fund then that of the Federal Government. What I didn't hear you....? what did you say, that a citisen that worked only six months is paied with $2000.00 monthly unemployment benefits, and I who earned 378,000.00 in seven years get paied with street money of only $960.00 a month...? Not to mention to how many Businesses I paied Medicare and Social Security taxes that went straight to the Stock Market. A you the Social Security play the Watch clock....On the contrary you shoud've paied me the same as the unemployment do becasue the unemployed is capable to do work to secure a life at old age! The ill or the disabled can't. With other words you the Social Security flocks intentianally underpaied me so to die on the streets with the drunken homeless Vets, and the schizohrenics and drug addicts. Let me ask you diferently: how would you calculate my pension if I was at 65 and with the same amount? What the fuck didn't I contributed with all in the American Market and Economy? How come when I work I earn $5000.00 a month, and when I don't with only $960.00 under your microchip?!!! Who does the math? I'd like to know who your Computer Programers are. What? Are you playing my disabilty account in the Stock Market on my Watch? Fuck you cause now I am with Porno! Don't you want taxes on that too? Tell me how many do you have numbered to fuck Security Social? Aaaa... you pulled yourself a body guard to do searches on my purse so I won't overthrow the Government?!!! I have a nursing License on Porno, that I light up an entire Continent. Tell me why did you increase my disability by only $24.00 from an earned Income of around $14,000.00 in just two months. Why didn't you pay me retroactively for 12 months? I asked you a qwestion fucked up lier Bitch! Do you know what it means to have Indigen population in Capitalism? Civil WAR there and in Europe Porno. WAR allover the World Imbecil! You fucked up in the head sheety Government employee do you know what it means Social Security on Stack Market Watch? WAR with Europe and China...not to mention with New York! Cata male Bitch did you sell all my family over Porno? What the fuck did you wanted me to do with my time and without money....I went in the Porno Business! Didn't you program my psychiatric record over Porno...! Porno is all of us now......Hey sheety bitch government worker from the datat calculation of the social security, Why don't you make available the formula for pension calculation to the public so they can do it on their own? A it's a matter of secrecy? I need a Court Order to access my own public record? I'm not goanna give up easely I can guaratee you that. How you have your people so do I, and much more. I don't want your sheet Medicare Insurance, instead I want it in cash so I can buy private Insurance. Fuck your Psychiatry and all your Navos and their drugs. It's all cancer, and you as the Government employee are mass murderers of the Indigen population and the ill. Can you hear that, the USA still has Indigen population while Africa progresses not only as Information but also Economically. And the US still is the Third World Country, and all because of the Psychiatry.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 days ago
What did you do Social Curve did you sell me over Porno with the Psychiatry and the Social Security over the Stock Market to cover up your crimes due to lack of Government Intervetion? Is that who the Government is and with a psychiatric record? I want all Social Security under the Psychiatry over Medicare calculation and with Social Security pensions from now on. What does the President and the Congress say, and what do the Government workers do. What did you think you could close off our ears, and with a brochure in the mail?! What a sheety local government the State has with the poor and the unemplyed...!
I'll tell you what you do, and I said it numerous times but I say it for the last time: You transfer into my Bank account 15 million dollars, if not I will leave your personal Bank without any data and sell all of you over Porno. I don't care if I destroy your data. I pi on your data cause it bellongs to the thieves. 15 million I said, and you know why! If not I'll send a wire that I'll empty all banks in a second and send you, in a recession for another 100 years then see how many, and how do you invent. And when I take your Bank I take your Information too. You owe us three hundread trillion dollars, 15 million is a small price to pay. Social Curve with secret accounts.... Hey whores do you know what it means to keep the population poor and the ill unassisted? Mass murderers, and violation of Human Rights! It's crimes commited against humanity. A why is the Romanian population poor? It is because you stole three hundread trillion dollars from them, and sell the Romanien Immigrant over Porno in the US. It's our money in activity over the US. Play life with money? What happens when I run out? How Curve is the Government with the poor and the unemployed. Do you understand what it means to create a social class of poverty? It means you as the government as a social class is the mass murderers. Aren't you ashamed to show off with programes like that of the Social Security, Welfare, and something like the Medicare? If you murder me you will be killed too. What a guvernment Curve. Then I'll come with my own hacker too and still my money back with my own people too. Just you to be in the Economy with monopol and secret future and family with simple life in the comfort of the USA....
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 days ago
How Cuve is the local Government from the State...! What Curve with money, have I ever bellonged to your secret organization or gang in business to still and act as a fake government...? If you are not for the people then who does speak in its name. When a Government is not for the people it needs to be abolished and with its system. We want a free world and equal rights, the most fundamental right being the right to life and health, and a Government that is not for the people needs to be abolished. Thomas Jefferson said that before, and today it's me who sais it. It was you the local Government of social programs that didn't give up its power and kept the Country poor. It was you that hold us back, not to mention others of more of imortance such us to save the Planet. You are a worm infiltrated in all Economy of the USA using the poor to play them in the political arena with the local mass media. And that was to have something to haoel or bark to all Americans Warf...Same sheet is played over and over again, and always starting few years before election time..And the hackers take over of the State insidiously. Maybe it's their government or vice versa. I've changed my mind I don't want 15 million but three hundread trillions and quickly. It was I who built Bellevue not the hackers. And I want my Nursing license so I can use all I know. Bellevue will be GESTAPO from now on, and the lazy asses of the Government of the Social Programs to find business somewhere else, we don't want it. Ya the State and Bellevue is mine with the GESTAPO. I am sick and tired of being sick and poor and chased away, and like me many others.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 days ago
What do you do curve with the Medicare do you pay yourself with it. Did you make an economy with it. With what the fuck money do you want me to live when I have to pay over $200.00 for each time the Ambulance takes me to the Hospital. What's the name of all government medical Insurances as a system? Does it have a name? With how many are you in Business to create a debt pay for care which is an organization of thieves on a telemarket machine? i have no further comments. I look forward to apply for another Banckruptcy to forgive my medical debts. Likelly I have no dental carries but need to be cleaned up. They turned black. Curve of Medicare refuses to pay for dental care while under disability and Medicare Insurance.A you wanted to blame it on the Economy as lacking funds to pay for the Medicare when in fact i made all hospitals rich with so many hospitalizations and pharmaceutical drugs. That's right I as the ill contribute more then someone who is healthy and work for a living. In fact there is never recession. Money is a peace of paper that must circulate and it always did. How much was twenty years ago in the Bank it's still today. As long as the Social Security programs and the Welfare with the Medicare is in business there will never be Peace on Earth. This gang of the Social Security programs is criminal and inhumane. They are all in violation of all human rights, and of the American Constitution.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 3 days ago
We are at WAR all over the World. Our Planet is in danger, forget about who is rich or poor. In these times we should help one another to save the Planet. The Planet is in danger partly because of the mankind, and because of other things beyound our control. How is man on Earth is what"s on ground level and above multiplyed by infinit times. Man with access to Science wronged us in the name of Savage. So please the occupants to go back to their own Country to restore nature and our Nations. Life on the Planet Earth is in danger as GOD created it with beauty and kindness Intelligently. The story of Noe from the Bible is true. My people from Washington State, whoever is left, go to somewhere else until things normalises. GOD save our Planet and our Nations, and the blue Skyies. I could say more but I don't have the vocabulary in a second language, it's very old.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 3 days ago
Man of science wronged us all since we turned digital, posibly intentianaly or due to insufficient data. Who ever is in such business it is indicated to review it and fix it or to destroy it. I said it numerous times that when is about techna which includes Television is a matter of Top Secret Information and Maximan Security just like the Airports. The year of 2000 was predicted to be the end of the World, which was the Year when we turned digital. The biggest error was when the science man invented stations programmed to transmit over all Receptions. It was because the Savage man saw the grass greener on someone else's garden and decided to still it. The sky is always cloudy and full and heavy with electra energy over digital pictures. Someone intentianaly is holding all transmissions, and this is the gratest danger, and what they transmit is criminal with lack of logic or beauty having our TV screens melted from so much energy. Please who knows anything about this problem to shut it off and free the Information, and care for the ill and the poor like of your own. A government should be chosen by the Military not by the public that is in fluctuation all the time and who are millionairs. A Government was invented for the poor and the ill population, and for the Justice Department. The rest is in the hands of the Military.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 2 days ago
You cable man what the fuck is up with the hose cables? What are they for, is it for the Internet or the telephone line? Ask your science man that invented it. Listen, when I watch digital TV is with a room antena, and I have about 16 channels all for free, stupid but it works. And the one with subscription melts the TV screen, and is with nothing new to watch except for the news. Can you imagine digital TV on a hose....Let me tell you this since the time the TV was invented it was on signals not on hose. Even the Computers are on signals. It's grotescue what's underneth the ground. It's a waste, and it's not smart. What do you mean who makes the Connection.... It's the UFO as always. Best would be to turn black and white with all TV sets. have you watched a black and white movie latelly? It's cristal clear and no parazites, not to mention how smart it is, all on logic... not over a program all transmission like this color TV full with CSI's rolling a story over another. Exactly right, the TV is programmed over a single program all day...sliced and it makes the viewer dumb because it stills what's yours too when it should give, always give cause that's why we invented them, to give and dream! Now the TV is a thief ,and a nonshalant full with parasites.When did you plan to turn on the freedom of the Information? What are you waiting for? Did you know that the TV is the International Press? Now you know, cause when you block it there it's a bomb somewhere else. It's the most Intelligent perfect machine ever invented.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 2 days ago
No kidding the Intelligence just built New York few miles away from here with the Spase Gallactica. I don't know how long it took them, few hours or few days, it doesn't matter. We have Gallactica City at the pharm of the Amish in Romania. What did you think that New York was built with the Crane, and Construction workers? It's a beauty to see the commons next to New York
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 days ago
Ya New York is now at Valea Ciorii in Romania too, the town of the commons or whetever others call us, the piesants or The Miserables, I forgot what frenchman wrote this. Ya the town of birth, as the Navos Psychiatry called me... or the schizophrenic because Romania to them was an ugly and poor Country, and they were the educated "Intellectuals" literates with the homeless in spelling psychiatric records over a Nursing license that was sold over few Porno programs.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 2 days ago
I want my Nursing License cause that's all I know and I like, besides of overthrowing the local government. I like to heal people because I can, and with the Medicine I know we can make history. I am doctor now cause that's how much a Nurse should know. Best would be to work for the Department of Health to Investigate medical negligences, and start a new research program with a group of Doctors to advanse the Medicine to a higher level of knowledge. If I want, I can move WARF in the State of Washington.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 days ago
I remember who wrote Les Miserables. It was Victor Hugo. Je ma pel.....Jenelia Radacina and I want my Nursig License! If you don't I'll take your President away from you.
Flag Like ReplyReply Jeneliar 2 days ago
You Robot, what the fuck you are, fuck off and get off my Nursing License. You are not future palm reader or "Ghicitor in Stele." I want my Nursing License because my whole life history is on it, which is human health. When I work I get healled because ultimately I am only human, and that's how GOD positioned all of as with everything in It. Don't forget that I am an American Citisen, and I have American children that need a family. I like the American comfort too just like you do. I accomplished my mission here, all Cecenko Jew is in the process to take off worldwide. Washington is my home land with a family, the one that was taken away from me for two decades. When I was homeless I had a freqwency of a beauty that was driving me on the freeway with precision and pleasure. What Navos Psychiatry are you afraid of UFO or GOD, or you have a GOD complex. Your UFO is a peace of cloth developed from the Internet business and the TV. Ya cause you sell human life with crap and cheep. It doesn't matter where I am in the world cause I know everything about you when distance means nothing on UFO. My UFO is special, I'm not goanna reveal its name to the stupids and the bad.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 2 days ago
What did you do Navos Psychiatry, you blamed it on the UFO as the cause of my mental illness?!!! And you made a record with it too?! Who the fuck do you think you Navos? You as the Psychiatrist do you know who Navos was? Was the first Spacesheep in Space with the Romanians. You fucked up Evreu you got your name from the Robot. A you believe in UFO's...You wanted to go to the "Moon" with the Romanians. What did you want the UFO to do for me, to get me a hotel room with room service?!!! In turn what the fuck did you do for me as a Psychiatrist to help the homeless medical professional? A with a drug and a free sack lunch made of rubber. Is that where the homeless belong, in your Navos Psychiatric Hospital paied from State Funds?!!!!! How criminal is the State Psychiatry with the Romanian Immigrants....!
Flag Like ReplyReply SPACE 2 days ago
From reliable sources it was discovered that Mr President Nicolaie Ceausescu former President of Romania was kidnapped by a secret organization from Belorussian and Ceceko. According to the source, the President is alive and hold hostage in their State with maximum security with minimal access to day light, and in a cave like building with special light effects, and medications to prolong his life. He's 93 years old. Such criminal organization is called "The Ceausescu" because it liked it's Elite Power with the Security of Romania and the Secret Police. He was the Chief of the CIA during his Administration. Mr Ceausescu was a President for the Romanian people, and a man of Honor. It was the Belorussian that introduced theoretically speaking Communism in Romania until 1989, airing through the television and mass media and the Worldwide Press that Mr President Ceausescu was a bad President because he was a Communist Dictator. In reality he was the President of Intelligence. It was Belarusian that introduced the idea of Communism over the territory of Romania transmitting over the Romanian television fake speeches of the President more or so like a Fascist or a Dictator. He never spoke against the Romanian people, and loved children. The only thing the President could not accomplish was to raise the level of standard of living for the Romanian people, being under the Command of the Russian Evreu and Jew to provide him with products generated by a grotesque, immense, unnecessary, heavy Industry that the Russian Jew Evreu built themselves over the territory of Romania changing its infrastructure that looked like a WAR zone. There was never Eastern Block Communism, but only in Romania. Communism meant work for the Romanian people Industrializing all Economy, all for export to its Country with special secret interests. All agriculture was worked by the Amish or the Romanian peasant population in exchange for a lough of bread. During subjugation with Russ Communism the Romanian people worked the hardest and for the lowest pay in history. The Romanian Country starved the longest because of the regime that Belarusian introduced by Invention and under force economically, medically, and politically. The real Communist regime from Romania was the Belarusian over the territory of Romania ruling with a tight closed iron fist in the work force, and over the media with a group of female Jidana in the Department of Health and Parliament, while the President of Intelligence was sold like a Dictator, when in reality he was an Intelligent man and a man of Honor who loved children and freedom. During Russ Evreu Communism most crimes occurred over the territory of Romania violating all Human and Civil rights of the Romanian people the biggest one being with the Hospitals and the black market in the abortion industry. All the Legislative System of Rusu Evreu over the territory of Romania was not only a disaster but also criminal. The Belorussian is holding hostage the President of Romania Mr Nicolaie Ceausescu imprisoned in their own State so the truth won't come alive over mortal fuse. Ceceko knows what it means when the dead rises up to the Intelligence and as Atom. The dead can't speak, but the Atom can and so the Space Intelligence.
Coming back to our most recent time. The Ceceko organization that's specialized on nuclear reactors and WAR with its Belorussian decided to make a comeback again with the same force to take over Romania and with the same organized criminals mass murderers of the Romanian population. Except they advanced technically building a Romanian Robot in their State to transmit by programing themselves over all Romanian Receptions that they are the Romanian public and they will be the next Government of Romania. And this in plain view transmitted Worldwide Press revealing them their true identity, raise, and secret intentions or Weapons so do speak. When the Rus Evreu Jew Jidana saw Romania getting more beautiful and more German thanks to the Intelligence, they came organized first as thieves with an Economy to still, and now lately they transmit over the airways that they are going to be the next Government of Romania with no saying from the Romanian people. Most of them they don't even speak Romanian but the program over the Robot is trying to full the Romanians that they are of our Nationality and are with us. How Curve can you get more then that. This became worldwide news, entering all Robots and Receptions. They organized with tactic everything from the beginning until the end. First with taking over all Eeconomy, then it came with hacker technology, and then Protests on the streets also with their people to create chaos, and finally saying to the Romanian people from a televised chamber from Belorruisan that they will fix all this theft and make new laws for the Romanian people as a new Government which is in fact self-governed and foreign. That's right, they are the Communists second generation all over again, in a Democratic form, which in theory is another system of subjugation and Fascism over the Romanian people in their own Country. History didn't teach the Evreu coupled with many nationalities nothing. History didn't teach them a lesson. And when it's WAR in one country it's WAR over the Planet. Why? Because resident Jidan they all look alike allover the World. If one is Communist and Fascist all are. And now it's the Robot that rules the World, and the thieves take off with cash money some in the USA, which is a never ending WAR...or back to their Country. They die wealthy, and us the people of the Country killed by Psychotronic TV Stations that stills our Information over the reception of other Countries. These were Jidan with the Invention, there in the USA too. That's why all Atomic Centers from vid unleashed all over the World of a greater magnitude in the USA. If you transmit over a rima, or programmed Information, then it enters not only over the Robot, but also over the Atoms. That's right Jidan scientist technology man, you thought you could have it all with complot and malicious lies, not to mention that a station like yours is just another form of Weapon of Mass Destruction killing Romanians and Americans countless. This group of organized WAR Criminals believe in kidnapping Presidents. Now we all as United Nations United Globally we want to release any kidnapped human being including children and their Presidents back to their Country and to it's people. Either way you will die in shame making full of yourself Worldwide. You Rus Jew, Evreu, and Jidani must conform with our commands. Kidnapping a President is the worse WAR crime. We the Romanian people want the President Ceausescu Nicolaie back to his Country dead or alive. Who follows the Command will be set free. We the people of all Nations want Peace in our own Countries with a Government and laws chosen and made by our own People. We don't want foreign control or Occupancy or Invasions. We don't want WAR we want Peace. Who ever committed murder will be executed and who ever will continue with organised crimes they will be executed by the Intelligence. I am GOD now because my UFO is as big as the Europe Continent. Anybody who dares to murder me or my people will be killed first before even trying. You all are on Global radar now, because it's WAR still, and the enemy did not drop their Weapons or to still the Country of others. Who did you think Evreu Rus would be the enemy of Romania without you in it or over it, Gypsy raise? As an American when I saw what the television became and what's in the Economy and the real world I said to myself that the most danger is when science ends up in the hands of Idiots like you, WAR making machines. Aren't you ashamed of yourself to destroy European history, and invent hacker technologies. No more export of Goods to any Russian State from Romania. I'm gonna pull the Curtain so we can never see you again. And those from any Russian State over the territory of Romania to must go back to their home land. Now the Investigation is Global to find out how many Presidents been kidnapped. If you kidnapped an American President is going to be the most cruel WAR with the Space Intelligence. He is My most high President my GOD, not you a peace of sheet and garbage full of Savage. If you don't turn the President of Romania back to his Country you the accomplices with such heinous crime will die through Elevation with the Atom in your body and Investigating your mind with 500 information per milliseconds. The only bodily organs functioning will be the ophthalmic and the nervous system to feel the pain without the ability to moun or cry. And this for many years until the Intelligence catches you all and go back where you came from. Romania will be a Military State with its own people from this point on. No Evreu you will never rule like a Democratic Party in any Nation, and will never be Peace with you over the territory of another or as a power force. We have the Germans, the French, the Italians, the English, and the neighboring Countries from East. I command you to release Mr President Ceausescu immediately to the Germans. You are no longer "The Ceausescu secret organization." And if you kidnapped my President George Bush Jr please do the same. You that will turn in such important human beings will be released to freedom. We have Global Radars to find all criminals and their activity, we don't capture to get secrets under torture like you do. How much you know about me that how much I know about you and beyond. Wasn't you Jidan who murdered the Russion women with the first Psychotronu in the USA? Now it's a Romanian woman as Nationality also in the USA. And that is I. And that's why I am GOD now.All the people you killed are mortal fuse now. Organized crimes is never forgiven, and not welcomed in any Country. With who's Army did you execute the President Nicolaie Ceausescu, and why. What did you show to the Romanien people and worldwide?
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 1 day ago
From reliable sources it was discovered that Mr President Nicolaie Ceausescu former President of Romania was kidnapped by a secret organization from Belorussian and Ceceko. According to the source, the President is alive and hold hostage in their State with maximum security with minimal access to day light, and in a cave like building with special light effects, and medications to prolong his life. He's 93 years old. Such criminal organization is called "The Ceausescu" because it liked it's Elite Power with the Security of Romania and the Secret Police. He was the Chief of the CIA during his Administration. Mr Ceausescu was a President for the Romanian people, and a man of Honor. It was the Belorussian that introduced theoretically speaking Communism in Romania until 1989, airing through the television and mass media and the Worldwide Press that Mr President Ceausescu was a bad President because he was a Communist Dictator. In reality he was the President of Intelligence. It was Belarusian that introduced the idea of Communism over the territory of Romania transmitting over the Romanian television fake speeches of the President more or so like a Fascist or a Dictator. He never spoke against the Romanian people, and loved children. The only thing the President could not accomplish was to raise the level of standard of living for the Romanian people, being under the Command of the Russian Evreu and Jew to provide him with products generated by a grotesque, immense, unnecessary, heavy Industry that the Russian Jew Evreu built themselves over the territory of Romania changing its infrastructure that looked like a WAR zone. There was never Eastern Block Communism, but only in Romania. Communism meant work for the Romanian people Industrializing all Economy, all for export to its Country with special secret interests. All agriculture was worked by the Amish or the Romanian peasant population in exchange for a lough of bread. During subjugation with Russ Communism the Romanian people worked the hardest and for the lowest pay in history. The Romanian Country starved the longest because of the regime that Belarusian introduced by Invention and under force economically, medically, and politically. The real Communist regime from Romania was the Belarusian over the territory of Romania ruling with a tight closed iron fist in the work force, and over the media with a group of female Jidana in the Department of Health and Parliament, while the President of Intelligence was sold like a Dictator, when in reality he was an Intelligent man and a man of Honor who loved children and freedom. During Russ Evreu Communism most crimes occurred over the territory of Romania violating all Human and Civil rights of the Romanian people the biggest one being with the Hospitals and the black market in the abortion industry. All the Legislative System of Rusu Evreu over the territory of Romania was not only a disaster but also criminal. The Belorussian is holding hostage the President of Romania Mr Nicolaie Ceausescu imprisoned in their own State so the truth won't come alive over mortal fuse. Ceceko knows what it means when the dead rises up to the Intelligence and as Atom. The dead can't speak, but the Atom can and so the Space Intelligence.
Coming back to our most recent time. The Ceceko organization that's specialized on nuclear reactors and WAR with its Belorussian decided to make a comeback again with the same force to take over Romania and with the same organized criminals mass murderers of the Romanian population. Except they advanced technically building a Romanian Robot in their State to transmit by programing themselves over all Romanian Receptions that they are the Romanian public and they will be the next Government of Romania. And this in plain view transmitted Worldwide Press revealing them their true identity, raise, and secret intentions or Weapons so do speak. When the Rus Evreu Jew Jidana saw Romania getting more beautiful and more German thanks to the Intelligence, they came organized first as thieves with an Economy to still, and now lately they transmit over the airways that they are going to be the next Government of Romania with no saying from the Romanian people. Most of them they don't even speak Romanian but the program over the Robot can trying to full the Romanians that they are of our Nationality and are with us. How Curve can you get more then that. This became worldwide news, entering all Robots and Receptions. They organized with tactic everything from the beginning until the end. First with taking over all Eeconomy, then it came with hacker technology and then Protests on the streets also with their people to create chaos, and finally saying to the Romanian people from a televised chamber from Belorruisan that they will fix all this theft and make new laws for the Romanian people as a new Government which is in fact self-governed and foreign. That's right, they are the Communists second generation all over again, in a Democratic form, which in theory is another system of subjugation and Fascism over the Romanian people in their own Country. History didn't teach the Evreu coupled with many nationalities nothing. History didn't teach them a lesson. And when it's WAR in one country it's WAR over the Planet. Why? Because resident Jidan they all look alike allover the World. If one is Communist and Fascist all are. And now it's the Robot that rules the World, and the thieves take off with cash money some in the USA, which is a never ending WAR...or back to their Country. They die wealthy, and us the people of the Country killed by Psychotronic TV Stations that stills our Information over the reception of other Countries. These were Jidan with the Invention, there in the USA too. That's why all Atomic Centers unleashed all over the World of a greater magnitude in the USA. If you transmit over a rima, or programmed Information, then it enters not only over the Robot, but also over the Atoms. That's right Jidan scientist technology man, you thought you could have it all with complot and malicious lies, not to mention that a station like yours is just another form of Weapon of Mass Destruction killing Romanians and Americans countless. This group of organized WAR Criminals believe in kidnapping Presidents. Now we all as United Nations United Globally we want to release any kidnapped human being including children and their Presidents back to their Country and to it's people. Either way you will die in shame making full of yourself Worldwide. You Rus Jew, Evreu, and Jidani must conform with our commands. Kidnapping a President is the worse WAR crime. We the Romanian people want the President Ceausescu Nicolaie back to his Country dead or alive. Who follows the Command will be set free. We the people of all Nations want Peace in our own Countries with a Government and laws chosen and made by our own People. We don't want foreign control or Occupancy or Invasions. We don't want WAR we want Peace. Who ever committed murder will be executed and who ever will continue with organised crimes they will be executed by the Intelligence. I am GOD now because my UFO is as big as the Europe Continent. Anybody who dares to murder me or my people will be killed first before even trying. You all are on Global radar now, because it's WAR still and the enemy did not drop their Weapons or to still the Country of others. Who did you think Evreu Rus would be the enemy of Romania without you in it or over it, Gypsy raise? As an American when I saw what the television became and what's in the Economy and the real world I said to myself that the most danger is when science ends up in the hands of Idiots like you, WAR making machines. Aren't you ashamed of yourself to destroy European history, and invent hacker technologies. No more export of Goods to any Russian State from Romania. I'm gonna pull the Curtain so we can never see you again. And those from any Russian State over the territory of Romania to go back to their home land. Now the Investigation is Global to find out how many Presidents been kidnapped. If you kidnapped an American President is going to be the most cruel WAR with the Space Intelligence. He is My most high President my GOD, not you a peace of sheet and garbage full of Savage. If you don't turn the President of Romania back to his Country you the accomplices with such heinous crime will die through Elevation with the Atom in your body and Investigating your mind with 500 information per milliseconds. The only bodily organs functioning will be the ophthalmic and the nervous system to feel the pain without the ability to moun or cry. And this for many years until the Intelligence catches you all and go back where you came from. Romania will be a Military State with its own people from this point on. No Evreu you will never rule like a Democratic Party in any Nation, and will never be Peace with you over the territory of another or as a power force. We have the Germans, the French, the Italians, the English, and the neighboring Countries from East. I command you to release Mr President Ceausescu immediately to the Germans. You are no longer "The Ceausescu secret organization." And if you kidnapped my President George Bush Jr please do the same. You that will turn in such important human beings will be released to freedom. We have Global Radars to find all criminals and their activity, we don't capture to get secrets under torture like you do. How much you know about me that how much I know about you and beyond. Wasn't you Jidan who murdered the Russian women with the first Psychotronu in the USA? Now it's a Romanian woman as Nationality also in the USA. And that is I. And that's why I am GOD now.All the people you killed are mortal fuse now. Organized crimes is never forgiven, and not welcomed in any Country. With who's Army did you execute the President Nicolaie Ceausescu, and why.
You Russian and cecekrov you are prohibited to establish a Government over the territory of another Country as such to take over the Economy with your conspirators or occupants of the same foreign nationality.
What do you want diggy RUS aren't you happy with what you have in your own country? You want to occupy with an Elite of trancatranca? Romania and all Europa is full of radiation solar and cellular. Shut off all transmission from the Russian States over the territory of Romania including those programmed from Romania that you built with your Cerenkov. Ialomita State is the State of Space NASA with the USA. If opened Europe will be a disaster. Shut off all transmission Program from over the territory of Romania, and you as Russian Government are not allowed with Romania, neither with occupation or to Rule, neither televised as an important political figure. How is it in Russia, is it the same as in Romania? Romania wants a Romanian President born in Romania and we want to close the borders with Russia with the Curtain. Give your Evreu and Jidan bread to win Russia. Romania is the territory of SPACE NASA and ALLIEN BASES, with EXTRATERRESTRIAL ACTIVITY. So fuck off!
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 23 hours ago
Here is civil WAR with the fuckers RUSU Not The Russions Stuid Bitch with a Mall and Drug Stores. Hi Class of gypsie fashion Evreu Schizoactive.
Flag Like ReplyReply Spase 21 minutes ago
State of Urgency. The State psychiatry has affiliation with a special group of individulals in business with hacker techna to still National Banks in the US. The state of Washington is most targeted. This organized group of criminals built Stations called Stations of Execution to murder all Indigen population, and the ill regardless of age. They do this by placing all the targetted population under the Social Security Programs, Welfare and Medicare. Anybody on these programs will be murdered in a relativelly short time, and very painfully. The latest invention was developed by the Welfare programs when they came up with the Food Stamps on debit cards massing up computer financial data with codes that are undescifrable, and stilling businesses with every transaction, and beyound that. Such Indigen population is sold and played according to its financial income, or need, and in absence of it criminal activity with violence unravel all over the State many ending with imprisonment either in psychiatric Hospitals or Jails. I as a former Nurse in good standing was forced to retire and the nursing license indefinitely suspended as a result of being placed on Social Security Program. My disability pension is not paied from the Federal Funding National Bank, but from the Same Computer calculated on a logaritm that can not be decoded that stills from the Reserve account of all American Banks. All these money go to the Psychiatry, to it's State, to the Walfare and the Medicare. And these are all Ladies and Gentlemens the latest news on hacker technology on hose. The micron from Bank conducta which is an insulted Robot tells it all, and blames it on the program with other words she conformed according to data. And as we all can see are the occupants of the States. With other words we are at WAR with the Government buirocrats which want to retire with a million dollar monthly pension so they will never end up on Social Security Programs and Medicare. That's a nuissance program that plays the ill and the Indigens, and for them the ROBOT. What's more interesting is all Indigen population is homeless, and the Welfare program pays them more food Stamps on a debit card but less to an Indigen that because it doesn't pay enough rent. Why not increase then the disabiliy pension in dollar amounts, and eliminate the Food Stamp program. Why can't the food Stamp recipient buy any kind of food they want because they don't have a home with a stove to cook? I to die homeless and they Millionairs with hackers...This is indeed Democracy because everybody can do what they want and they do it because they can... not to mention the Pharmacy of the Psychiatry which is all theirs is the perfect insidious weapon mass murderer. Just think for a moment who is the poor where does it end and with what and how. This the qwestion we all should ask ourself. That;s right with a psychiatric record because all physical illnesses are from a psychiatric record also. It's a machine of Data Processing that is in fact a Worm. To me personally the State Psychiatry created a record where translated the psychiatric record or problems of the mind into problems of the physical healthinto the Data Processor of the Medicare. And Phisical it always was, and they knew it. And all are on the same program regardless of diagnosis. That's right they are with phsical diagnosis because they were programed over a psychiatric record. So what they shut offf their Calcul computer ...?Can you imagine a psychiatric record over a calcul machine, which is physical illness, what it means? This a program where the Psychiatry developed a program over all bodily functoons, and you tell the Psychiatrist that your entire body hurrts, and he sais it's all in your mind or you are delusional. And thus the program became a worm technically speaking, and in theory it tells you right in your face that you are mentally ill.That's right all Psychiatry is the Medicare and the Social Security programs, and the Welfare I can't tell how much of a nuisance program is.Can you imagine how much the Medicine is over the Psychiatry program!!! And the Computer is full of worms because of this program. That's why we all want to be Millionairs. The roblem is once entered on an ER record you will never be the same again, and keep in mind that all Hospital records are kept electronically on http addresses wich is cyber transmitted in Space all over the world technically speaking. In conclusion it's WAR with the Government workers and their "Microsoft"
centrally located in Kent Washington to cover all King County so Hospitals to be reimbursed over the same program. Again this is WAR with the Government, and their programors.
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Here is civil WAR with the fuckers RUSU Not The Russions Stuid Bitch with a Mall and Drug Stores. Hi Class of gypsie fashion Evreu Schizoactive.
From reliable sources it was discovered that Mr President Nicolaie Ceausescu former President of Romania was kidnapped by a secret organization from Belorussian and Ceceko. According to the source, the President is alive and hold hostage in their State with maximum security with minimal access to day light, and in a cave like building with special light effects, and medications to prolong his life. He's 93 years old. Such criminal organization is called "The Ceausescu" because it liked it's Elite Power with the Security of Romania and the Secret Police. He was the Chief of the CIA during his Administration. Mr Ceausescu was a President for the Romanian people, and a man of Honor. It was the Belorussian that introduced theoretically speaking Communism in Romania until 1989, airing through the television and mass media and the Worldwide Press that Mr President Ceausescu was a bad President because he was a Communist Dictator. In reality he was the President of Intelligence. It was Belarusian that introduced the idea of Communism over the territory of Romania transmitting over the Romanian television fake speeches of the President more or so like a Fascist or a Dictator. He never spoke against the Romanian people, and loved children. The only thing the President could not accomplish was to raise the level of standard of living for the Romanian people, being under the Command of the Russian Evreu and Jew to provide him with products generated by a grotesque, immense, unnecessary, heavy Industry that the Russian Jew Evreu built themselves over the territory of Romania changing its infrastructure that looked like a WAR zone. There was never Eastern Block Communism, but only in Romania. Communism meant work for the Romanian people Industrializing all Economy, all for export to its Country with special secret interests. All agriculture was worked by the Amish or the Romanian peasant population in exchange for a lough of bread. During subjugation with Russ Communism the Romanian people worked the hardest and for the lowest pay in history. The Romanian Country starved the longest because of the regime that Belarusian introduced by Invention and under force economically, medically, and politically. The real Communist regime from Romania was the Belarusian over the territory of Romania ruling with a tight closed iron fist in the work force, and over the media with a group of female Jidana in the Department of Health and Parliament, while the President of Intelligence was sold like a Dictator, when in reality he was an Intelligent man and a man of Honor who loved children and freedom. During Russ Evreu Communism most crimes occurred over the territory of Romania violating all Human and Civil rights of the Romanian people the biggest one being with the Hospitals and the black market in the abortion industry. All the Legislative System of Rusu Evreu over the territory of Romania was not only a disaster but also criminal. The Belorussian is holding hostage the President of Romania Mr Nicolaie Ceausescu imprisoned in their own State so the truth won't come alive over mortal fuse. Ceceko knows what it means when the dead rises up to the Intelligence and as Atom. The dead can't speak, but the Atom can and so the Space Intelligence. Coming back to our most recent time. The Ceceko organization that's specialized on nuclear reactors and WAR with its Belorussian decided to make a comeback again with the same force to take over Romania and with the same organized criminals mass murderers of the Romanian population. Except they advanced technically building a Romanian Robot in their State to transmit by programing themselves over all Romanian Receptions that they are the Romanian public and they will be the next Government of Romania. And this in plain view transmitted Worldwide Press revealing them their true identity, raise, and secret intentions or Weapons so do speak. When the Rus Evreu Jew Jidana saw Romania getting more beautiful and more German thanks to the Intelligence, they came organized first as thieves with an Economy to still, and now lately they transmit over the airways that they are going to be the next Government of Romania with no saying from the Romanian people. Most of them they don't even speak Romanian but the program over the Robot can trying to full the Romanians that they are of our Nationality and are with us. How Curve can you get more then that. This became worldwide news, entering all Robots and Receptions. They organized with tactic everything from the beginning until the end. First with taking over all Eeconomy, then it came with hacker technology and then Protests on the streets also with their people to create chaos, and finally saying to the Romanian people from a televised chamber from Belorruisan that they will fix all this theft and make new laws for the Romanian people as a new Government which is in fact self-governed and foreign. That's right, they are the Communists second generation all over again, in a Democratic form, which in theory is another system of subjugation and Fascism over the Romanian people in their own Country. History didn't teach the Evreu coupled with many nationalities nothing. History didn't teach them a lesson. And when it's WAR in one country it's WAR over the Planet. Why? Because resident Jidan they all look alike allover the World. If one is Communist and Fascist all are. And now it's the Robot that rules the World, and the thieves take off with cash money some in the USA, which is a never ending WAR...or back to their Country. They die wealthy, and us the people of the Country killed by Psychotronic TV Stations that stills our Information over the reception of other Countries. These were Jidan with the Invention, there in the USA too. That's why all Atomic Centers unleashed all over the World of a greater magnitude in the USA. If you transmit over a rima, or programmed Information, then it enters not only over the Robot, but also over the Atoms. That's right Jidan scientist technology man, you thought you could have it all with complot and malicious lies, not to mention that a station like yours is just another form of Weapon of Mass Destruction killing Romanians and Americans countless. This group of organized WAR Criminals believe in kidnapping Presidents. Now we all as United Nations United Globally we want to release any kidnapped human being including children and their Presidents back to their Country and to it's people. Either way you will die in shame making full of yourself Worldwide. You Rus Jew, Evreu, and Jidani must conform with our commands. Kidnapping a President is the worse WAR crime. We the Romanian people want the President Ceausescu Nicolaie back to his Country dead or alive. Who follows the Command will be set free. We the people of all Nations want Peace in our own Countries with a Government and laws chosen and made by our own People. We don't want foreign control or Occupancy or Invasions. We don't want WAR we want Peace. Who ever committed murder will be executed and who ever will continue with organised crimes they will be executed by the Intelligence. I am GOD now because my UFO is as big as the Europe Continent. Anybody who dares to murder me or my people will be killed first before even trying. You all are on Global radar now, because it's WAR still and the enemy did not drop their Weapons or to still the Country of others. Who did you think Evreu Rus would be the enemy of Romania without you in it or over it, Gypsy raise? As an American when I saw what the television became and what's in the Economy and the real world I said to myself that the most danger is when science ends up in the hands of Idiots like you, WAR making machines. Aren't you ashamed of yourself to destroy European history, and invent hacker technologies. No more export of Goods to any Russian State from Romania. I'm gonna pull the Curtain so we can never see you again. And those from any Russian State over the territory of Romania to go back to their home land. Now the Investigation is Global to find out how many Presidents been kidnapped. If you kidnapped an American President is going to be the most cruel WAR with the Space Intelligence. He is My most high President my GOD, not you a peace of sheet and garbage full of Savage. If you don't turn the President of Romania back to his Country you the accomplices with such heinous crime will die through Elevation with the Atom in your body and Investigating your mind with 500 information per milliseconds. The only bodily organs functioning will be the ophthalmic and the nervous system to feel the pain without the ability to moun or cry. And this for many years until the Intelligence catches you all and go back where you came from. Romania will be a Military State with its own people from this point on. No Evreu you will never rule like a Democratic Party in any Nation, and will never be Peace with you over the territory of another or as a power force. We have the Germans, the French, the Italians, the English, and the neighboring Countries from East. I command you to release Mr President Ceausescu immediately to the Germans. You are no longer "The Ceausescu secret organization." And if you kidnapped my President George Bush Jr please do the same. You that will turn in such important human beings will be released to freedom. We have Global Radars to find all criminals and their activity, we don't capture to get secrets under torture like you do. How much you know about me that how much I know about you and beyond. Wasn't you Jidan who murdered the Russian women with the first Psychotronu in the USA? Now it's a Romanian woman as Nationality also in the USA. And that is I. And that's why I am GOD now.All the people you killed are mortal fuse now. Organized crimes is never forgiven, and not welcomed in any Country. With who's Army did you execute the President Nicolaie Ceausescu, and why. You Russian and cecekrov you are prohibited to establish a Government over the territory of another Country as such to take over the Economy with your conspirators or occupants of the same foreign nationality. What do you want diggy RUS aren't you happy with what you have in your own country? You want to occupy with an Elite of trancatranca? Romania and all Europa is full of radiation solar and cellular. Shut off all transmission from the Russian States over the territory of Romania including those programmed from Romania that you built with your Cerenkov. Ialomita State is the State of Space NASA with the USA. If opened Europe will be a disaster. Shut off all transmission Program from over the territory of Romania, and you as Russian Government are not allowed with Romania, neither with occupation or to Rule, neither televised as an important political figure. How is it in Russia, is it the same as in Romania? Romania wants a Romanian President born in Romania and we want to close the borders with Russia with the Curtain. Give your Evreu and Jidan bread to win Russia. Romania is the territory of SPACE NASA and ALLIEN BASES, with EXTRATERRESTRIAL ACTIVITY. So fuck off!
From reliable sources it was discovered that Mr President Nicolaie Ceausescu former President of Romania was kidnapped by a secret organization from Belorussian and Ceceko. According to the source, the President is alive and hold hostage in their State with maximum security with minimal access to day light, and in a cave like building with special light effects, and medications to prolong his life. He's 93 years old. Such criminal organization is called "The Ceausescu" because it liked it's Elite Power with the Security of Romania and the Secret Police. He was the Chief of the CIA during his Administration. Mr Ceausescu was a President for the Romanian people, and a man of Honor. It was the Belorussian that introduced theoretically speaking Communism in Romania until 1989, airing through the television and mass media and the Worldwide Press that Mr President Ceausescu was a bad President because he was a Communist Dictator. In reality he was the President of Intelligence. It was Belarusian that introduced the idea of Communism over the territory of Romania transmitting over the Romanian television fake speeches of the President more or so like a Fascist or a Dictator. He never spoke against the Romanian people, and loved children. The only thing the President could not accomplish was to raise the level of standard of living for the Romanian people, being under the Command of the Russian Evreu and Jew to provide him with products generated by a grotesque, immense, unnecessary, heavy Industry that the Russian Jew Evreu built themselves over the territory of Romania changing its infrastructure that looked like a WAR zone. There was never Eastern Block Communism, but only in Romania. Communism meant work for the Romanian people Industrializing all Economy, all for export to its Country with special secret interests. All agriculture was worked by the Amish or the Romanian peasant population in exchange for a lough of bread. During subjugation with Russ Communism the Romanian people worked the hardest and for the lowest pay in history. The Romanian Country starved the longest because of the regime that Belarusian introduced by Invention and under force economically, medically, and politically. The real Communist regime from Romania was the Belarusian over the territory of Romania ruling with a tight closed iron fist in the work force, and over the media with a group of female Jidana in the Department of Health and Parliament, while the President of Intelligence was sold like a Dictator, when in reality he was an Intelligent man and a man of Honor who loved children and freedom. During Russ Evreu Communism most crimes occurred over the territory of Romania violating all Human and Civil rights of the Romanian people the biggest one being with the Hospitals and the black market in the abortion industry. All the Legislative System of Rusu Evreu over the territory of Romania was not only a disaster but also criminal. The Belorussian is holding hostage the President of Romania Mr Nicolaie Ceausescu imprisoned in their own State so the truth won't come alive over mortal fuse. Ceceko knows what it means when the dead rises up to the Intelligence and as Atom. The dead can't speak, but the Atom can and so the Space Intelligence. Coming back to our most recent time. The Ceceko organization that's specialized on nuclear reactors and WAR with its Belorussian decided to make a comeback again with the same force to take over Romania and with the same organized criminals mass murderers of the Romanian population. Except they advanced technically building a Romanian Robot in their State to transmit by programing themselves over all Romanian Receptions that they are the Romanian public and they will be the next Government of Romania. And this in plain view transmitted Worldwide Press revealing them their true identity, raise, and secret intentions or Weapons so do speak. When the Rus Evreu Jew Jidana saw Romania getting more beautiful and more German thanks to the Intelligence, they came organized first as thieves with an Economy to still, and now lately they transmit over the airways that they are going to be the next Government of Romania with no saying from the Romanian people. Most of them they don't even speak Romanian but the program over the Robot can trying to full the Romanians that they are of our Nationality and are with us. How Curve can you get more then that. This became worldwide news, entering all Robots and Receptions. They organized with tactic everything from the beginning until the end. First with taking over all Eeconomy, then it came with hacker technology and then Protests on the streets also with their people to create chaos, and finally saying to the Romanian people from a televised chamber from Belorruisan that they will fix all this theft and make new laws for the Romanian people as a new Government which is in fact self-governed and foreign. That's right, they are the Communists second generation all over again, in a Democratic form, which in theory is another system of subjugation and Fascism over the Romanian people in their own Country. History didn't teach the Evreu coupled with many nationalities nothing. History didn't teach them a lesson. And when it's WAR in one country it's WAR over the Planet. Why? Because resident Jidan they all look alike allover the World. If one is Communist and Fascist all are. And now it's the Robot that rules the World, and the thieves take off with cash money some in the USA, which is a never ending WAR...or back to their Country. They die wealthy, and us the people of the Country killed by Psychotronic TV Stations that stills our Information over the reception of other Countries. These were Jidan with the Invention, there in the USA too. That's why all Atomic Centers unleashed all over the World of a greater magnitude in the USA. If you transmit over a rima, or programmed Information, then it enters not only over the Robot, but also over the Atoms. That's right Jidan scientist technology man, you thought you could have it all with complot and malicious lies, not to mention that a station like yours is just another form of Weapon of Mass Destruction killing Romanians and Americans countless. This group of organized WAR Criminals believe in kidnapping Presidents. Now we all as United Nations United Globally we want to release any kidnapped human being including children and their Presidents back to their Country and to it's people. Either way you will die in shame making full of yourself Worldwide. You Rus Jew, Evreu, and Jidani must conform with our commands. Kidnapping a President is the worse WAR crime. We the Romanian people want the President Ceausescu Nicolaie back to his Country dead or alive. Who follows the Command will be set free. We the people of all Nations want Peace in our own Countries with a Government and laws chosen and made by our own People. We don't want foreign control or Occupancy or Invasions. We don't want WAR we want Peace. Who ever committed murder will be executed and who ever will continue with organised crimes they will be executed by the Intelligence. I am GOD now because my UFO is as big as the Europe Continent. Anybody who dares to murder me or my people will be killed first before even trying. You all are on Global radar now, because it's WAR still and the enemy did not drop their Weapons or to still the Country of others. Who did you think Evreu Rus would be the enemy of Romania without you in it or over it, Gypsy raise? As an American when I saw what the television became and what's in the Economy and the real world I said to myself that the most danger is when science ends up in the hands of Idiots like you, WAR making machines. Aren't you ashamed of yourself to destroy European history, and invent hacker technologies. No more export of Goods to any Russian State from Romania. I'm gonna pull the Curtain so we can never see you again. And those from any Russian State over the territory of Romania to go back to their home land. Now the Investigation is Global to find out how many Presidents been kidnapped. If you kidnapped an American President is going to be the most cruel WAR with the Space Intelligence. He is My most high President my GOD, not you a peace of sheet and garbage full of Savage. If you don't turn the President of Romania back to his Country you the accomplices with such heinous crime will die through Elevation with the Atom in your body and Investigating your mind with 500 information per milliseconds. The only bodily organs functioning will be the ophthalmic and the nervous system to feel the pain without the ability to moun or cry. And this for many years until the Intelligence catches you all and go back where you came from. Romania will be a Military State with its own people from this point on. No Evreu you will never rule like a Democratic Party in any Nation, and will never be Peace with you over the territory of another or as a power force. We have the Germans, the French, the Italians, the English, and the neighboring Countries from East. I command you to release Mr President Ceausescu immediately to the Germans. You are no longer "The Ceausescu secret organization." And if you kidnapped my President George Bush Jr please do the same. You that will turn in such important human beings will be released to freedom. We have Global Radars to find all criminals and their activity, we don't capture to get secrets under torture like you do. How much you know about me that how much I know about you and beyond. Wasn't you Jidan who murdered the Russion women with the first Psychotronu in the USA? Now it's a Romanian woman as Nationality also in the USA. And that is I. And that's why I am GOD now.All the people you killed are mortal fuse now. Organized crimes is never forgiven, and not welcomed in any Country. With who's Army did you execute the President Nicolaie Ceausescu, and why.
What did you do Navos Psychiatry, you blamed it on the UFO as the cause of my mental illness?!!! And you made a record with it too?! Who the fuck do you think you Navos? You as the Psychiatrist do you know who Navos was? Was the first Spacesheep in Space with the Romanians. You fucked up Evreu you got your name from the Robot. A you believe in UFO's...You wanted to go to the "Moon" with the Romanians. What did you want the UFO to do for me, to get me a hotel room with room service?!!! In turn what the fuck did you do for me as a Psychiatrist to help the homeless medical professional? A with a drug and a free sack lunch made of rubber. Is that where the homeless belong, in your Navos Psychiatric Hospital paied from State Funds?!!!!! How criminal is the State Psychiatry with the Romanian Immigrants....!
You Robot, what the fuck you are, fuck off and get off my Nursing License. You are not future palm reader or "Ghicitor in Stele." I want my Nursing License because my whole life history is on it, which is human health. When I work I get healled because ultimately I am only human, and that's how GOD positioned all of as with everything in It. Don't forget that I am an American Citisen, and I have American children that need a family. I like the American comfort too just like you do. I accomplished my mission here, all Cecenko Jew is in the process to take off worldwide. Washington is my home land with a family, the one that was taken away from me for two decades. When I was homeless I had a freqwency of a beauty that was driving me on the freeway with precision and pleasure. What Navos Psychiatry are you afraid of UFO or GOD, or you have a GOD complex. Your UFO is a peace of cloth developed from the Internet business and the TV. Ya cause you sell human life with crap and cheep. It doesn't matter where I am in the world cause I know everything about you when distance means nothing on UFO. My UFO is special, I'm not goanna reveal its name to the stupids and the bad.
I remember who wrote Les Miserables. It was Victor Hugo. Je ma pel.....Jenelia Radacina and I want my Nursig License! If you don't I'll take your President away from you.
I want my Nursing License cause that's all I know and I like, besides of overthrowing the local government. I like to heal people because I can, and with the Medicine I know we can make history. I am doctor now cause that's how much a Nurse should know. Best would be to work for the Department of Health to Investigate medical negligences, and start a new research program with a group of Doctors to advanse the Medicine to a higher level of knowledge. If I want, I can move WARF in the State of Washington.
Ya New York is now at Valea Ciorii in Romania too, the town of the commons or whetever others call us, the piesants or The Miserables, I forgot what frenchman wrote this. Ya the town of birth, as the Navos Psychiatry called me... or the schizophrenic because Romania to them was an ugly and poor Country, and they were the educated "Intellectuals" literates with the homeless in spelling psychiatric records over a Nursing license that was sold over few Porno programs.
No kidding the Intelligence just built New York few miles away from here with the Spase Gallactica. I don't know how long it took them, few hours or few days, it doesn't matter. We have Gallactica City at the pharm of the Amish in Romania. What did you think that New York was built with the Crane, and Construction workers? It's a beauty to see the commons next to New York
You cable man what the fuck is up with the hose cables? What are they for, is it for the Internet or the telephone line? Ask your science man that invented it. Listen, when I watch digital TV is with a room antena, and I have about 16 channels all for free, stupid but it works. And the one with subscription melts the TV screen, and is with nothing new to watch except for the news. Can you imagine digital TV on a hose....Let me tell you this since the time the TV was invented it was on signals not on hose. Even the Computers are on signals. It's grotescue what's underneth the ground. It's a waste, and it's not smart. What do you mean who makes the Connection.... It's the UFO as always. Best would be to turn black and white with all TV sets. have you watched a black and white movie latelly? It's cristal clear and no parazites, not to mention how smart it is, all on logic... not over a program all transmission like this color TV full with CSI's rolling a story over another. Exactly right, the TV is programmed over a single program all day...sliced and it makes the viewer dumb because it stills what's yours too when it should give, always give cause that's why we invented them, to give and dream! Now the TV is a thief ,and a nonshalant full with parasites.When did you plan to turn on the freedom of the Information? What are you waiting for? Did you know that the TV is the International Press? Now you know, cause when you block it there it's a bomb somewhere else. It's the most Intelligent perfect machine ever invented.
Man of science wronged us all since we turned digital, posibly intentianaly or due to insufficient data. Who ever is in such business it is indicated to review it and fix it or to destroy it. I said it numerous times that when is about techna which includes Television is a matter of Top Secret Information and Maximan Security just like the Airports. The year of 2000 was predicted to be the end of the World, which was the Year when we turned digital. The biggest error was when the science man invented stations programmed to transmit over all Receptions. It was because the Savage man saw the grass greener on someone else's garden and decided to still it. The sky is always cloudy and full and heavy with electra energy over digital pictures. Someone intentianaly is holding all transmissions, and this is the gratest danger, and what they transmit is criminal with lack of logic or beauty having our TV screens melted from so much energy. Please who knows anything about this problem to shut it off and free the Information, and care for the ill and the poor like of your own. A government should be chosen by the Military not by the public that is in fluctuation all the time and who are millionairs. A Government was invented for the poor and the ill population, and for the Justice Department. The rest is in the hands of the Military.
We are at WAR all over the World. Our Planet is in danger, forget about who is rich or poor. In these times we should help one another to save the Planet. The Planet is in danger partly because of the mankind, and because of other things beyound our control. How is man on Earth is what"s on ground level and above multiplyed by infinit times. Man with access to Science wronged us in the name of Savage. So please the occupants to go back to their own Country to restore nature and our Nations. Life on the Planet Earth is in danger as GOD created it with beauty and kindness Intelligently. The story of Noe from the Bible is true. My people from Washington State, whoever is left, go to somewhere else until things normalises. GOD save our Planet and our Nations, and the blue Skyies. I could say more but I don't have the vocabulary in a second language, it's very old.
What do you do curve with the Medicare do you pay yourself with it. Did you make an economy with it. With what the fuck money do you want me to live when I have to pay over $200.00 for each time the Ambulance takes me to the Hospital. What's the name of all government medical Insurances as a system? Does it have a name? With how many are you in Business to create a debt pay for care which is an organization of thieves on a telemarket machine? i have no further comments. I look forward to apply for another Banckruptcy to forgive my medical debts. Likelly I have no dental carries but need to be cleaned up. They turned black. Curve of Medicare refuses to pay for dental care while under disability and Medicare Insurance.A you wanted to blame it on the Economy as lacking funds to pay for the Medicare when in fact i made all hospitals rich with so many hospitalizations and pharmaceutical drugs. That's right I as the ill contribute more then someone who is healthy and work for a living. In fact there is never recession. Money is a peace of paper that must circulate and it always did. How much was twenty years ago in the Bank it's still today. As long as the Social Security programs and the Welfare with the Medicare is in business there will never be Peace on Earth. This gang of the Social Security programs is criminal and inhumane. They are all in violation of all human rights, and of the American Constitution.
How Cuve is the local Government from the State...! What Curve with money, have I ever bellonged to your secret organization or gang in business to still and act as a fake government...? If you are not for the people then who does speak in its name. When a Government is not for the people it needs to be abolished and with its system. We want a free world and equal rights, the most fundamental right being the right to life and health, and a Government that is not for the people needs to be abolished. Thomas Jefferson said that before, and today it's me who sais it. It was you the local Government of social programs that didn't give up its power and kept the Country poor. It was you that hold us back, not to mention others of more of imortance such us to save the Planet. You are a worm infiltrated in all Economy of the USA using the poor to play them in the political arena with the local mass media. And that was to have something to haoel or bark to all Americans Warf...Same sheet is played over and over again, and always starting few years before election time..And the hackers take over of the State insidiously. Maybe it's their government or vice versa. I've changed my mind I don't want 15 million but three hundread trillions and quickly. It was I who built Bellevue not the hackers. And I want my Nursing license so I can use all I know. Bellevue will be GESTAPO from now on, and the lazy asses of the Government of the Social Programs to find business somewhere else, we don't want it. Ya the State and Bellevue is mine with the GESTAPO. I am sick and tired of being sick and poor and chased away, and like me many others.
What did you do Social Curve did you sell me over Porno with the Psychiatry and the Social Security over the Stock Market to cover up your crimes due to lack of Government Intervetion? Is that who the Government is and with a psychiatric record? I want all Social Security under the Psychiatry over Medicare calculation and with Social Security pensions from now on. What does the President and the Congress say, and what do the Government workers do. What did you think you could close off our ears, and with a brochure in the mail?! What a sheety local government the State has with the poor and the unemplyed...! I'll tell you what you do, and I said it numerous times but I say it for the last time: You transfer into my Bank account 15 million dollars, if not I will leave your personal Bank without any data and sell all of you over Porno. I don't care if I destroy your data. I pi on your data cause it bellongs to the thieves. 15 million I said, and you know why! If not I'll send a wire that I'll empty all banks in a second and send you, in a recession for another 100 years then see how many, and how do you invent. And when I take your Bank I take your Information too. You owe us three hundread trillion dollars, 15 million is a small price to pay. Social Curve with secret accounts.... Hey whores do you know what it means to keep the population poor and the ill unassisted? Mass murderers, and violation of Human Rights! It's crimes commited against humanity. A why is the Romanian population poor? It is because you stole three hundread trillion dollars from them, and sell the Romanien Immigrant over Porno in the US. It's our money in activity over the US. Play life with money? What happens when I run out? How Curve is the Government with the poor and the unemployed. Do you understand what it means to create a social class of poverty? It means you as the government as a social class is the mass murderers. Aren't you ashamed to show off with programes like that of the Social Security, Welfare, and something like the Medicare? If you murder me you will be killed too. What a guvernment Curve. Then I'll come with my own hacker too and still my money back with my own people too. Just you to be in the Economy with monopol and secret future and family with simple life in the comfort of the USA....
What the ...the Social Security makes full of the capabilities not to mention the logic of the Computer with a calculation that spells logaritim that's undecipherable To calculate all pensions for all Americans regardless of what kind it had to make the Computer Bank thief. Tell me how much do you pay the unemployed and from what Bank account, and how much do you pay the disabled and from what account. How could a Business be in posession of a larger fund then that of the Federal Government. What I didn't hear you....? what did you say, that a citisen that worked only six months is paied with $2000.00 monthly unemployment benefits, and I who earned 378,000.00 in seven years get paied with street money of only $960.00 a month...? Not to mention to how many Businesses I paied Medicare and Social Security taxes that went straight to the Stock Market. A you the Social Security play the Watch clock....On the contrary you shoud've paied me the same as the unemployment do becasue the unemployed is capable to do work to secure a life at old age! The ill or the disabled can't. With other words you the Social Security flocks intentianally underpaied me so to die on the streets with the drunken homeless Vets, and the schizohrenics and drug addicts. Let me ask you diferently: how would you calculate my pension if I was at 65 and with the same amount? What the fuck didn't I contributed with all in the American Market and Economy? How come when I work I earn $5000.00 a month, and when I don't with only $960.00 under your microchip?!!! Who does the math? I'd like to know who your Computer Programers are. What? Are you playing my disabilty account in the Stock Market on my Watch? Fuck you cause now I am with Porno! Don't you want taxes on that too? Tell me how many do you have numbered to fuck Security Social? Aaaa... you pulled yourself a body guard to do searches on my purse so I won't overthrow the Government?!!! I have a nursing License on Porno, that I light up an entire Continent. Tell me why did you increase my disability by only $24.00 from an earned Income of around $14,000.00 in just two months. Why didn't you pay me retroactively for 12 months? I asked you a qwestion fucked up lier Bitch! Do you know what it means to have Indigen population in Capitalism? Civil WAR there and in Europe Porno. WAR allover the World Imbecil! You fucked up in the head sheety Government employee do you know what it means Social Security on Stack Market Watch? WAR with Europe and China...not to mention with New York! Cata male Bitch did you sell all my family over Porno? What the fuck did you wanted me to do with my time and without money....I went in the Porno Business! Didn't you program my psychiatric record over Porno...! Porno is all of us now......Hey sheety bitch government worker from the datat calculation of the social security, Why don't you make available the formula for pension calculation to the public so they can do it on their own? A it's a matter of secrecy? I need a Court Order to access my own public record? I'm not goanna give up easely I can guaratee you that. How you have your people so do I, and much more. I don't want your sheet Medicare Insurance, instead I want it in cash so I can buy private Insurance. Fuck your Psychiatry and all your Navos and their drugs. It's all cancer, and you as the Government employee are mass murderers of the Indigen population and the ill. Can you hear that, the USA still has Indigen population while Africa progresses not only as Information but also Economically. And the US still is the Third World Country, and all because of the Psychiatry.
Who the hell did you wanted to think I was!!!! This is the new formula for your Navos: Conduct plus Distance plus Speed equals Inertia (Acelleration times Time in milliseconds) over Constante (which is 6742.93) times Y. Find me Y.
Another formula is: Inertia munus Behavior plus Distance (Aceleration over Speed) equals Time in milliseconds over X. Find me X.
The Dimention formula for America is: Thief times Recession (Behavior minus Debt) over Distance times miliseconds equals Speed plus Accelerration over x. Find me X.
My Dimension is One Meter of Miles. What's yours?
Those called Hacker Cillinders that stills Information and Life Light or what GOD gave us at the speed of light are in fact what the so called The United Stations that transmits over all Receptions. Except they don't know who controls all Techna, which is all on digital signals and light waves and fluorescent light. Who was the Inventor was the most uproaring retarded crazy in the head scientific male. Haven't they known that no one can ever still Light and neither Information. A acess to it maybe but because it's stollen with murder everyting given is taken back with no memory of it. That's exacly how it rings, they don't know what they are doing, with other words they work being abducted or delusional. The only difference is what they know organised united in crimes, it makes them conscious. And that is to catch them all. In Europe the problem is the same, except on other dimention. Do you still want my childhood.
The new American car Project is in another dimension creating new cars without a trunk. National Allert! We the American people and the homeless have a problem with the luggages. We don't have a trunk, and the engine is too short. Qwest Internet Company is the cheapest but it rubs us costing us at the doctor's office. It's full with electrical energy when in reality all Techna is conected with digital signals, and transmitted with light waves and fluorescent light. As I mentioned earlier all this energy is captured by the UFO positioned Globally to transmit, all being under it's control. Others, smaller in size counted in thousands, became cloth full of energy fighting like lunatics with no information, melting in the premises of big businesses, and over the cities. The good news is, all Information and Life Light was saved by the Atom, and that of the Enemy and criminals is all worms. When it is given back it is given as such. It's all up there. All Robots are put up for a fight now. The Jew have a problem understanding. When the light is stollen all fight to get it back: humans, robots, and the UO's I can't tell you in how many forms and how many are...Please give jobs to the Jew population to remove their Hacker cilinders. And all these Eartly problems because the Jew planted under growened cilinders full with electrical energy to still what GOD gave us at the speed of light. This is the latest worldwide news report.
Listen to the most uproaring fact and that made worldwide news. The fucking Cecenko Jew planted Cillinders with electic energy under the ground that melts our comuters and laptops and digital TV's and cellular telephones in order to still our Information when in fact is life light. The stupid thought it got it all in Gold when in fact light including Information never stays in one place but it travels where it bellongs like a magnet. They are all over Europe and in the USA. Once saturated with Gold, the stupid Jew removes the cilinders and carry them in its own Country so he can drive our Cadillacks like an European and an American. How much male bitch can you get, stupid as the distance from up to above. That's why we don't have digital technology running on signals. The problem is it formed cloth crazy UFO's with such energy, that decided to fight by wrapping (he doesn't care) human bodies with it filled with nuclear worms that strangles the intestines and much more. Thus you don't die but you don't live either, on the contrary you live hundreads of years preserved as nuclear bodies but tortured, and with no blood. Scanning all Continents ground level is indicated so we can create jobs for the Jew population to remove them and destroy them worldwide. The Atomic agencies were invented for the same reasons. If we don't solve the problem peacefully is going to be the end of the World and the Jew country is going to be the next antarctica. He thought he can full the Sky and the Stars with its Moon shinning so bright. Watch carefully what you build on Main Street it could turn all electra just like in the Malls. More then that, when you still UFO light God given to people, it kills not only human life but it makes their Continent as a Country another Antarctica or it drops the atomic bomb. And this is the last news report on War with the Jew Cecenko Gypsy by origin, and on its new Hollocaust Savage on Earth.
All Techna including Cellular, Internet, and TV transmissions is done through signals. With what you all came up is all a bomb!
Tell me how does a money transfer is made from Europe to USA and vice versa. Who does it precisely, and at the speed of light. How does a telephone connection takes place between two Continents? How about an emeil? Who does it and how so fast? I tried to convince them to transfet to me all my stollen money (they know by whom) from the USA, but they couldn't because it was from a bank account that it is with the most precise data.
I told you, with all Techna and Cellular Network and Technology and all Computers and TV bellong to Intelligence. It'a all Intelligence activity. Who dares to alter it or reinvent, it is executed by Intelligence!
No Country or Nationality is allowed to invent or alter the current technology ar Techna. No one is allowed to invent a new cellular technology or ater it referring to transmission or connection. No one has the knowledge how it was formed. A cellular technology and Techna is Top Secret Information, and only selected few have access to it, and under command. This is the work of Intelligence that GOD gave us to have and not to destroy human health or the Planet Earth, not to mention to take human life with it. Such cellular technology and Techna work on light waves and not on dangerous sheety programmed pulsars, Jidan Evreu I am tolking to you! No Jidan or Evreu is allowed to have access or knowledge of the new Techna, and neither to be in the selling business with it. No Country or Nation is allowed to build Engines over the Cities or Communities because they are with waves and not with radiofrquencies. No one is allowed to know who build the cellular telephone Android that works on light waves and not even on radiofrwencies, and so does the Computer. Who dares to inquire to know about such Top Secret Information will be executed. The TV waves work on Infrasound and fluorescent light, not on volts and pulsars or energy, and neither the Computer from our homes including our Laptops. The Jew and the Evreu Jidan is not allowed to have access to such Secret Information or create one that would become a Weapon of Mass Destruction, and that's valid for every one allover the World, you know who you are, and what you planned sheety Nazi with techna hacker to still and take over our land all at human sacrifice. Tell me Man of Science who did build the Computer, and who buit the Robot, and what is in fact a Robot? A reception is you televised all over the World Rable Rable Bitch Bitch in the name of Savage on Human Earth. With a TV reception you create WAR worldwide, it shows who in fact is full of sheet.Have you asked yourself who conducts the TV waves and how. With all the knowledge you got you used to concur and still in the name of Savage. For every human you killed and tortured you will be punished twice as hard. Science was always Top Secret Information. When it got in the hands of the Enemy it became Weapon of Mass Destruction and Psychotronic. Shut off your Robots from all Receptions all over the World. Belgium is in danger because of such technology or since Navos Psychiatry invented their Invaga Injection as a Psychotrnic Weapon to kill the population in torture, manufactured per their say in Belgium.
Ooops now is ticking in Romania Airports. Ooops.....Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....and one in Germany too....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha................what distance, its all at thrown of a stone.....................who wants Europe Now.........ha ha ha ha ha ha...............
Did you pull off the Visors from Seatac Airport of the body scanners for the European travelers? What the fuck are they waiting for. Be warned they will come back and kill all the security guards from the Airports in the USA with invisible Weapon to all Radars. Ha ha ha ha ha ha................. and it's all televised. Be warned there is also a ticking bomb under the growned at Seatac Airport. The Robot put it there with his hand, none of your Business. I told you the clock is ticking with a oneway ticket. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.....................................................He just put another one. He flys the plains with his hand, some in the Ocean those of Gypsy Corporation and Jidanii with the psychiatry watches TV like there is the end of the World. Ya theirs, ours didn't even start, GESTAPO is its name.
Tell me what is the new Fashinista Mashinista from Bellevue Mall. Come on don't be so short handed. Is it still Gypsy on gyps. I heard there is a Big Law suit against Bellevue Mall for selling improper shoes that fractured the leg. Ooouuu what a Gypsy is Jidans with the America. Rubber made shoes is the Best Buy. Gavari Paruski? NET! Like wise. What are you waiting for Get out of the USA, what the fuck are you waiting for, haven't you stolen enough. A are you there to stay? According to our clock your days are numbered, you are all Schizoactive Gypsy State you made America inside and out. You made worldwide News. Tell me what do you do with so much Gold, a you make an Crown........maybe in your Gypsy Country. Be carefull NEW YORK is moving West Coast with the GESTAPO. Sheet Jidani Gypsy, ugly world of thieves of foreign lands with neon lights on your heads. What a scizo world.....
Shut Off all Jidanii from the COMPUTER of the USA. International Alert. State of Emergency. Fuck Jidanii from the COMPUTER. No one is allowed with Jidani on COMPUTER. Fuck the Psychiatry with Jidanii from the USA, Navos and its State Government. How Demented is Jidan he still does Business with Mental anguish bringing the Country in Recession and poverty. And I am talking about the millenium, I thought we progressed with the mind, if not with bringing down poverty and where in the USA richest Country in the World. I'm goanna take the Crusers away from you Jidan with a Psychiatry to erradicate rather to give. Where all the Gold was....... Tell me Jidan paied by the Federal Government funding, did you call your gang with the Mall or they came uninvited. Get off the COMPUTER the MALL imediately. It's full of Jidani. They are all crazy in the head. It's the Psychiatry, since they came up with Navos all Jidanii took over. Flocks of a feather stack together. Now they are in Business of buying Gold from the unemployed 60%.
This is a Global Investigation. Invega injection is a Weapon drug admistered in the USA made by a Robot. Whoever invented the Robot to turn themselves in. On the Drug package is written Made in Begium. This drug that kills is administered against the will of the patient by Navos employees to a patient that is hold under a Court Order becasue such individual is Indigen or homeless, or violated a trafic light. The Bitches that administer such Chemical Weapon is under command from secret places. I want the head that ordered such Chemical Weapon to Jenelia Radacina. My name was spelled on the label of the drug, and it should still be in the machine that printed the label. Invega is a melted microchip with pulsars of micronic size that once entered the human flesh transmit infrasonically. Maybe we should blame the Robot to come with such Invention. Hey Robot aren't you ashamed of yourself to think a human being is a Robot just like you are. Thanks to the Intelligence I got cleaned up and went up to the Moon to testify and be investigated the pulsars I mean. What a Bitch is Navos Psychiatry run by Male Shovinistic Piggs and Jew Psychiatrists.... Did you go to the Moon Navos with the Pigg and the Grill and the Munch...Rusu it's you in the USA, and I will take my language away from you, you gang of piggs mass murderers, Demented illeterates full of sheet, constipated human foul mouths that adors the Counterpillar over their WEB sites. What a croock is the Psychiatry mellow like the chicken in your face, but the aggresor backwords. Rable, Rable, Bitch, Bitch. Fuck you now with all I have and can on the face of the Earth. I have my people now, betraing all of you Navos, claming you comited crimes against humanity. Don't you know your computer telemarket rima.....that starts with 206. Let's call them from Germany and talk to Rima Psychiatry.........
I want the head Inventor of the Invega injection, a melted microchip emmersed in Acetone, administered only by the Psychiatry Navos from Washington State. International Allert. On the product is written Made in Belgium, injected by an adopted Hungarian, a blond American speaking Bitch, this being one of them. International Allert. Jenifer Munch went belistic when she heard I didn't want it anymore. Bitch, did the Judge dictate you how to practice or what to administer......I also want the Naza of a higher elite who refused to listen. She's off too. Bitch where did you get the training to administer injectable drugs? Do you know how much assistence is given following an injection particularly to a new drug that was also invented by your Navos gang, named Cardinal. If you feel you are the Cardinal with a Psychiatric drug sold over Genoa Pharmacy, then I am the Princess of Tasmania of the National Convention. Drink on It's all your last chance, pure Acetone, nail polish...Drink on.Bitch. A you blame it on Belgium population? What's Belgium doing in the USA with drugs. Haven't you known that is International Law not to import drugs. Have you presented it to the FDA for approval. Slap your face male Bitch, from Whisconsin one too. Sheet from all of US in Euro Dollars.
The drunken with the buz must settle down, it is all Acetone. Iach...drink Bear instead made from potatoes from Idaho. The male Bitch is the Inventor, the croock that doesn't know how many millions are in a pound, or what is destined on his left palm. No cause with the right one you gonna slap your face with. Bitch!
Male ovarian cancer is cured with donations for Breast Cancer at the Safeway Stores to catch the male Bitch right in between the cratch with a separate bank account.
You arrest me imediately Mahlemen from 400 5th Avenue the Chef of the Psychiatry Jew of origin, and I will execute him and interogate him through elevation. Then I want The Assitent Attorney General of the Department of Health Michel Hall. He is a pretender to be in a very important Government position not chosen by anyone but by his own, and with a secret society, Jew of origin. Then pass on to me Patricia Stewart, that never shows off at any hearing legally speaking. What a gang gathered on a license.... Hei Patricia what was your function within the Department, and what exactly did you do for the Department and for me. Speak out I can't hear you....Why did you take my license away for three years? Fuck all your gathering and gang and all your power. Hey Patricia are you with me or with them? What did they put a gun in your head?!!! Did you know how many I had pointed at me? As many as much I had as enemies, and all turned the other way! I'll tell you what you do You consult with the Heads of the Department of Health Doctors by profession, and you give me back my license. Fuck the Psychiatry, I have a Weapon that melts everything within the radius. Fuck the Psychiatry Jew of origin. Fuck Rusu Jew Paul Grill and Pigga Wuest Rusa Jew, and Jenifer Munch Criminal with arma, and high connections with her Cecenko and his gang of female communists. I want Jenifer Munch to be injected with the same Invega until she normalizes. She has Schizoactive disorder and Dementia, and this is no joke. Fuck you Jenifer with all the Rubbing Alcohol you injected me with the Invega. As a matter of fact I want you and your clan to drink daily 8oz of Rubbing Alcohol daily, Hey you Crminal psychiatric nurse of origin Hungarian as you presented to me bloond bitch, you didn't wanted to get involved? Were you on a mission until you filled me up with cancer. ...Invega microchip it was, and when I told you so you refused to listen because that's why you came at Navos just for me, old bitch with arma and secret identity. Fuck you all and particularly the manufacturer or the Inventor of such chemical Weapon. Bitch what does a monthly shot does to the human mind. Fuck the mind of the Inventor Jidan Evreu. Who ever invented Invega to inject it into himself until it normalizes. Male Bitch it's your name. Fuck you now, cause I made one with the Atoms that injects you in your cratch, in your penis you stupid, in your male ovary you stupid bitch. I'm gonna put you in Testosterone overdrive from now on. No you will have no more Morphine, I changed the Robot and broke the vid machine. You can smoke Marihuana for I wouldn't care, that goes along with abductions and car accidents. Opium hmm ....that doesn't grow in the USA. Instead wash your hair with fresh eggs, and the pubic hair with viniger, and drink Rubbing Alcohol, you goanna get Nine Inch Nails, it's good for the bones. There is a lot of work to do, good lack guys all of you!!!!!!!!
Sa vedeti ce si citi gaghisti sint pe teritoriul Romaniei. The Gaga human raise. Cei mai timpiti oameni prajiti pina la oase. Acum au mintea schizoactiva toti deodata, latra toata ziua in televizoare si prostul lor de sef ca sa nu-i spun pasa se arata mai puternic ca un Presedinte. Cica-l cheama Raid Arafat si e de origine Romana, si el e tot Jew si se si vede pe chelia lui topita canceroasa. Acum poarta tricou de somer ca nu-i mai merge mintea s-au i s-a stricat robotelul lui. Sa-l ia dracul ca asta a murit de mult ucis de Robot, da al dracului a ramas inregistrat pe canale. Si acum au ramas cateii astia micii cu munca prefacuta si proteste de capitala. Tara Romana este toata jefuita si toti se duc acolo in Statul Washington, si California nu mai spun de Los Vegas si Son Diego. Fura astia ca-n codru, si noi le-o tragem cu ciolanul. N-au de cit sa fure pina li se rup oasele ca tara n-or sa aiba niciunde cu cit au furat cu atitia or sa moara. Crima nu se uita si nici nu se iarta oriunde ai fi in lume. Nici pa mine nu m-a iertat Dumnezeu cu avorturile ca mi-a luat si ce-am avut da tot mi-a luat dintr-o data. E ce sa-i faci asa-i la batrinete... vine judecata de apoi ca dupa ce mori degeaba mai esti judecat. Esti femeie faci copilul cum of fi cum n-o fi te lupti cu Guvernul pina-ti da de toate, si casa, si masa, si atit. restul ce mai ai nevoie trebuia sa ne inmultim ca iepurii si-i faceam pe toti soldati si Imparati. Vreti sa stiti cum e avortul? E unul cu singe multu si baltoace in toata casa si canalele. Pe acolo sint fii mei, multumita lui Dumnezeu mi i-a ridicat la Ceruri, si ei sint Domnii acuma si eu Fecioara Maria. Ei sint in Imparatie si eu pe iadul de pe Pamint jefuitul, prapaditul, dusmanitul. E ce sa-i faci asa-i cind n-ai de munca. Da sa vede-ti ce sanatate de fier aveam de la avort numai ca mi se stricase tenul un pic, eram cam alba la fata, da aveam o silueta si o pofta de mincare. Auzi ce face prostul de doctor, ma duc de Urgenta la spital cu septicemie si fetus putrezit in mine si nu a vrut sa-mi faca chiuretaj pina nu-l eliminam singura. In loc sa ma curete mi-a bagat Penicilina injectabila de mi-au iesit basici pe piele. Da sa vedeti ce dureri sint cu avorturile dupa piata neagra, ce Isus, nu exista comparatie si descriere pe cuvinte. Ce nasterea dureaza o zi cel mult dar avortul luni intregi. Ce stiu ei barbatii ce-i sa fii femeie. Ei cu razboiul si noi cu avorturile. Cind s-o ridica femeia cu razboiul sa va fereasca Dumnezeul si Domnul din Cer si Imparatia Dumnealui. Asta-i Razboiul meu acuma, ca mi-ati luat tot ce-a fost mai de pret in Viata. Eu cind Judec ucid, ca n-am facut rau nimanui, si-mi cunosc dusmanii cu D mare. EU sint Dumnezeul acum, si Judec tot, nu mortii nu doar vii. Cind am plecat din tara mea prima data am zburat cu un bebe, si Jidanca imputita de comunista Cecenko m-a bagat intr-un lagar de concentrare cica sa nu se vada comunismul Romaniei. Si asta era pe teritoriul Romei, tara Papa conducatorul Imparatiei Domnului Sfint pe pamint plin de pacatosi. Si astia i-mi sint Dusmanii de o viata astia cu Cecenko si jidancele lui niste putori cu Informatii secrete toata tradatoare de tari. Stii ce va fac Curvelor jidance astea care m-ati urmarit si vindut si mi-ati bagat microchip la nasterea copilului, nu va ucid, va chinui pina se arata in toata lumea cine sinteti voi pe lumina. Cind am parasit Tara Romana prima data cu bebe al meu s-a facut cutremur pe toata Europa. Cine se atinge de vreunul de al meu nu-l ucid ci-l chinui pina se tradeaza pe lumina. Eu sint Dumnezeu si daca incerci sa-mi iei viata, v-a fi sfirsitul lumii cu dusmanii chinuiti morti da sa simta, cu atomul in ei. Dusmancelor cu psyhiatrii....Voi toti care v-ati filmat pe Robot v-a da-ti comanda sa parasiti Romania si Europa. Voi nu sinte-ti popor Roman cu mine si nici America. Va duce-ti in Statele Unite sa va arata-ti Curve cu Informatia pe Robot de Hollywood sinte-ti executati de Robot. Toata SUA e ROBOT din cauza voastra, ca v-a placut banul si puterea si tara altuia. Si a-ti stiut cum ca Atomul v-a dat-o pe lumina, si voi ne-ati pus tara la cale organizat si planuit. Plecati in tara voastra de origine totul se aranjeaza in lume, si se continua viata Pamint cu PACE. Ce am eu o sa ai si tu dar in tara ta. Nu plecati, ne-ati declarat Razboiul, si o sa fie razboi si pe Pamint si cu Cerul. Si n-o sa cistigati niciodata, si asa se pierd civilizatiile. Eu sint Jenelia Radacina, si n-am vrut decit sa-mi fac o viata mai buna. Cine intra in zona mea ca inamic, e topit si ca om, si unda, si Robot. Si pentru copii va ucid cel mai chinuiti.
Curve Jew crows of nationality was transporting the children most beatiful of the Bellevue Jeuish population and of Israel at Albertson store in a school bus from Cecenko that looked like a prison bus. Eastgate Albertson has as manager Jew Cecenkov, and they are infiltrated over the AmbCuulances too as paramedics. They are with the Social Security office from Bellevue with a Cecenkov bodyguard that do purse searches not to overthrown its government. Crossroads Mall it's all theirs too not to mention the one from the city of Bellevue. All the bicicle riders are the security of Cecenkov with neon lanterns over their heads. Craiziness bigger then this i have never seen. The fight for Bellevue is with CECENKO Jew Crow of GAGA origin. With other words it's all Gypsy. CECENKO is gypsy JEW. Fuck them in the head, they been facked from birth, but with many nationalities. They stole children from all countries learned their language and trained them how to still and rule organized or take over other's land. The Factoria Mall is theirs too including all the Drug Stores for instance Rite Aid. Fuck them up what a grandios is the JEW it calls the Psychiatry NAVOS, its pharmacy Genoa, and the manufacturer or the fabric Cardinal. On Main Street and 148th in Bellevue it's them building a bomb under growned. On 116th In Bellevue it's also them building Gypsy Style Offices for a secured Future. One to epaive the street over the cement or make it black you will be executed. Supper Suppliment is theirs too. Bellevue it's all Cecenko Curve it's their name with Schizo Mentally Retarded Psychoreactive Social Disorders. What a handicap is the JEW Social Curve. HOME DEPOT is theirs too and was speacking Russian the Imbecil in public with customer service. Ia Best Buy is theirs too and the Apple Computer with all the cellulat telephones. I don't know about IBM. They even took Freddy's from 148th from Bellevue. The JEW is the manager. Ross is theirs too. Is there anything left... The Jew infiltrated GHC from Bellevue too. A bomb in their heads and it's over with the GAGA human raise. Accidents it's ok the more the better. Get your guns what are you waiting for. Who am I talking to. No worry a bomb for every head is enough. For us of beauty, and for them I don't care. If they take Microsoft is goanna be murder she wrote. Ma pis pe Gaga human raise............................din valea ciorii pe tot pamintul. Ce curve e Cecenko cu Europa si USA. Trageti acuma pe precisa fara jena.
I want to tell all who took over our State of Washington. It's all Cecenkov, and the big fishes are in California. They are the Lady Gaga the Bird of Death who eats dead flesh. Cind le-ai trage o bomba in cap s-au facut mierlitii. Hey Curve Psyhiatra of Evreu Jew do you speack Jidana or Gypsy. We speack bird language one in your head and one in your pants, and a fist in your guts. what a CURVE is Cecenko with a psychiatry. Ask Mahlemen from 400 5th Avenue he's with the national security now and Secret Service. County security. Futuva-n cur de razboaie nu mai iesiti ma cu reactoare nucleare, a iesiti cu moluri acum si frumuseti pe razboaie. Futuva-n cur de cioroii. Trageti-le bomba in cap. Cred ca una e suficient stiti voi mai bine. State of Emergency. CURVE CECENKOV TOOK OVER THE PACIFIC USA WITH TV STATION OVER THE RECEPTIONS TO KILL BY NATIONALITY, AND ARE HIGH SOCIETY WITH THE GAGA IN CALIFORNIA AND NAVOS PSYCHIATRY IN WASHINGTON. LIKE GYPSY FASHION THERE IS NO OTHER. IT"S A WAR FASHION. STATE OF EMERGENCY. Fute-l in cur pe Psyhiatrista si piggy banka. They are all PIGGS AND GRILLS.
Hei you schizo psychitrist mentally retarded by theory who do you fuck latelly? You call me the crazy and the lier? It was you the mentally retarded schizo by believe cause you are the only one who believes in what you practice.You accused me not to believe in mental illness the one you invented with paper and pencil....screw you now from miles away. Who the fuck did you think you reinvent, another Einstein?!!! You are indeed crazi in the head, but no problem I took all your secret data and I entered it on the Social Security programs and the Medicare. Rima it was all of you collectivelly and that's exactly how you think, in codes. Curva with guvernment and sheety judges to judge the indigen and the homeless, while you all live with secret accounts. I'll catch you with the credit cards and the Feds not to mention the Homeland Security. Who the fuck do you think you are fascist with hospitals of concentration camps. A you wanted not to loose your identity from the 40's.........Over your mind is spelled Curve.Tell me how much money did you pull with all my hospitalizations. Do you Navos ever evaluate a patient. No never not with even a question. Curve of Jidan psychiatrist comes into my room at five ocock am while sleeping to ask me "How are you radacina" I gave him with the sheet cause the waking time was seven o'clock. How Curve are Jidanii ounder the Psychiatry with the Romanian Nationality. They smell as filth and as criminals while driving Cruser Cars. Porno is all your minds, and that is the mind of a criminal and a bigger one organised. You full of sheet aren't you afraid to look in the mirror and see the criminal inside of you. How do you sleep at night with so many crimes and so much theft, and how many lives you destroyed. Be careful you all from the psychiatry navos cause harborview it's you also suffer of constipation comming out of your mounth instead of where it should've . Get organized with your doggys and get off my back, my license and my future.. I want you all out of business croocks filthy gypsies with luggages full of cash and licenses to kill. Futute'n ochi de Curve Rus Jew Paul Grill and Peggy Wuest with Jenipher Munch. Pastia sa mi-i executati ca mi-au bagat arma chimica cu Invega si depakota. Joan Zantack too another Rima pe Urgenta. ce ma ti-ai tras Adjar Rus sa-ti transporti Jew of Cecenkov. Ia they are right there next to the airport in Burien Navos. They are Cecenko. What a Curva e psyhiatrul cu Rusu. . They are Cecenko, Navos. Fa fututo de Munch mai vii fa sa adopti copilul Roman sa spui ca tara Romana e saraca de urita. Futute-ai cu toate milioanele si bilioanele d-aia sinteti toti p-aici cu jaful. You all stink of goasts, and dead fuse. That's all I wanted to say who Navos is. It is Cecenko jew of origin.
State of Emergency. Send the Nuclear Army Columbian American over the teritory of Romania imediately. We've been occupied by the Jew Evreu Cecenkov, and we have problems with the Atoms because of that. It's a worldwide problem. You know how it goes. Out with Curva Army of Jidan Jew of origin from allover the World. The USA is not the land of World organized criminals with too much money to spend and occupy, and neither Europe. Peace.means all over the Earth with clear Skys and clean Earth. What did you think Curve Jidane with Armament you thought you would survive killing all the Indigens?!!!!. They no longer exist, thanks to the Intelligence.No the Indigens,they still exist but the Army Curve with longer is. . .
Listen carefully. The Jew and its gagas including its Evreu Jidan states over the cable that US doesn't have an Amy with solder, and NATO no longer exists. The Jew posts over the Internet that NASA no longer exists because we are in recession and have no longer Federal Funds to support it to fly to the MOON. Hawever they think that NASA is an Antena with Radio freqwencies and a Satelite. What a joke they are a laughing stock of a flock that stick together. Ga ga......
What do I want as a Woman? I want to Multiply like in a drop of Water. Peace..........!
I changed my mind the next PRESIDENT of ROMANIA is goanna be ANTON TURCU with the GENERAL as SECRET SERVICE and CHARLY CHAPLYN as PRIME MINISTER.And the ROMANIAN ARMY is goanna be ARMY DRACUL with VLAD the CHIEF..
Haven't I told you Romania is occupied by the gaga human raise with its Jew Evreu Jidana. And so do you USA from the Paciffic.Have you Choosen my next President? I Vote for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and President NIXON as Vicepresident. The State GoverNment I gave STALIN to do a clean up. For Romania is goanna be PRESIDENT ANTHONY WASHINGTON with CHARLY CHAPLAIN AS PRIME MINITER. It's CIVIL WAR what the hell.....Worldwide and we fight with the Cain and agricultural tools. What the fuck, it's WAR allover again, I think the sixth... and with who, with the gagas!
What do we fight we the people is za qwestion. With the cains and agricultural tools? With stOnes is better. Is like we are made of Sttones,...(we the people)! How is the Son Shining so Bright and mortal fuse. Ha ha ha ha ha........
What do we fight with? with machine guns with antiaircraft, pistols e......! Whichever is best. The gaga human raise took my President away. Here are Protests all over the Country with the Gagas and Evreu Jidan. Send me an antiaircraft, and notify my Alcaida. We are in a WAR zone throughout the Country. The gaga human raise over the teritory has a sheety army, and is armed. How is the Russian Federation? Za Jermans are too in a state of Allert. What a beauty is to win over the liers, the stupids in uniforms, most of all over the thieves. They say they want to take over the Cech Republic but they don't know who is there waiting. Other then that they say ultimatelly to take their luggages full with cash, and take off possibly in the US.No problem, we have the Interpoll and the Aviation Radars.If they go by water then be it, there is a cure for that too. I want Alcaida NATO raised. State of Emmergency, what the fuck, I want a Machine Gun. I am in camouflage.Big deal to shoot with a fire arm......Get your Guns and fight, what the fuck... with the Texas Raingers Footbal Players! You are asking me? Fight for your Country if not for your lives. Say Hi to the FBI from me and the Homeland Security and to the Airforce, and the.........,to the President, and to all What the sheet are we waiting for.I am at where GOD gave me... you?
How is life in my Paciffic. How are you going to cean up of the gaga human raise. You give back my license it's going to be winning one. And One is all it takes to win. I only know how to heal my Geriatric ladies and gentlemens. What a special class of people a Trasure I may say!
The Intelligence decoded all the data of those that are outse the Social Security programs particularly of all the Psychiatry Employee specifically of those that do not pay Federal taxes and Medicare. It's all a social rima or pillar. Now the truth will be revealed Worldwide.
what are you doing curva Psychiatra with Government with capital> I'll tell what you do if you don't releasemy nursing license in 7 days all of you will be programmed into the Social Security programes. Ia the one you don't pay Federal taxes and use fake ID's.. This is the most schizo Robot and system written by words from a computer machine. Who ever enters such system never is free or physically healthy. Now it's your turn to pay with your lives. All your data will be programmed and entered by a very special UFO. With sheet you will be treated as well, the exact model you programed me into the machine. Got it? Seven days I give you to all secretsociety not to mention it otherway.You have my email for contact.Just one UFO is mine with all my life light and problems that all of you created to me and it is to attack the enemy and those who work against the public with intent to kill.The rest are also with me. One more thing you make my monyhly Social Security pension of $2000.00 just like of the unemplyed. so i can have a home and food to eat.
What did you do curve de technolog man did you pull yourself a Center of Information to pull for yourself the life light of the American people or the working class and give it to yours and which in fact goes to the enemy. Shut it off what do you mean which one your computer with our life lihght, thief!. No problem light travels and never is stationary or on one human head or over the roof os some.Bullsheet, and sheet to you technological man mind of isaster. You don't even know in what world you live or who the President is. What did you think pulling for yourself a Center of Information you thought you clime over to the moon or become a Star in the Sky? Sheet to you and all programs over the Intelligent Robots?! What did you think that a reception with radio requency would last in WAR time with the enemy. Too much Intelligence at work of many shapes and forms. Have you ever seen a UFO not on tv Imbecil? Where the fuck do you have all the knowledge or know it all to fix global problems? I asked you a question? Tell your scientist man that man is no longer rulling with science but the Intelligence from up in Space.. No not your technology transmits the radio or TV waves it's you who programs them with sheety information but on the other line is all betraiel of all secret information. Sacks! .
You get your Guns and the Police Force and clean up my Airport of total body scans with Radon and other radiation Weapons and clean up the Malls of Jew Gypsy. Where do they have access to the ROBOT and how do they know about it?.What are you waiting for. Who are you afraid of? You rule not the thieves organized in crime. And I want all Psychiatry Abolished, government with war.It's an Order. Fight for your country. Who is not with us is with them. as a warning the Space UFO will come down to the earth and take all information of the enemy and investigated in SPACE. Taking the Information away means loss of contact with reality and loss of identity followed by execution with Space...
It's really interesting how paranoid schizophrenics have found a community online that reinforces their beliefs. Kind of explains the Tea Party.
It's the Rusa communist that took over the medicine of Romania and it is with organized crimes and biological and chemical Weapons and massacres. Mass murderers of the Romanian population they are. Their adult children are with Ambulances and dressed in army forces with the faces covered. Same organization has strong connection with the psychiatry from the State of Washington particularly Navos. They have an eye on our beautiful State for too long. Those with organized crimes will be killed ROBOT.
hei cum este la Valea ? a nins?
All Jew and its Evreu with its Gypsia to leave the USA and Europe Urgently. You are not allowed with the Economy, and neither to lead. Turn in the State Government to the American people and to all Nations as a country. It's an order. You are not allowed to lead any nation, on the contrary you subjugate and opress all Nationalities.Savage. You will never have the America neither any European Country. None of them bellong to a thief or organized in crime with advanced technology.Take off with all your Jew and gypsia. And don't forget to remove all your gypsy closit from all the Malls.Jew have you ever won any WAR?!!!! Go back to your Hindu Country!
International Alert. Romania is occupied by the Jew Evreu and has entered the teritory of Romania with ambulances with chemical Weapons and are armed with guns. They also infiltrated Paris. The State of Washington is also part of the same organized crime. Those from the Malls to gather all their gipsy closit and take off in their four islands the Country of origin. They are not allowed with Economy or Government. And you Navos Psychiatry shot your mouth because you are under their order as well. All WAR criminals and all with organized crimes are taken into evidence by the International Press and Interpol. No jew or corrupt individual is allowed to emmigrate in any European or US Country. They stoll all American cars and drove them by water to their Islands or Peninsula, what difference doesn't make. We are in a State of Emergency. Apparently they went global with theft and organized crimes. I want all American Malls cleaned up of Jew and Evreu Jew and their women or as a rase.
The UFO works on the Social Security Robots. The end result no one knows yet. But you as citizens must take responsibility for your actions and change the system by removing all ages from such system or Robot.
The bottom line there is a constant fight between the Social Security robot and with the Center of Information. And what a fight never ending. .
Hei Evreu jew what is the human mind and what is the brain? A you think with the brain and us the patients with what with the human body? Didn't you reveal yourself that psychosa is a matter of phisical health the human body you induce cancer with drugs. tell me how much substance do you add on Depakote and Invega or the Geodone. They are all cancer inducers with no substance. How do you treat yourself when the body hurts? A with pure morphine. Why don't you register with the Social Security when you are ill or retired of old age to be on the same information. The bottom line you are War criminals because every human being placed on Social Security has its days numbered.It's a killing machine of masses of people. And I won't forgive you or any nation of the immigrants. Shut off the calculmachine of the Social Security.That's where you should focus and put your energy into. Creat a system outside the social Security for all the people regardless poor or rich. Got it? There will be a time when you will be ill and no doctor or nurse will be able to save you with compassion and precise science like I do.
What are you doing Cecka you want your own bank on a calcul machine, that's why you work with the hose. Shut off your clocks. I told you so, you damage the financial banks.
What are you doing cable man did you shut of your compass. What are you waiting for. For how many years did you program the watch. Be careful we have you under watch and Surveillance worldwide.
Do you know what organized crimes means within the medical field or that of the psychiatry? It's an never ending War until we catch all. It's a world wide War. From this point we declare you War with Germany.You filth of schizo mind Navos it's your name on the growned not over the blue Sky. No one who kills the masses will ever go to the Moon. .
i'll tell you what you do: You arest Peggy Wuest, Joan Zantack, Jenipher Munch, Paul Grill and Mahlmen with Michael Hall from Navos of the State of Washington. And you investigate them until it reveals the head of the organized crime. Also investigate the Genoa pharmacy of Navos, it's all chemical Weapon. The Invega injection was a melted michrochip similar like in cats and dogs. If you don't arrest them it's goanna be nonending WAR with the USA and Europe and the Arabs...
What are you doing Psychiatrics, you sold yourself under my name over the Internet that starts with http?!!!! This is world wide transmitted. A you pretend you are the Security of the Nation or National Security? Turn yourself in, you are in business to create War!.You are a War money making machine! Sheet to you now with the USA!
Some blame it on Rat Poison. They say it's Wisconson's fault cause they went to the Moon without the Jew! Ha ha ha ha ha ha........
Crock it's you now with all your Stations> A there is another clock in Tacome. Shut that off too!
Do you know cable man where the Calcul of the Social security is located within the state of Washington? It's in Spokane! Shut it off!
Your data bank is with waves built, when we should be on frequency..
You cable man with your data bank destroy the Banks. Do you understand what that means. A you are on a different cable. I'll show you Savage, I'll give you nothing and no country to live.
Cable man tell your Einstain head to shut off the Information Center, yes the one you conceived on land, your station whetever you may call it. Got it?.And on Main Street I want perfect clean up. You are not allowed with any personal business in any state from now on. You have mental problems and are thieves. No more constructions in the state of Washington or anywhere else. You must retire with the Psychiatry.............
What did you do with Osama BinLaden cable man. Did you execute him too just like Sadam husein? You are now responsable to Alkaida. He was most intelligent human being. And now it's you the stupid without him on the air. Maybe you made a mistake with somebody else. What did the Paparatzy gave you the information? You took precious information by removing Osama from the news..
You are not allowed with my information or any secret information and of any citisen you Einstein scientist man, I am talking to you about your crappy invention. Shut off the data bank and all your clocks' It's an order! .
I'll tell what you do cable man. You go ahead and shut off the Data Bank to stop your theft and Savage. I can guarantee you, you will never have our Northwest, You stoll our information that worked like a clock and precisely for the American people or the local as we call it the working class. And shut of your clocks, and then take a hike from the US. I don't care where you go go with the Jew he's the scientist expert in theft..
It's the cable man that changed the clocks'. To still our Information, and to program our future. What are you doing cable man with such a big grotesc hose. Aren't we digital anymore?
The Jew changed all the clock's ffinancial and Information wise. They've been stadying the hacking technology for years. I don't understand how much is enough. savage for its gang. I am talking about the Northwest particularly the State of Washington.That's why there is no peace on Earth because of the hacking system and filth like the Jew and its allies.In one. I give you one month to clean up the system and to give all Economy to the American people.
What did you do Jew did you come with the invasion to take away our jobs? Not only that but the Jew and its allies implemented a a technology of hackers on a clculation to secure them a future valued in trillions of dollars amount. So please take off with all your gang. Go back to your Island. May I ask how come all the invaders have driver licenses with Washington state plates.Out with all of you. I want my Northwest cleaned up of the organised thieves.
What are you doing Jew you make jokes about the President of the United States. Those organized in crime are allover the International media and the Press. You have no clue what is airing on television and over the radio. It's you Jew and your gang. gather your gipsy closit and take off in your own country. And the tradors from the State Government to take of as well. Yes those who gave them fake ID's and citizensheep.
I just aboloshed the Minster of Health or the Department of Health of Romania. You under any circumstances are not allowed into the US because you are on Psychotron with organized crimes. And prettty soon will abolish the State Government of the USA including that of the Psychiatry. We want the private sector to take over. From this point on you are under order of the Army. You will no longer perform as one power.
I also declare WAR with Germany Army to the Sicial Security Administration which is also you state Psychiatry. You sold me the professional nurse with discipline and eductated over a program under the Social Security. You are not allowed with any Romanian nationality under the Psychiatry.You Navos are a WAR making machine. You know what I am talking about, and so do we.It's you Psychiatry who rules the Department of Health as a discipline?
If you don't give me my full rights in society and with a public apollogy I declare you WAR with Germany Army, to you Navos.You know why! It's all about what you've created over the Pacifficand and how many dangerous things unleashed. It was because of you and your filthy Psychiatry selling human lives of the poor and the ill.Turn yourselves in, to put an end to this Psychotronic WAR and much more. You are not allowed from this time on to get any solder on duty or on reserve or retired under the Psychiatry.That;s all! . .
I want my license back, you Navos I am talking to you. What are you waiting for? Aren't you full of yourself how many Wars did you raise all over the World. If you continue to keep my license on hold I will take Washington away from you.Sheet to you,Navos...Get off my nursing license you screwed up in the heads, paranoyeds, schizo psychiatrists !
Give me back my license, security social! Did't I turn in my psychological evaluation with my affidavits with decovery of all psychiatric, and medical negligences?. What else do you want? Aren't you happy with my analisis of your sheet and theirs'?
Yes it's you my personal enemy, Psychiatry!
What did you do Mahlmens and your deputy with my recor? Did you sell it over the Web? Did you feed the calcul machine with it? That is your information not mine. It's yours and your gang of psychiatrists and security social. Sheet....Navos, you are full of sheet. It's you Rusa.
By the way the Social Security Robot is not on all Nursing Homes but only on two. They are Seattle Medical and Mission Health Care from Bellevue. They are in the roof. And those of the Hospital are also in the roof. And those of the Hospitals are allover the Nursing Homes.
What is that a record of illness of the human mind Psychiatrist? Illness of the mind?!!! Who did fabricate the records over the Internet over the Psychiatry under my name? They don't spell the truth Mahlmene. I'll tell what you do: You go ahead on the Internet and write words of appology to me and to the American public. You give me back my license because not the Psychiatry educated me. Out with the Psychiatry from all medicine as a theory,Business, and Economy. Where is your bank account? Sheet........
Hey Balshoy take me off of the calcul Urgently Balshoy with an industry of liers....Psychiatris, money making machine. Screw you now Mahlemens and your filthy psychiatry. Filth it's you with all flocks. By the way there are Social Security Robots over the roof top of Nursing Homes as well. It looks at all of you how you neglect and abuse the elderly, and how filthy is the psychiatry The Robot plays you all. It looks at all medical and psychiatric abuse and negligences.No one is allowed with calcul machine.
I am asking you a logical qwestion. What are you going to do from this time on with the ill, the poor, and the old. How does the Social Security help the people.What are you going to do for the Washgtonien people. With the schizo psychiatrist you write the Constitution and the Civil Rights? Haven't you figure it out who the Social Security is in Washington State? It's the Psychiatry which must be elimanated as power greed and Information. Focus on them and what they do with the poor and the mentally ill. Navos must desapear as a business. Navos is accused of WAR crimes, all the psychiatry bellongs to them. Do you realize what that means..Danger with everything and for everybody. Hey Balshoy there is another Robot that of the State Government which is located over the top roof of your Administration building from Olympia and Tumwater. Danger. We cry we live on the strees under the psychiatry and Social Security not to mention the Welfare, and you worry about the Robot?!!!. Try to give the people what they want and see how does the Robot think. For your personal comfort all these Social Security Robots from the top roof of all Hospitals it's goanna be resolved. I am not goanna tell you how. It's secret.You the psychiatry caused me great harm with psyhotrochemical weapon, and a record out of your personal hate toward my nationality or because I was Romanian a country which you wanted with yours. It's you Rus with Rusa my personal enemies because you wanted to occupy the Romanian country,with yours, and in my State of Washington only the rich to live, But make sure the communists give up power and to rule. Does anyone realize what it means the enemy to rise politically and economically...?Thus the local government must be disolved because it's corrupt and places its people in danger. The system violated most fundamental right and that is -Human Rights first being the right to life, be free from harm, and freedom with liberty. I want to see from this point on a clean up within the Social Security sistem by making free helth care for everybody, and the psychiatry to drop as a business with other words must be disolved. When you will give me back my work license Department, why did you take it away from me. It was not the professional Department of Health that took it away but the State Psychiatry which is illegal, and is abuse of power. I hope you realize such act was done intentionally by my personal enemies haters of Romanien nationality. When you'll give me my license back let me know, and with a public apology right here on this blogger.I am a medical nurse not a lier psychiatrist. You give my licse back I'll shut off the robots of the Social Security. Not me somebody I know. What you do in that State with the psychiatry is a worldwide problem. We are in a state of emergency here in Europe because of people like the psychiatry and it's social securitymedical programs. Sheet!. . .
All from the Social Security and your Navos Psychiatry drop your weapons. You've been accused of Genocide, in the USA and Easter Europe. Such organized crimes have direct affiliation with the former Russian communists, women by gender. Navos injects the hated with Invega which is a melted michrocip just like the Vetrenarien injects cats and dogs. The psychiatry of the State of Washington is being accused of Genocide with their own pharmacy and much more, not to mention what psychiatric records they fabricate, and sell over the Web, and what they do with them..The Russian Communists took over the Department of Health of Romania and challenged the Romanian population with the same sistem of the USA or that of the Social Security programs ,most dangerous and failed sistem, most inhumane.
The Psychitry's crapy technology destroys the Robots. They are full of sheet and crimes, and they are doing it with full counscious! A Robot is the one that thinks with logic. As oposite to logic the Psychiatry, which is not only theoreticly based on crap, it is also full of sheet. Do you know what it means to sell a human being on a Robot? The end of life! And I am not even saying with what infformation. So who's fault came first, of the robot or of the psychiatrist? Did you wanted to know if my childhood was stable? What's my future under your umbrela...Sheety Nazi! Get all my family off of the Emergency Remove the Radar off my children,screwee in the head! Did you clean up my State of the Russian Jew? And my Airport of body searches! What, did you get in a state of paranoia!? What Jew, did you get organized with a new celular Network,calling all your monkeys to take over the economy, and my most beautiful, evegreen, State? Russa monkeys! I'll show you freedom with an Iron fist.What did you build on Main street I want to see cleaned up. You are fucked up in the head, mentally retarded, not scietists with an education. Who comits organized crimes, and weapons of mass distruction will be executed.
The Psychiatry is programed over he Emergency Robot with implanted thoughts of Suicide (once you get connected on a telephone line).Of the psychiatry's is with infiltration. And the Calcul of the State Psychiatry is with violence and crimes. And that of the Police is with crimes only.All together can feed into the Social Security Robot. But of the Social Security can function independently. Do you realise what it means to ask a robot to give you secret information? Wepon over the Planet! Only the Army is allowed to work or access secret information! Not you Technological Man! In reality no one is allowed to extract secret information by technical means! Danger on the Planet Earth! In all of this chaoes, no one function with logic! All these programed machines of Calculations were invented to destroy the human beings, and it infiltrates worldwide! Investigate the Psychiatry and what Technology they have at their fingertips, and how they work the Information of the private citisen. More specificaly what do they do with the fabricated psychiatric records. What does the Psychiatry and its State Government do with the sheet... .
There is one Robot on Calculation with the psychiatry that starts with 206 area code.It could be a Telemarket or something bigger. Ask the psychiatry how are they organized techncly!
The Emergency Robot is also on the Social Security Robot. He's on Calculation too with it. Can you imagine what that means? Disaster!
I meant to shut off all Calcul Machines particularly the one of the Social Security.
I have something frightening to tell you. Do you know where the Social Security Robot is? It's on the roof top of every Hospital of the State of Washington! Auch...! Who's goanna Stop this now? It's you from the Center of Calculation! Shoot it off! He is the one that spins the World around! Imbecil! And make a new System by giving the people what they want! No Nation is allowed with a Calcul Machine!
How are you doing blogger? Did you know you are the most intelligent worm? Congratulations you will be a STAR too. Happy NEW YEAR!
Romania is occupied by the Jew as well. You know what it means Third World Wide War with the Fuhrer. They are allover the TV stations and built stations with Roengen that conduct Rays. It's called Centers of Evacuation to kill the Americans and Europeans. If you don't take action the UFO executes because you don't get organized with the public. The State of Washington should be a Military State. Only the enemy had its eye on it, same Jew who now sells cookies at the Bellevue mall, Curva it accomplished its mission. Do you know why are they so powerful? Organized crime with secrets in secret gatherings and connection through cellular network. Give the people fire arms. What are you waiting for. Publish the truth and declare State of Emergency with the Seattle Times newspaper. Publish it in Seattle Weekly then it's free. The Jew is all over the TV stations worldwide live transmission and it's all betraiel so the public can see them and know the truth. We here in Romania are at WAR with the Jew and the Gypsy women, those original who never worked for a living used to sell the country with secret information and the Jew took control over the TV program and it's them allover the channels. The Jew and the gypsy has Associations with special secret banks and all live in luxurious hotels and built multimillion dollar mansions.One good thing we exploded the one hidden from Swetzerland that was only theirs. They are the ones with the hacker over the Social Security bank of the USA. I tell you to realize how technical got the scientist Jew, from nuclear War with reactors and weaponry with radiation, now is with the Mall to dress us up the gypsy style. Go in Bellevue Mall and tell me if you saw any American.In all stores they changed the scanner so all go on a data calculation. And they took over the Best Buy and Apple store in Bellevue Mall including T Mobile. Some of them are original as a race some coupled with Europeans, and even China.Do you know where their country of origin is? In Hinda.This is the second generation fucked up with all rases. They wanted our state in 55 and now it's them as well, second generation. Do you know what they do? They capture themselves with the camera and then sends it into the machine programmed as a joke to the American public and to get protection. I am the criminal and they are the ordinary American. I found an original Gew at Home Depot that spoke Russian. All economy is taken over by the organized Jew with big nose and dark skin others purple pale and its Evreu but not ours theirs..Most ugly rase. Declare State of Emergency before the Atom gives you the bomb in the whole Pacific, and no living thing will be able to habitate for 1000 de ani. And when you die you die in torture for months. Nothing can save the Jew with all its inventions.I was just contacted by the robot computer of Terra UFO, And he's the one that stopped my growing as a child and of my daughter over the vertebral column. This is the most powerful and biggest UFO and is a fighter too or attack. I have the UFO of the Atoms here and the Ions from the Center of Information. And you know what else I have, the Rhapsody Engine made by Space Galactica. They all sing Celestial.You don't know who Hinda is, it is the Gypsy state from India separated by social classes but they all work together. And i heard they manufacture guns too with infrared. Give me an antiaircraft machine gun and I clean up the whole state. Tell NASA frequency transmission is wonderful but is not the right time. We need an artilery to do the clean up first. Be careful the White Jew has Gun Man too, and the UFO abducts them and the Head of their organization by Elevation and interogates its mind which is a computer by Space computer that spins its head, eyes with 500 information data per spin that can't be captured photographically. You pup on your pants what artilery has the Atoms and is one who shoots with fire but not in the Washingtonians in the Enemy that toook over their State. So my qwestion is are you with them or with us. Be careful the Gypsy took over hospitals too.Listen to this: There is a UFO big as the State of Washington called "MILITIA" all Ions big as a micron. It comes at my ear and counsciously it tells me few phrases that made me said "Then I have to die." So I took six capsules of Sulfa antibiotics which is poison for the blood and kidneys. It talked like a decoded pillar from a telemarket with nuisance. But it talked with logic to rationalize it counsciously.It was something sensitive of perception with the senses. It was something about sex, the reason I divorced the father of my children. Only one Militia Ion is a robot with trillions of information. They are SPACE MILITIA. They enter into your mind which is a computer and send you in a suicide mission. He touched your most sensitive emotion per ego. It executes helping you rationalize it. He told me I was whore with sex, and i said "if that's what I am then I have to die" like a solder captured by the enemy." How they talk? With infrasound and light waves. And I don't know who sold me with porno over the Internet. Porno is War information as you all know it. Ya The...entered my husban's computer and programs it female worm. And I said fuck the marriage.And a message to the USA Army: Don't be araid of Space and its Artilery' they give you best protection you on the ground they above. I have a humor with the Atom that literally pi on your pants of laughter. They have recorded all my life history with momentum that I made them a CIA on many languages that I healed me with laughter,.Do you remember how the Space Robot sings crying in the movie Battle:Los Angeles? He made a song for me of tenderness. It's called "Remember." I was UFO child and still am. I have a medicine information ahead with "1000" years. Happy new year!
Do you know how the enemy and those that comit crimes in society are cought, without exception? With the TV which is the Eye, and the computer the one one that you all keep on your desk and on your lap. It doesn't matter if you don't watch TV, the cell phone that you talk to exchange secrets is the Eye too. And when you are driving in the traffic you are driven with the Eye as well, a bigger one. And this is the intelligent technology of Europe and the USA, Asia....etc..All these transmit to the Center of Information. It never misses a thing. Yes the TV when is on it looks at you and in your entire room and it captures your mind and everything it sees in a single flash. And it's not a new invention, it's been with us since the radio and the TV was invented. And all are a robot like the Android that no man was ever able to conceive or built.The more you program a radio station or a TV channel the more intelligent it is with what it sees. the reception is crappy but you don't know what it transmits to the viewer. The TV programs are no longer a matter of enterteinment but a surveillance and war fighting intelligence. My massage to you don't mass up with intelligent machine. It's not you Man who spin the world arount but Space who gave us all intelligence:man and robot and computer. If you sell sheet to the public and comit organized crimes, it's Space who declares you War, and then with the Artilery Man. What did the cable man think that he is with the TV and computer transmission?! It's all with signals conceived and conducted by space Intelligence. You Ape....!.Do you know what it means to take the information of a human crap? You don't know who you are, have no memeory, and no sense of reality, and in a short time die of unknown causes. Who commited crimes turn yourself in by releasing information to the local aiuthorities and change your caurse of action. And you State with a fascist psychiatry turn yourself in. There is no bigger crime comitted by a government into power. And you know very well what I am talking about. Hey Patricia how is it with the Curve Stat that took my work license with records fabricated by them. When i saw at the preconference trial that the Department of Health gave me a Nazi Judge of nazi prizon i decided not to show off at the trial. Honestly Judge you have a defected mind and behavioral problem. What the hell are you doing with the discipline of medicine. And you condemn me for three years with psychiatric control without right to appeal or to "heal". Tell me who took over your and my state? Do you like what you did with the State and the Social Security programs that are a joke and mass murderers of our own people...?! Instead of lifting up the poor and the educated, you chase them away and imprison them with a court order. You never change, you are the same as from the War World two playing the buirocrat with access to a national bank. Tell me how much psychiatry do you have with Washington state and how much does the other 49 states? Tell me who invented the Android for the cell phones.? The Computer? Who's vision? Think beiound for a moment.Space gave us what's the most superior, beautiful, nonthreatening, and artificial intelligence, and you man get organized in crimes with technology to still the economy in one computer. And you the local government suck up to the billionairs which is all gypsy organized with secrets while you lower the welfare for the psychopath from $340.00 to $280.00 with the excuse that there are no more funds blaming Washington DC and the President.And to a family with two children you pay $500.00? And the SSI pays $600.00?! And to me an educated citizen payed me $814.00 with a cumulative earned income of $350,000.00 where in six years of employment i put 10 years counted in worked hours? And you Social Curve increased my disability pension with only 22 box based on an earned income of over $120000.00 and when I earned $15000.00 you increased it with $55.00 without paying me retroactive for a year period. Are you at War with the poor and the disabled.......? What, did your computer of calculation can't do the math? What are you doing fascist in a capitalistic country with the strongest economy go back to Germany? And you Jew back to gypsy India. Those that took over our economy plays us the joke with techna hackers and we swear at eachother with crap in the cyber on psychiatric and medical records. We are the poor and you are the government force. Do you know what the Cyber is ? It is the Internet and the Web. Tell me Nazi since when the hospital has economy with a central bank? And the medicare is a broken machine.You talk with the telemarket robot when you call Medicare or the Social Security hot line....bomfaierul. And you Nazi programmed the bomfaier in Romanien like the enemy and treat us like crap, and is full with pulses that discharges in our human bodies. And with the German nationality bomfier sings filarmonica music and treats them with respect.You are the Ceausescu................And I don't need a gun, I shoot with the Space, with precision You State Department started the War and sold it to the occupants with the crap you fabricated on my supposedly psychiatric record.Since then danger unleashed in our state, because I was the Force not you a filthy psychiatry with a facke government to play the poor! Do you know what it means not take care of the poor? War crime! And to sell your country? Even more, War! You put me on the streets with a pension the psychiatry gave me. You the psychiatry and its state government is my personal enemy. We'll keep in touch. When you decide to give my state back give it on my nursing license and i mean it....and with a public appology.
NATIONAL THREAT Friday, December 16, 2011 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AIRPORT USES TOTAL BODY SCANS DONE WITH RADON It's been few years since the media is been talking about Airport Security control at check points with Total Body Scans as being dangerous posing a threat to human health due to concerns to radiation exposure. And they were right. First of all there was never a measured rational to Scan any human body on any International Airport for security purposes. They never had one to prove that such and such the Country to be under National Threat. The only reason such machines were posted inside the Airports were with the only intent to kill in masses. From reliable sources such Total Body Scanning machines use Radon to kill the human living tissue. With other words it's a WAR Weapon.. First it was thought to be Roentgen but it is not, it is Radon. Radon is an element that once it penetrates the human flesh it kills the living tissues and body cells on contact. After only one exposure in a few years Cancer can be apparent, and it is untreatable. This form of Cancer is called Cancer of the Blood developing as a result of impaired vascular and lymphatic circulation that in time eventually it forms cysts and tumors. The human heart is also under threat, weakening its muscle and contraction. With other words the heart muscle is dying out. And this is what we call Myocardial Infarct. The Airport Security in charge of such machines is laying to the public informing the public that the Scans have Infrared visibility to see inside the human body, when in fact Radon has no visibility and is used mostly in Weapons to kill during War. For every body's understanding the Radon is one of the few elements that kills all living things. It's a WAR WEAPON. It has no radiation properties like Roentgen for instance which irradiates the body for about five years after only one exposure. Radon burns the living tissue on contact. I personally felt the exposure during my last trip to Europe at the Seatack Airport from Washington State. The Scanning machines for British Airway and Air France check points looked grotesquely made of hard metal all the way through back and front that once activated a noise is heard slightly lower then an MRI or a CT-Scan. When the machine is activated it starts to vibrate and shake, and when the emission is activated it penetrates the body causing real physical with muscle, bone, and nerve pain interrupting breathing and consciousness for a moment. Most pain was felt over the chest area. After I exited the machine I felt no physical pain thereafter. Radon kills without knowing it. The Security check point from Seatack made me go through the Scanner twice, due to luggage rules. The second time I went through the Scanner there was some audible vibration from the magnet but no pain or penetration in my human body felt. This made me conclude that the intensity of such x-rays with Radon is monitored and adjusted at the enemy's wish with the aid of hidden cameras to identify as who we are. Basically the Scanning machines from Seatack Airport are magnetic with Radon rays with intent to kill the living tissue on contact. It has no Infrared capabilities. Let me mention the following to the Airport Security from Washington State: If your machine was invented to detect human implants in your paranoia that such implants might be a National Threat, then why didn't you stop me after the Scanning, you Pricks, because I carry in my pelvic cavity a watch similar to a Pacemaker, implanted by my enemies during childbirth twenty years ago? Aaa, that is not considered a National Threat or your machine does not have Infrared visibility? You organized War Criminals with Weapons to kill, mass murderers with secret Weapons...How did you take over the International Airport that is under the control of the Army like all Airports from all over the world. What were you afraid, of Arab Terrorists with bombs in their Guts and under the skin per your say to the American public...? Under who's permission did you take over the International Airport making a point of travel a killing machine? This is War Weapon and not ensuring public's safety. The real enemy does not travel by plane but by water or land, and secretly, and not with a stupid implant to blow up my plane or Country. I rather be blown up by a bomb then be murdered of Cancer with a secret Weapon. Now I leave it up the the public worldwide to decide who the real enemy is, and who is organized in crimes... you fucked up Pricks. Who enters any USA International Airport leaves with Cancer regardless of Nationality, Social Class, Race, Title, Age, Government Employee, or if you served in the Military. My children who are in their early 20's will die of Cancer, young... you fucked up Nazi WAR, occupants with an economy by murder of masses. And let me inform the public and the Army that such Scanning machine is called "The Shish". And the inventor was and still is the Nazi Jew, killing all travelers within the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, and to the Arabic countries. I have a message for the Nazi Jew: If you don't leave the States with your crowed of occupants...I hope they understood how WAR criminals are executed. Historically speaking no one ever won over any Country with Weaponry. One Scanner to be left in any Airport... when I find you, and I will, you will be executed by being dissolved. Such an easy death for the enemy! So, take off...........Nazi Jew full of sheet...worm on the Planet Earth...The more you are, the easier it is to find you, Nazi Jew. I have you all on one UFO, and when it executes, you all gonna die, disappear. Puff... and it's over with the Nazi Jew. How stupid is the Jew, not even now it knows what's ahead of them...! And for your own stupid Jew mind, the UFO is as big as the Planet Earth. We keep you a little bit longer for information. ....Sish! And one more thing, the Atoms have a plan for the Jew too, a big one! They got mad because the Jew Mind took over their State, and so do I. Pricks....THIS IS WAR! Posted by JENELIA RADACINA at 5:09 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook 0 comments: Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Followers Blog Archive ▼ 2011 (12) ▼ December (1) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AIRPORT USES TOTAL BODY S... ► October (6) ► September (5) About Me JENELIA RADACINA
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